Big Bud/White Rhino Grow - Aeroponics Grow


Well-Known Member
This is my second journal... third harvest. The rainforest has performed well. Right now I have 4 Big Bud clones in the RF66. The just came out of the clone box.

Hope you enjoy the grow.



Well-Known Member
Here are some more pics...

I have 4 Big Bud and 1 White Rhino in the Rainforest. I am planning to pull the Rhino out when she gets some more mass on her. She will be the mother of many babies ;)

In the small container, I have 2 Big Bud I started from seed from the first hermie mom. I am hoping I get a true female now from one of these two and can use her as a new mommy.



Well-Known Member
Here are some close ups. I am trying to look at the spacing between the new branches. I am going to set up the screen this weekend. Last two grows got too high on me. I am going to set up two saw horses on either side of the reservoir. Then I want to lay two 2 x 4s perpendicular to the sawhorses and lay some wire fencing across the 2 x 4s. Then I will train the plant as it continues to grow during the next 8 weeks of flowering.

What do you think?


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Active Member
Plants are looking good bro. I wish i could see how ur RF 66 is setup on the inside. Im sure it has misters.


Well-Known Member
Here are the pics for today. I built the screen for the SCROG out of 1x2s and plastic fence. I am going to veg these for another week or two and then switch to flowering.

All comments are welcome. Let me know what you think.



Well-Known Member
first pic is day 3. second pic is day 16. 600ppm nutirent solution. 1000W HPS on 18 off 6.



Well-Known Member
The plants are looking good and healthy. I am thinking three more days of vegetative growth. Then I am switching to 12/12 for the lights and a transition nutrient solution.

Let me know what you think



Well-Known Member guessing your basement does not get very hot. Those roots look very healthy and alive.

I have a rainforest and use it for cloning/mothers sometimes. Screen is a perfect application for these things. Show us some buds pictures already.

Did you use blue light at all or just the hps?


Well-Known Member
also I think you could stand to put your light a bit closer to your plants. Especially since you took the time to cool the light so well.


Well-Known Member
also your initial round of pictures had your plants looking very healthy enjoying their environment.

Now you have a lot of leaf drooping going on in the 2nd round of pictures. How about an updates? :)


Well-Known Member
I'll start flowering in a few days. Right now I am only using the 1000W HPS. I am thinking about trying UVB. My other flowering chamber is 400W-MH & 400W HPS. The basement stays nice and cool. Plus there is AC bringing in fresh air to the room. guessing your basement does not get very hot. Those roots look very healthy and alive.

I have a rainforest and use it for cloning/mothers sometimes. Screen is a perfect application for these things. Show us some buds pictures already.

Did you use blue light at all or just the hps?


Well-Known Member
I moved the lamp closer to the screen. You are right that with such good circulation it doesn't put off so much heat. thx for the tip

also I think you could stand to put your light a bit closer to your plants. Especially since you took the time to cool the light so well.


Well-Known Member
I applied a foliar spray a little before i took the pics. The leaves perked up later. The plants are sucking up the nutes. The solution measured 15 CF on Thurs. Now its down to 10CF. I added CO2 the other day, so the plants should have all they need to be happy.

also your initial round of pictures had your plants looking very healthy enjoying their environment.

Now you have a lot of leaf drooping going on in the 2nd round of pictures. How about an updates? :)


Well-Known Member
I'm just srarting a big Bud . NL grow and am really pumped up . they are looking good and haven'd strtched much so far.


Well-Known Member
today my 2' x 4 bulb T5 fixture and lamps arrived. This is the last piece of my garden equipment. Currently, I have 3 varieties I am growing: Big Bud; White Rhino; and Mother's Finest. The Big Bud is ready to flower. The White Rhino will be ready to clone in 2-3 weeks. I need to sex the 3 Mother's Finest seedlings I have.