Random Jibber Jabber Thread


I might go to the funeral. It's Saturday
I'm really stressing... anyone heard of CreateAthon? http://www.createathon.org/

Of course not.... ugh... 24 hours of NO PAY work for a non-profit client of some sort. I don't even HAVE a client but I'm still forced into the Createathon at my work. And by 24 hours.. they mean 24 hours at the office... no sleep.. no nothing. I'm seriously dreading it. T minus 7 days.. kdfjkdsjfkdf
I'm really stressing... anyone heard of CreateAthon? http://www.createathon.org/

Of course not.... ugh... 24 hours of NO PAY work for a non-profit client of some sort. I don't even HAVE a client but I'm still forced into the Createathon at my work. And by 24 hours.. they mean 24 hours at the office... no sleep.. no nothing. I'm seriously dreading it. T minus 7 days.. kdfjkdsjfkdf

How productive could they expect people to be under those circumstances? Still tho, iPod, good weed, a break every few hours. It's doable once.
Woke up to take a piss, get on my laptop to change pandora stations, and end up on RIU for two hours before I realize it.:weed:
At least my lack of sleep wont effect me hunting tomorrow, raining now, and the news says it'll keep up until around noon tomorrow.
So I'm struggling with some heart isssues (why I'm not around much right now). I'm in the garage concentrating (figure it out), and suddenly, bang bang bang, on the front door!

The dog goes ape shit.... ut oh... I go look. It's a deputy. He asks if the hub can come out and play. I'm going to kill the hub unless this gets me first. Now it's time to consume mass quantities and sacrifice a virgin or something.

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When in Rome..........


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so my buddy and I are sitting in the garage shooting the shit and we decide to drive to the casino on a whim. I've Never been to a casino before, he has a few times, but we are both decent poker players from online and local tourneys and shit.

I haven't played at all in over two years, he plays several times a year.

In 3.5 hrs I cleared 350$ profit and he cleared 180$ in the 1$ 2$ no limit holdem game :clap:

I just may start making this a weekly thing. These ppl were easy.

I'm sooo fucking stoked right now.
so my buddy and I are sitting in the garage shooting the shit and we decide to drive to the casino on a whim. I've Never been to a casino before, he has a few times, but we are both decent poker players from online and local tourneys and shit.

I haven't played at all in over two years, he plays several times a year.

In 3.5 hrs I cleared 350$ profit and he cleared 180$ in the 1$ 2$ no limit holdem game :clap:

I just may start making this a weekly thing. These ppl were easy.

I'm sooo fucking stoked right now.

I need to go up to the casino sometime. I play just about every weekend. We have a 5-7 person tournament usually on Friday night.
Last week I hung on for three hours straight off one good hand.

Every time I got a hand to play someone would bet hard and push me off it. But usually it was a good call because I would have lost anyways.
I used to multitable up to six games 80+ hrs/wk online but i've always preferred live play, cash games over tourneys but they are cool too. I didn't ask what the rake was but it seemed like it was a lot.
I pissed my buddy off last weekend. I started with KQ off suit.

The flop was two low cards and K.

I was last to act. I checked out with everyone else.

The turn shows another low card.

Low bet from my friend. Everyone else folds. I call.

River shows Q. He bets 10. I push him all in. He calls.

He shows two pair low cards. I show him two pair K and Q.

He was so pissed. He was like who the fuck checks on high pair on the flop!!!!!

sorry about the multiple posts guyz
I used to multitable up to six games 80+ hrs/wk online but i've always preferred live play, cash games over tourneys but they are cool too. I didn't ask what the rake was but it seemed like it was a lot.

I really need to get to a casino to play no limit 1 and 2. It's a two hour drive to the nearest casino

I think its 50 minimum and 200 max buy in
around an hr drive for me, and yes that was the buy ins and limit. I watched one person drop close to a grand, several were in for 500+ total.

I saw Several pots over 400$, 20-30$ bets were pretty common. The one big pot I won was over 150 preflop, it was close to 400 @ the river. This stuffs kinda like riding a bike I guess. you never forget how.