i don't see where he says he's a child molestr..which post?
ohh cherie...
you seem like a bright and inquisitive child, and you obviously care about how the world is circling the drain.
you remind me of myself when i was in my 20's
as you grow in experience and wisdom you will discover, as i did, that all the beliefs you hold so dear, Fairness, Equality, Despising racism So Much That You Become a Little Bigoted Yourself, Belief in The Infallibility of Democrats and Other Populist Demagogues, Scorn for Traditionalism, Conservatism and Republicanism, raw burning hate for Members of The Republican Party, a Breif Love Affair With Communism, and Marxist Theory, but eventually you will notice the company these ideals place you in.
when you find yourself on the same side as mindless hate filled gibbering partisan hacks over and over again, and they keep trying to draw you into ever crazier less sensible and more radicalized beliefs you will discover that in fact you have joined the wrong team.
remember it was Democrats who defended slavery, and then Jim Crow, in 1968 it was Democrats (and northern plutocrat democrats too, not inbred southern rednecks) who turned the firehoses and dogs on the hippies protesting their convention in chicago.
it was Democrats who forcibly ejected their Black Delegation from the convention, while the Republican Party had welcomed Black Delegates for decades.
it was Democrats who started the vietnam war, it was Democrats who escalated it, it was Democrats who smiled and bowed when receiving an envelope full of cash from chinese agents in the whitehouse and then argued "No Controlling Legal Authority", it was Democrats who cut a deal to keep Clinton in the whitehouse, and it was Democrats who broke that deal, it was Democrats who argued that the Black Man was inferior and needs our help and guidance, it was a Democrat on the steps of a school shouting "SEGREGATION FOREVER", it was Democrats who founded the KKK, it was Democrats who imprisoned the japanese population in ww2, it was Democrats who turned our school system into a joke, it was Democrats who ran Operation Wetback (way back when Democrats could still be racists and get away with it) it was Democrats who authorized illegal gun running into mexico at taxpayers expense, with the profits disappearing into the ether, it was Democrats who put Ainslinger in power, it was Democrats who pushed through the Controlled Substances Act, it was Democrats who pushed through the Federal Reserve Act, it was Democrats who pushed through the 17th amendment with no constitutional basis (
Protip: it is invalid and un-ratified, the secretary of treasury simply "declared it to be in force") i could go on, but theres little point.
you will continue your path as you wish, but hopefully you may eventually see that you took a wrong turn down a rubbish strewn alley full of hateful spiteful liliputians screaming vileness through their spittle flecked lips.
look around at the people you are keeping company with
and try not to throw up.