Clones yellowing? pics inc. help please

Hi All,

My clones are about 2 weeks into rooting, and are displaying a few weird deficiency problems.

The setup:

I have 2 trays fed with sprayers (aqua-phonics?) and a separate res. I've a high pressure pump that sprays the roots from a separate res. temp atm. (17 deg, best I can get it atm. and that's wrapped in a duvee with a heater in it). The root zone temps in the spray chambers are around the 25 deg mark). The run off drains into chambers underneath and is not re-used (I used to run everything in DWC but had too many problems with root rot, so changed the system). The pump comes on every 10 mins for about 1 second which keeps the roots moist and doesn't let them dry out.

I'm using dutch pro A+B and about 2ppm's of chlorine to kill off any pythium (paranoia over previous root rot problems). Although to me the roots look just fine, so I doubt it's that again. PH is 5.8 and ec 0.8, I also add epsom salts as the water here is around 7.2 out of the tap.

Temps last week got down to 59 during lights off, but were normal during lights on ie 72 - 78.

There under a 400w hps about 2 feet above them.

I'll be honest, I've been growing near 2.5 years here and always had one problem or another, in fact I've only ever had 1 grow that I could say I was happy with. not a great record, and in hindsight the amount I've spent on electricity and products I probably would have been better off just buying the shit on the street corner. Hence why I switched to soil in my other grow (probs with that another story).

Anybody got any ideas? pics below.

It's the yellowing and the general lime green colour that's the problem. Some of the clones didn't root so there are some 'ungrown' ones in the pics, I just haven't trashed them yet (they are the ones in the middle).DSCF2406.jpgDSCF2407.jpgDSCF2408.jpgDSCF2409.jpgDSCF2406.jpgDSCF2407.jpgDSCF2408.jpgDSCF2409.jpgDSCF2406.jpgDSCF2407.jpgDSCF2408.jpgDSCF2409.jpg

added the pics too many times, not sure how to remove the duplicates.


Well-Known Member
They will typically suck nutrients from the leaves to speed root growth until the roots catch up. How much nutes are you giving them? Seems to me they could use a little bump. Roots look nice and healthy so I would bump the DNF Gro A up about a half tsp/gal and see how they respond. It seems you are worried about the temperature, but it looks okay to me. Not optimal, but it'll just slow growth a little bit.

They will typically suck nutrients from the leaves to speed root growth until the roots catch up. How much nutes are you giving them? Seems to me they could use a little bump. Roots look nice and healthy so I would bump the DNF Gro A up about a half tsp/gal and see how they respond. It seems you are worried about the temperature, but it looks okay to me. Not optimal, but it'll just slow growth a little bit.

Hmmm, that sounds reasonable, I'm wondering if I've hit them with too strong a light too early on. Yeah I was panicking over the temps, but part of me didn't think it was causing this problem, but too much light and not enough roots rings true. I'll raise the light a couple of feet for the week and see if they improve. I suspect it will sort it.

I'm pretty sure there's enough nutes in there, so I'd rather not up that yet. will try the light first and if that don't work I'll up the nute strength. I'll post up here in a few days/or when I see any improvement.


Well-Known Member
The light seemed a littles strong, but being that most have some pretty substantial roots I'd bump up the nutes for sure. 1 second every 10 minutes isnt much of a schedule for as developed as they are. I'd increase that as well unless they're going into their next homes soon.
The light seemed a littles strong, but being that most have some pretty substantial roots I'd bump up the nutes for sure. 1 second every 10 minutes isnt much of a schedule for as developed as they are. I'd increase that as well unless they're going into their next homes soon.

was too heavy nutes, fine now on a few 100 ppm's

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Cut your nutrients - type used? Flush for one week - start feeding at even more reduced rates - Remember once you see a"problem" you are all ready 2 weeks behind in fixing it