Things I have learned from democrats this week....Part II

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
don't forget, the fine goes up to $700 or so soon after.

i'm sure lots of people will pay that instead of signing up for a plan at the same price and actually getting health insurance. i think dick morris even said so.
Hey Buck..

I was wondering, lets say I find some young kid that signs up for your seven hundred dollar health care policy..And this kid starts making payments, what happens if he misses a payment, will they forgive him or dump him...what then?


Well-Known Member
well, he did organize the effort that put a few bullets into bin laden before dumping him into the ocean.

but i have a feeling you meant something more along the lines of "community organizer", replete with the derisive sneer of a megyn kelly. as if there were something negative associated with being a community organizer.
Agitates the blacks in white supremacist terms


Well-Known Member
I don't know why everyone is complaining about the ACA since it's the law and was upheld by our Nazi SCOTUS. Then it was used by RW teabaggertaliban fanatics to shut down the government costing us billions and putting the fragile economy at risk. Fucking ACA is law now get over it. Whiny ass pussies lost the last election so they want to throw another tantrum... whaa.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I don't know why everyone is complaining about the ACA since it's the law and was upheld by our Nazi SCOTUS. Then it was used by RW teabaggertaliban fanatics to shut down the government costing us billions and putting the fragile economy at risk. Fucking ACA is law now get over it. Whiny ass pussies lost the last election so they want to throw another tantrum... whaa.
Are you a uninsured american?..Did you sign up?....It's open for business the last time I looked...I think they are waiting for the phone to ring, so step up to the plate if you need to help the cause.......Not many suckers yet by the sounds of it..

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
That dems don't like this:

Bush, who looked relaxed and was wearing the U.S. red and navy uniforms, was a popular figure at the opening ceremonies.

"Boy, do we miss you," a fan called out after the crowd chanted "43, 43" when he was introduced.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
That dems don't like this:

Bush, who looked relaxed and was wearing the U.S. red and navy uniforms, was a popular figure at the opening ceremonies.

"Boy, do we miss you," a fan called out after the crowd chanted "43, 43" when he was introduced.
I think his fan base is growing again...43 that rings a bell..Thats about how many people have signed up for health care...

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
That dems don't like this:

Bush, who looked relaxed and was wearing the U.S. red and navy uniforms, was a popular figure at the opening ceremonies.

"Boy, do we miss you," a fan called out after the crowd chanted "43, 43" when he was introduced.
People on the losing side of history often look back wishing that things were still the way they were when they were in power. I can't imagine the internal turmoil and panic of these people at so many "unamericans" leading the country.

Oh wait there is visual evidence of this:


Well-Known Member
That dems don't like this:

Bush, who looked relaxed and was wearing the U.S. red and navy uniforms, was a popular figure at the opening ceremonies.

"Boy, do we miss you," a fan called out after the crowd chanted "43, 43" when he was introduced.
i saw him using a legless soldier that he sent to a pointless war of choice as a prop, i must have missed the part where conservative white golf fans yearned for the awesome leadership of shrub again.


Well-Known Member
I think his fan base is growing again...43 that rings a bell..Thats about how many people have signed up for health care...
I think it's all relative. As O's popularity wanes, Bush suddenly looks better by comparison. A lot of things we hated about Bush during the campaign of I'm not him have been put on steroids. It puts things in perspective. (for most)


Well-Known Member
I think it's all relative. As O's popularity wanes, Bush suddenly looks better by comparison. A lot of things we hated about Bush during the campaign of I'm not him have been put on steroids. It puts things in perspective. (for most)
pretty sure the legless soldier could teach a few of you mindless chicken littles a thing or two about perspective.

but i guess you guys don't get mad about 4000 dead americans and thousands more deformed as long as it didn't happen in libya and romney didn't tell ya to get mad about it.


Well-Known Member
pretty sure the legless soldier could teach a few of you mindless chicken littles a thing or two about perspective.

but i guess you guys don't get mad about 4000 dead americans and thousands more deformed as long as it didn't happen in libya and romney didn't tell ya to get mad about it.
Yes, the wars suck and people suffer. Bush absolutely sucked for getting us into wars in the middle east. Didn't you want us to blow shit up in Libya though? How's that consistent? We left Iraq on Bush's timeline, we ramped up Afghanistan (while OBL was in Paki), killed thousands with unmanned drone strikes (bravery?) and had a hard on to drop bombs in Egypt.

Why don't you get as mad as the dead on O's watch? What do you think Romney would have done differently?