Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Hope you all have great luck in the future. I'm not going to stick around when people do nothing but fucking delete my shit saying I'm advertising! My entire p3 thread was deleted by rolli.
Really that's sounds crazy..:confused: Man we need those updates and your expertise And those Bud Pics...:weed:


Well-Known Member
Well you can't have it. Talk to the owner of the site if you want me back. I will not come back just to be censored all the fucking time!


Well-Known Member
Let's start some threads to raise awareness about the issue. There are plenty of people who would help spread the word about this random dumbness.


Well-Known Member
Let's start some threads to raise awareness about the issue. There are plenty of people who would help spread the word about this random dumbness.
please don't. There's no need to hassle the MODs or ADMINs of RIU. I'm obviously just not wanted here by them anymore. Whatever.

If someone decides to apologize to me and return the hard fucking work i've put in the last 3 weeks, then maybe I'll come back. But I seriously doubt it.

I'll pop in to chat. but will not help any members with problems, will not post pictures of my grow. and will do nothing really but stop in to say hi.


Well-Known Member

I didn't start any threads. But I sent a message. I don't want you to bail, brother. But, i'll understand if you do. Don't they have better things to do like cleaning up the racist bullshit, violent threats, and drama elsewhere. No. lets delete someone's month worth of work.


Well-Known Member
please don't. There's no need to hassle the MODs or ADMINs of RIU. I'm obviously just not wanted here by them anymore. Whatever.

If someone decides to apologize to me and return the hard fucking work i've put in the last 3 weeks, then maybe I'll come back. But I seriously doubt it.

I'll pop in to chat. but will not help any members with problems, will not post pictures of my grow. and will do nothing really but stop in to say hi.
Well can I get your Rep bars.:confused: Just joking man Stew that sucks I always enjoyed your updates and all the help you gave me with my grow


Well-Known Member
If I do stick around, be prepared for an asshole stew.

I use nutrients. what kind? can't tell you It's advertising.

I grow weed. What Strain? Can't tell you , it's advertising.

My name is. sorry can't tell, it's advertising.


Active Member
well ive only been here few weeks,and ive already had bad experience,and i also complained about it to them,and i dont even know who them is,,


Well-Known Member
well ive only been here few weeks,and ive already had bad experience,and i also complained about it to them,and i dont even know who them is,,
Go to the top of your screen. click on quick links. then site leaders. it is your list of mods and admins. as well as the old list of Elite members who used to pay for their subscriptions.


Well-Known Member
I can say it seems that your friend DANKSWAG has something to do with this. Since he was the one arguing with me about the fucking thing all night last night.


Well-Known Member
She's fine to most people. She must be PMing everyone involved in the conversation with me because she PMd me too. She does not want me here on RIU. use your own judgment I will not talk ill of a MOD.

Even though I'm obviously being targeted by them.


Staff member
*eye roll* youre so dramatic.

i messaged the other user cause he said he never got answered for some help. i messaged you because i wanted to let you know the other guy didnt report you i also messaged 25 other users would you like me to explain that too?
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