The UK Growers Thread!

I thought the same about that docu.
It didn't take long for the propaganda to start flowing, fucking draconian bullshit we have to put up with over here yet ironically the ignorant Yanks are setting an example to the world.

LMFAO @ the black guy who was buying houses with the express intention of growing in them under fake tenancies and then only pulling £12000 a year from each house, £3000 every 3 months. Fucking joker obviously can't grow fer shit.

And as for the "they're little pussy's anyway, growing a bit weed thinking they're gonna get rich. They're nobody's ya get me?" taxing bastard who daren't show his mug face on camera.
Used to do armed robberies but takes claw hammers and machettes to jobs in order to smash toes to extract info more efficiently?
Come round my grow house with yer boys wanting to smash some toes and you're likely to be met by a pair of dogs, then a few cross bow bolts before I hold yer fucking head over the gas stove to extract info from you efficiently.
I fucking hate taxing bastards, stupid fucking lazy grunt can't even think up a hustle.

And the coppers really do flatter themselves thinking growers put electric barbed wire in the houses to keep them out, ahh bless. lol


Well-Known Member
always chinese whispers with the young lot who do the taxing. dont see why theyd come tooled up if its just for a small time amount. Unless you know his gotta stash of money hidden just wait for them to go out and only get done for breaking in if caught by old bill rather than spotted by a neighbor who calls the police and has you done for weapons and violence. Anyway think they are scumbags.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
always chinese whispers with the young lot who do the taxing. dont see why theyd come tooled up if its just for a small time amount. Unless you know his gotta stash of money hidden just wait for them to go out and only get done for breaking in if caught by old bill rather than spotted by a neighbor who calls the police and has you done for weapons and violence. Anyway think they are scumbags.
cause mate if you tried to come into my house for a piss let alone a grow id bite your ear off and make you eat it...feel

looool i can see it now, old bill ignoring the 100+ plants and taking you for BnE loool.....weapons and violence lol, your either living in the sticks, were you still bash two stones together for fire or about 12 and has yet to have his first fight..........lets hope people that grow at home all have nosey neighbours eh! lol


Active Member
anyone still got that pack of SLH seeds they were going to send closet grower......
closet growers a debt headed CUNT! prik wanker fucker cant pay his debts

rant over

missed that docu last night, obviously made to make people thik weed is on par with crack!
3k every 3 montsh for a full house LMAO, pathertic

hydro--EMAIL bitch.


Active Member
well Zedd it looks like u were right it wasnt splash back that was fucking my leaves on one of the dippy's it was a deficiency.
i just went up to feed them again there and a few more leaves are the same now, so i did what u said and fed them higher strength gave all 6 girls, 3ml grow, 1ml bloom & 0.5ml magnecal, hope that does the trick and dont make things worse,
on another note i dont know if i will be able to give them another 2 weeks veg as planned due to them growing like fuck im running out of space in the height department, its a cunt as i have a huge 7ft tall flower tent but my veg area is only 4ft high and the light and pots take up a bit of that space fuck it will just see how long i can leave it till they too close to light then i'll get them in beside the blue dream flowers, they shud be done in 2 weeks or so anyway,

photo 1.JPGphoto 2.JPG 1st 2 pics are the problem dippy, photo 1 (1).JPGphoto 2 (1).JPGphoto 3.JPGphoto 4.JPGphoto 5.JPG these are the other 2 dippy i got with no such problemsphoto 3 (1).JPGphoto 4 (1).JPG


Active Member
imno expert like bertie but even i know thats not splash, unles ur actually dunkin your leaves, i have to lower my nutes a lil but going into my cave last night i noticed sum nute burn, OOPS, thats afirst, i forget im not running pe who can take pto an dmre than 7ml of base, guess im droping them, only for a few days, then ripen starts, how long u reckong on the bbc till finish scottish,, wait, your not him are u ffs, all these new names even im thinking ur kode, wtf


Active Member
Rambo fairy s flown, signed for first class posted at 4pm ish
fuk em hope u wopre your tinfoil hat while posting that! asbestoz gloves and a mask to stop dna being blown onto it,, u know, in the essence of paranoia,,lol

fucking swear a copter was circling my house othe rnight, fucking paranoid much? LOL

rambo, cant hook u up for 3 cinwana mate soon as it is il send u those strawberries,, and a contact number would be nice, freind n that!


Active Member
hahaha i know mate 2 many new names, but no im not kode thank fuck lmao, i got 1 bbc clone going i got from another user a few month back mine is finishing in 2 weeks or so.