Thank you tea party patriots!

What I've been trying to post is that the only similarity to Ayn Rand and Ben Bernake is that they are both Jewish. Other than that I don't know why he would compare the two. What else do they have in common? Ballsack is extremely vague. So if you know what he is trying to say but can't, then let me know....
What I've been trying to post is that the only similarity to Ayn Rand and Ben Bernake is that they are both Jewish. Other than that I don't know why he would compare the two. What else do they have in common? Ballsack is extremely vague. So if you know what he is trying to say but can't, then let me know....

Here is the deal. And here is why it is racism. I had no idea that either were "jewish" until you said that.

I then wonder why you would make that strange comment when actually, they have nothing at all in common even gender as far as the discussion was concerned.

So, your ability to, not pull racism in, is what has failed you. No one was discussing race. It was not a discussion point, it was a race card, tossed in, gratuitously.

It is like saying, the only thing skunk and I have in common, is we are both bugger picking, hillbillies.

Well, so what? None of your business, anyway,. And trying to explain away your racial gaff, should be deleted, perhaps. I didn't see it.

1- don't appeal to me in PM...nothing I can do about this hair trigger, hairy palmed Mod, right this time, maybe. :)
2- see #1.
Here is the deal. And here is why it is racism. I had no idea that either were "jewish" until you said that.

I then wonder why you would make that strange comment when actually, they have nothing at all in common even gender.

So, your ability to, not pull racism in, is what has failed you. No one was discussing race. It was not a discussion point, it was a race card, toss in, gratuitously. It is like saying, the only thing skunk and I have in common, is we are both bugger picking, hillbillies.

Well, so what? None of your business, anyway,. And trying to explain away your racial gaff, should be deleted, perhaps. I didn't see it.

1- don't appeal to me in PM...nothing I can do about this hair trigger, hairy palmed Mod, right this time, maybe. :)
2- see #1.

You seem to direct a lot of your rambling bullshit towards me. You're ignorant to the fact that the chairman of the fed is appointed by the president. (i.e: Janet Yellen appointed by Obama.) And now you are even further showing how much you don't know by claiming that Judaism is a race, and not a religion. Are you really that retarded? You've got to be the stupidest person I've met on RIU in a long, long time...
Oh I see. Racial gaff cover? Go small. It's in the playbook.

Do you really mean to say I am suppose to care about your opinion of me?

I'll tell you my opinion of you. Just another blank thinker, reduced to small.

So, you back off or not...don't care.
You seem to direct a lot of your rambling bullshit towards me. You're ignorant to the fact that the chairman of the fed is appointed by the president. (i.e: Janet Yellen appointed by Obama.) And now you are even further showing how much you don't know by claiming that Judaism is a race, and not a religion. Are you really that retarded? You've got to be the stupidest person I've met on RIU in a long, long time...

And the President appoints Jews? And if you want to hide behind that Nazi stance, just a religion...go ahead. Keep digging. Follow gravity. Your gaff. Your hole.

What are you even trying to lash me with? I don't know and I don't care who is a Jew, even you.

It doesn't reach. Grow up, little Part.

Stop the small stuff and we will get along as usual...that is, not at all, so far.
Oh I see. Racial gaff cover? Go small. It's in the playbook.

I'll tell you my opinion of you. Just another blank thinker, reduced to small.

So, you back off or not...don't care.

Way to go big :lol:

"Racial gaff cover?" Are you serious? How did I not sniff this on you before? If you don't know the difference between Jews, Christians, Muslims and Buddhists; then how am I supposed to believe you actually know what race is, or ethnicity for that matter?
]showing how much you don't know by claiming that Judaism is a race, and not a religion]

Judaism is both an ethnicity and a religion. One doesn't have to be an ethnic Jew to practice the religion, nor does one have to practice the religion if they are ethnically Jewish. The definition of who is a Jew varies like many other concepts but generally speaking, one can claim Jewish identity based on either religious or ethnic ties.
And the President appoints Jews? And if you want to hide behind that Nazi stance, just a religion...go ahead. Keep digging. Follow gravity. Your gaff. Your hole.

What are you even trying to lash me with? I don't know and I don't care who is a Jew, even you.

It doesn't reach. Grow up, little Part.

Stop the small stuff and we will get along as usual...that is, not at all, so far.

What the hell are you rambling on and on about now? Trying to steer away from the fact you don't know the difference between religion and race? I never said Obama likes Jews, WTF are you talking about? If anything Obama sympathizes with Muslims much more than Jews. So that would be like saying Nancy Pelosi only likes Catholics. You're the one that pointed Jewish out as a big deal, so tell me why....

Are you still serious, or just joking around right now? I'm waiting for you to continue defending Democrats, or as you put it, "small stuff."
Judaism is both an ethnicity and a religion. One doesn't have to be an ethnic Jew to practice the religion, nor does one have to practice the religion if they are ethnically Jewish. The definition of who is a Jew varies like many other concepts but generally speaking, one can claim Jewish identity based on either religious or ethnic ties.

I know several races that are Jewish. Which race is it that you and Doer claim to only be Jewish? Go ahead and say white, I know you want to
We all know your meaning of the word.

by "We" i assume you mean "Everyone in the English speaking world except Abandonconflict, who has invented his own personal secret definition of "anarchy", which he refuses to share, yet expects all to accept"

meanwhile, NOBODY can know what you claim to mean by "Libertarian Socialist" or your claims of being an "Anarchist"

while "Anarchism" and "Anarchy", "Liberty" and "Libertarian", as well ass "Society" and "Socialism" can each be readily defined, none of those definitions in any way reconciles with your rhetoric, your bewilderingly contradictory assertions, or your fascination with quoting Notable Marxists, while denying any Marxist affiliations.

i still get the feeling that you think you are "On the Moral High Ground", but cannot figure out why everyone has to look down to see you.

or is "Moral High Ground" your Newspeak term for lying in the gutter in a puddle of your own piss?
There is no need for all that cynicism. If you want to bring up Bernake chairman of the fed who buys up government debt on the secondary market with more government debt, and then compare him to Ayn Rand just because they are both jewish, then I'd say your crazy. The fed could easily be controlled by Obama. If the president chose to tighten the screws on Ben, and speak out against quantitative easing, then he could be very persuasive. But Obama doesn't want to stop the quantitative inflation. It keeps investors happy, and our markets stable. That is, until your idea of a monetary system comes crashing down under its own weight...

The "Federal" Reserve was a private bank founded by bankers who still own the shares of the bank.

Obama has little influence over what they choose to do. The U.S. government is loaned at interest every dollar that is printed.

This is why the debt will never be reigned in.
The "Federal" Reserve was a private bank founded by bankers who still own the shares of the bank.

Obama has little influence over what they choose to do. The U.S. government is loaned at interest every dollar that is printed.

This is why the debt will never be reigned in.

And who does that interest go to?
Way to go big :lol:

"Racial gaff cover?" Are you serious? How did I not sniff this on you before? If you don't know the difference between Jews, Christians, Muslims and Buddhists; then how am I supposed to believe you actually know what race is, or ethnicity for that matter?

Here's your ball bust..wait, lift your chin.

I know there is no such thing as race or ethnicity, There is no genetic basis for race. And the genome has been mapped, several times now. What you call race, is exactly what most Jews will call race, anyway. Ask someone. They do not see themselves in only a religion and you know that. So don't hide.

Apart from racial self identification that has been imposed by Culture, only Culture actually exists in the world. We detest other cultures. We detest other, in general. We are tribal dogs and the physical characteristics are from climate adaptations alone. It helps us snarl at each other and go all tribal for the sweet lands. The epi-genome that controls the expression of the characteristics called 'race" morphs our looks, between the ice age time frames.

In fact, not only is there no race, we don't even seem to be a species. Our genetic diversity is almost non-existent. They say there is more diversity in a pack of Chimps than all of humans.

There is DNA evidence that follows it back through the populations, in painstaking work. There is really only one female line that made it. Also, apart in time but not space, only one male line survived what is known as the Bottleneck. Maybe 70,000 years ago, the entire human population is thought to have been wiped out...almost.

Some say the DNA drift, etc. shows a beginning population of less than 1000 survivors.

So, I do not have time for the foolish categories of the 19th century. Nor can I tell a Muslim, from a Jew or Christians from the Buddhists. Why bother with these made up distinctions?

And I don't want to. Have you ever really thought of being actually color blind in all race, color, creed, etc...all? And I mean actually blind, in thought, word and deed.

That's me. BTW, it is on record in my deposition in the State of California that the Court stipulated, as a Manager, I don't know a Palestinian from a Jew, nor should I.

Sniff the roses, if that's what you do.