I get way too paranoid now from weed

Mr. McWeed

New Member
I used to smoke pretty regularlly, and I got a little paranoid but not all that much. Ive overdosed on THC three or four times in my life, so I know what thats like. But I started to experience negative thoughts a lot of the time later on, and the people I was around a lot of the time also sucked. But I also was doing psilocyban, ecstasy and lsd at the time. Then the weed paranoia started creeping.

Then I joined myspace, and if I went on there while I was high it was terrifying and it seemed like people were following my cpu around and monitoring my online activities, and this made things even worse. I considered deleting the profile every time I got high. I THEN learned that this is just a common thing people do nowadays. Track computers and lie about doing it. And thats bullshit but whatever I deleted it and was fine.

But I had had some issues with the people I was hanging around with at the time. People didnt like me very much and judged me for not getting drunk super cool, meaning drinking ten beers and being able to pretend Im not even drunk. I also made out with some fat girls in public and people were making fun of me about that too, and even trying to push me into a relationship with one of them. One of the girls ended up stalking me to a club once because I wouldnt return her phonecalls or emails, and things got even worse. The other girl was my friends ex-girlfriend. Everyone I knew heard about this, and all my friends started treating me super weird and thought I had sex with her. But I didnt and she didnt even give me a blowjob but other people accused that of happening too. It was weird and everyone was monitoring my myspace profile after that, thinking they would get to the bottom of this issue. And these people didnt even have myspace accounts either, and its actually scary when this happens. It was super tough to smoke weed during this, and everyone started to not like me very much and I got criticized a lot. Everyone was looking at me super weird too, and if I got high I could tell even moreso. And then people always try to make paranoid people even more paranoid while they smoke, because its super badass to mess with peoples heads while they are high. At least where Im from.

So I just stop hanging around these people. I had to stop smoking weed though in the mean time. Then I just forgot. I became used to not smoking anymore and never even thought of it. Sometimes I would still smoke weed though, but I would just get paranoid again and go back through this little mind process. I learned to smoke in smaller doses and it totally helps. I later started smoking weed again, and I was fine for the most part. A little paranoid at times, and I overdosed once, but that was the worst it got. But now suddenly I remember all this old stuff, and its hard to do it again. I am afraid to smoke weed because I might get parnoid. And these people might come back up to me.

So Im wondering if the reason I get paranoid is because my life sucks? I know/remember all the people Ive known that sucked, and I also dont have a job. I dont go to school and I collect disability checks in the mail. The only thing I enjoy is getting drunk during the evening, and I have nothing in life ahead of me. I am also a victim of gangstalking as well, and this is really making things tough. I wonder if the reason people have a hard time with weed can relate to just an awful living situation before you even get high?
fuck me fella id stop takin all drugs without exception if thats how you feel m8 i feel depressed just after readin this lol
Overdose on THC? WTF is that? I've smoked ounces in a single sitting and the only "OD" I experienced was falling asleep.....for 10 hours.

Sounds like you have some issues you need to work out before you'll have a regular life, weed won't help you with that. You need to find a job you can do from home, start earning skrilla, and you'll start to feel better about yourself. Not being able to provide for yourself can be depressing, work on that IMO.
Schizophrenia (/ˌskɪtsɵˈfrɛniə/ or /ˌskɪtsɵˈfriːniə/) is a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thoughtprocesses and by a deficit of typical emotional responses.[SUP][1][/SUP] Common symptoms are delusions and disorganized thinking including auditory hallucinations, paranoia, bizarre delusions, disorganized speech, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction. The onset of symptoms typically occurs in young adulthood, with a global lifetime prevalence of about 0.3–0.7%.[SUP][2][/SUP] Diagnosis is based on observed behavior and the patient's reported experiences.
What Im saying is I eventually did the thing where I just blamed all my problems on marijuana and being paranoid. That turned out to not actually be true. I think it is what Im dealing with what surrounds me thats causing things like weed to stress me out. I also considered that it might be other drugs as well, but I really doubt that at this point too. I kinda just got tossed into this situation Im in, and its giving me problems such as weed stress. I dont think Im going to blame my problems on that anymore, because it isnt even true, aside from the overdoses.

When I overdose, its from ingesting too much hash at one time. Or smoking way too big of hits of weed, and on a constant basis. Sometimes its very potent weed. My skin turns white as a pair of socks and I almost faint. I cant really move at all and Im unable to comprehend things or talk. Sometimes I hallucinate during this. To make matters worse, this usually continues for some time with people yelling at me. So its all about finding your limit. Ive heard that this is called a panic/anxiety attack, and quickly learned that thats just the trendy marijuana way and mindstate of calling someone a pussy...
What Im saying is I eventually did the thing where I just blamed all my problems on marijuana and being paranoid. That turned out to not actually be true. I think it is what Im dealing with what surrounds me thats causing things like weed to stress me out. I also considered that it might be other drugs as well, but I really doubt that at this point too. I kinda just got tossed into this situation Im in, and its giving me problems such as weed stress. I dont think Im going to blame my problems on that anymore, because it isnt even true, aside from the overdoses.

When I overdose, its from ingesting too much hash at one time. Or smoking way too big of hits of weed, and on a constant basis. Sometimes its very potent weed. My skin turns white as a pair of socks and I almost faint. I cant really move at all and Im unable to comprehend things or talk. Sometimes I hallucinate during this. To make matters worse, this usually continues for some time with people yelling at me. So its all about finding your limit. Ive heard that this is called a panic/anxiety attack, and quickly learned that thats just the trendy marijuana way and mindstate of calling someone a pussy...

That's called 'greening out'.... lol

I greened out once when I was 16... we smoked 5 beer bottle caps of oil. in blades (12-15 of us) and smoked a carton of ciggs. I don't think it's even possible for me to green out anymore. I smoke too much pot.... lol

I used to do E, and that will seriously fuck with your mind. Mood swings, anti-social behavior, paranoia... Lay off the E unless its pure molly, you never know what's in it.
I greened out once when I was 16... we smoked 5 beer bottle caps of oil. in blades (12-15 of us) and smoked a carton of ciggs.

My first time smoking was oil. A cap and 4(?) people in a tent. It was my turn to go outside and throw the smoke in the fire pit. I crawled a good part of the way...then some other stuff happened. Dunno.
I really d have this gangstalking thing going on, and its unfortunate and contributing to my mindstate. I am under a certain type of watch, and its making me uncomfortable as I try to get high and enjoy myself. My life situation isnt too great, and I cant talk to other people because they dont allow me to. They dont like me or something. They deny all the things they have been doing too, and the reason they do it is because they "think its funny". Its not nice to mess with people while they are high. In my case, its a sexual male dominance type of thing, because I knew some girls, and they were trying to impress them by making me look weak.

It really is what Im surrounding myself with. Or whats surrounding me. I dont have a social circle, and if Im around one, I get fucked with. Ive been called words such as mean, schizophrenic, and a pussy. I recieve harassment emails on a daily basis insulting my masculinity. People think they are way cooler than me because they can smoke 500 bong hits and still be able to pretend they arent even high, and even talk their parents into making food for them. Its bullshit. And I get blamed when we get caught. Im 28 years old and still have to deal with all of this, and Im totally thinking that its not a marijuana issue at all. Its something else. I cant do this right and I feel inferior. That plus all the other problems in my life.

I have every right to smoke weed. I know that it is enjoyable. But its everyone else, making me feel like shit. And it harshes my mind state, and that in turn blows my high. I am possibly a little sensitive. I dont care. Without these problems, I dont even notice this type of bullshit. These people come back to me like a bunch of yo yos that I throw really hard because I hate them. They are just attaching themselves to me. The yo yo puts itself back on my finger as I sleep at night. And I feel like I have survellience cameras in my house. But that might once again being people trying to convince me of things, and Im not in turn going to be able to feel very good. Especially if Im high. Its man on man sexual at times, and its weird.

So Ive learned, that I shouldnt smoke weed. Especially if Im feeling awkward and people are trying to make me feel like shit about myself. You have to be in the right mindstate. And I unfortunantly dont have it. And thats also technically a breach of my constitutional rights...
I hope your circumstances improve McWeed.

Your taking all that chemical shit & wonder why you get anxious &/or paranoid on pot?

I didn't smoke much for over a decade up until the last couple of years because it made me a little agoraphobic when alone. It wasn't until I smoked some naturally grown bush bud for a couple of weeks did I realise that a lot of commercial pot can be over sprayed with god-knows-what. Not good for the brain. So I take care of things myself & know what I'm smoking, I no longer feel bad when I smoke. Pot is natural, chemicals are not.

The other obvious advice is moderation. Pot is consistently strong these days.

Good luck.
It sounds like you need to speak with a Psychologist/Psychiatrist.

No one here is fit to diagnose you based on your symptoms, but it sounds like you may have some psychological issues that would be best dealt with by a real medical professional.

Stay away from drugs of all types until you get your head straight.

Oh, also:

Stop hanging out with assholes that make fun of you. Why the hell would you want to hang around with people like that anyway?
I really d have this gangstalking thing going on, and its unfortunate and contributing to my mindstate. I am under a certain type of watch, and its making me uncomfortable as I try to get high and enjoy myself. My life situation isnt too great, and I cant talk to other people because they dont allow me to. They dont like me or something. They deny all the things they have been doing too, and the reason they do it is because they "think its funny". Its not nice to mess with people while they are high. In my case, its a sexual male dominance type of thing, because I knew some girls, and they were trying to impress them by making me look weak.

It really is what Im surrounding myself with. Or whats surrounding me. I dont have a social circle, and if Im around one, I get fucked with. Ive been called words such as mean, schizophrenic, and a pussy. I recieve harassment emails on a daily basis insulting my masculinity. People think they are way cooler than me because they can smoke 500 bong hits and still be able to pretend they arent even high, and even talk their parents into making food for them. Its bullshit. And I get blamed when we get caught. Im 28 years old and still have to deal with all of this, and Im totally thinking that its not a marijuana issue at all. Its something else. I cant do this right and I feel inferior. That plus all the other problems in my life.

I have every right to smoke weed. I know that it is enjoyable. But its everyone else, making me feel like shit. And it harshes my mind state, and that in turn blows my high. I am possibly a little sensitive. I dont care. Without these problems, I dont even notice this type of bullshit. These people come back to me like a bunch of yo yos that I throw really hard because I hate them. They are just attaching themselves to me. The yo yo puts itself back on my finger as I sleep at night. And I feel like I have survellience cameras in my house. But that might once again being people trying to convince me of things, and Im not in turn going to be able to feel very good. Especially if Im high. Its man on man sexual at times, and its weird.

So Ive learned, that I shouldnt smoke weed. Especially if Im feeling awkward and people are trying to make me feel like shit about myself. You have to be in the right mindstate. And I unfortunantly dont have it. And thats also technically a breach of my constitutional rights...

You have my sympathy, buddy. I have nothing to offer in the way of help. Maybe a psychiatrist could help? Good luck to you.
You are seriously hanging out with the wrong people.
Lesson #1 that took me most of my 20's to figure out: WHO CARES WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK ABOUT YOU, OR CALL YOU? WHO are THEY to YOU!? What do they have to do with YOUR personal happiness? Absolutely nothing.

Who knows you the best? YOU! Who knows your inner core, your heart, your soul, and your desires? YOU!!! We all strive to be good people. Screw people who waste their lives with drugs, alcohol, and other things. I realize I'm writing this on a CANNABIS website, haha.. But I believe in its medicinal values. There is research that proves that THC is linked to Psychosis. This is almost fact. CBD's are linked to Anti-Psychosis and healing, and are even used in the TREATMENT of anti-psychotic conditions, on the contrary. However, THC also plays a roll in anti-cancer properties.

The key here is moderation. If you become paranoid when smoking it, just quit smoking it. Or, try some other strains, like Indicas
which are said to possess more CBD's.

You are spending far too much time caring about what other people think. Focus ON YOUR LIFE, your goals, and what you want out of
life. No one else has anything to do with that. Period
. Most people are out to drag those around them down WITH THEM. If people are calling you names, being cruel, etc. They obviously HATE who they are. That's a fact. Try to meet people in coffee shops, tea shops, anywhere where enlightened souls exist. Good people will say encouraging things, not bring you down.
Can't overdose on weed? True.
You can overdose from eating it however.
I made the mistake of eating a thc rich piece of candy a few nights ago. I'm still re-covering.
Little did I know you were only suppose to take 'pieces' off of it.
I ended up having a trip that was similar to LSD. It was terrible.. I forgot to breathe, and was almost hospitalized.
Luckily good people got me through it.
That's the last time I ever eat it in that high of a dosage...
You CANNOT overdose on marijuana , It is impossible. You would have to smoke some where along the lines of 2 pounds a minute for an hour straight. You will go to sleep . As for the OP , you need to get your head on straight for a while , step back and take a good look at your life and figure out what it is that is causing the issues your having, and remedying those issues. I think the marijuana is the least of your issues and all it is doing right now is being an antagonist to your problems. stop messing with people who arent positive in your life, change your email , move , do whatever it takes. I hope you get better, but unless you do something about it they wont stop or go away. keep the dome up and stay positive:)
You cannot DIE from a marijuana overdose from the weed alone, but thats not technically what overdosing is about. Ive smoked out of very large bongs before, and smoked way too big of hits and had quite a few. It was quick, I just woke up, didnt eat breakfast, which resulted in my skin turning pale white with hallucinations. Ive eaten too much hash, and that caused vommiting as well as a groggy couple of days. My dog has gotten into several hash cookies before too, and he couldnt even walk for a week. He also had a month of very lethargic behavior afterwards as well, and thats an overdose.

Really good weed can get you very high if you are used to smoking less potent weed. Since I have to hang around by myself most of the time since Im not very hip and not allowed at the dumb social events, I tend to get overstimulated from weed which also results in my skin turning white. Especially if I get extremely high. But thats not an overdose, thats overstimulation. The overdose is when nauesa is induced and the skin drastically changes in color and is followed by intense hallucinations, or fainting. This usually happens from not being extremely used to potent weed, and smoking large hits very very fast. Bongs especially.

I also dont have the whole tolerance thing going on with all drugs as well. I build up a slight tolerance from consistency, and it just stops right there. I cant drink a very hip amount of alcohol and hold myself together either. Which might be why people dont like me very much, and act as a guidance consellor to me when the unfortunate thing happens and I find out about the dumb event and show up uninvited or. A very disappointed guidance counsellor. Trying to save the day from getting ruined for everybody. And it has something to do with those fat girls too. I know it. But Ive gotten extremely high on just half doses of hallucinations, and I throw up every time I use cocaine. I think its my body, and Im able to judge a marijuana overdose as well, probably due to this intense self awareness Ive suddenly developed from the not being allowed around the other people and the daily harassment emails that seem to have isolated me in a place Ive never been before.

And then cool people will try to explain the overdoses by once again, pretending to be a psychologist and diagnosing me with an anxiety disorder, or telling me religious parables that I think about and go "I either dont understand, or this person is probably calling me a pussy". And thats the trend from my area because marijuana is like the trendiest thing ever around here, and Im starting to wonder if the NSA or MADD or some other dumbass initials is trying to create and manipulate this little subculture here. And they probably are, which totally explains the religious parables...