Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

For 300 grams trim I use about 3 glugs around the pan of liquid lecithin. But I don't use it until after the cooking process, when you are melting the butter back down...

I don't think there would be a difference with the gas oven, but you can add a couple minutes to the time to compensate if you want. Yes, use dried trim. If using a crock pot, it needs to have a warm setting, not just low and high. Low is too hot and could burn your butter. If you don't have one with a warm setting you can do in oven at 185f overnight.

After your decarbed trim has cooled...for 300 grams trim, I use

Melt 16 sticks butter in crock pot insert. Add your 300 grams and stir well until all coated. Add enough water to cover by an inch. Seal tightly with foil and put in oven set at 185f, or crock pot with warm setting. I put it in before I go to bed around 10 or 11, then shut it off when I get up around 7. Let cool a couple hours, or until cool enough to handle, but not too long.

Set up a collander over a big pot, or use a pasta pot with a steamer insert, Line the collander/strainer with several layers of cheesecloth. I squeeze the butter out in small handfuls as you will get more butter back out of the trim than doing it all at once. Just put the handful into a big ziploc (i will tell you what to do with it later
after you squeeze all the butter you can out of it. Do this until you get down to the last couple of handfuls, then you can pour the rest into the cheesecloth. Gather the corners up and squeeze the hell out of it. You can just put it in the ziploc when done.

Now is when you take the pot of butter/water and stick it in the fridge. When solid, take several layers of paper towels and lay on counter, have a couple more handy. Run a knife around the edge of your pan to loosen the butter. Carefully tip the pan over the sink with your hand on top of the butter to catch it - the water will come gushing out lol - drain as much as you can out of the pan and remove the butter block, lay it down on the paper towels with the side that was toward the water on the towels. Take your other paper towels and push and blot any excess water off the butter block.

Using a sharp knife, cut the butter into smaller pieces for easier melting and add to dry pot, melt over med-low heat. (This butter is strong enough that I add 4 more sticks of butter here) As it is melting add your liquid lecithin, about 2 to 3 glugs around the pan. You can make it without, but you will def notice the difference. The lecithin is the key to the magic kingdom
You can find it at any health food store or larger grocery stores' health food isle.

When all melted down, pour into containers and put in freezer. Take out and use as wanted.

For the stuff in the ziploc, keep it in the freezer until you want to use it and take out as much as you need at a time. You can use it to make milk or cream. Just take some and make a cheesecloth bundle and soak it in the milk or cream over low heat. DO NOT LET BOIL. I let it simmer for an hour and shut it off. Then just squeeze as much milk/cream out as you can and toss it. You can use the milk or cream to make hot chocolate, mac and cheese, ice cream, etc

Let me know if you do the dry ice hash and I will show you how to utilize that
For 300 grams trim I use about 3 glugs around the pan of liquid lecithin. But I don't use it until after the cooking process, when you are melting the butter back down...

I don't think there would be a difference with the gas oven, but you can add a couple minutes to the time to compensate if you want. Yes, use dried trim. If using a crock pot, it needs to have a warm setting, not just low and high. Low is too hot and could burn your butter. If you don't have one with a warm setting you can do in oven at 185f overnight.

After your decarbed trim has cooled...for 300 grams trim, I use

Melt 16 sticks butter in crock pot insert. Add your 300 grams and stir well until all coated. Add enough water to cover by an inch. Seal tightly with foil and put in oven set at 185f, or crock pot with warm setting. I put it in before I go to bed around 10 or 11, then shut it off when I get up around 7. Let cool a couple hours, or until cool enough to handle, but not too long.

Set up a collander over a big pot, or use a pasta pot with a steamer insert, Line the collander/strainer with several layers of cheesecloth. I squeeze the butter out in small handfuls as you will get more butter back out of the trim than doing it all at once. Just put the handful into a big ziploc (i will tell you what to do with it later
after you squeeze all the butter you can out of it. Do this until you get down to the last couple of handfuls, then you can pour the rest into the cheesecloth. Gather the corners up and squeeze the hell out of it. You can just put it in the ziploc when done.

Now is when you take the pot of butter/water and stick it in the fridge. When solid, take several layers of paper towels and lay on counter, have a couple more handy. Run a knife around the edge of your pan to loosen the butter. Carefully tip the pan over the sink with your hand on top of the butter to catch it - the water will come gushing out lol - drain as much as you can out of the pan and remove the butter block, lay it down on the paper towels with the side that was toward the water on the towels. Take your other paper towels and push and blot any excess water off the butter block.

Using a sharp knife, cut the butter into smaller pieces for easier melting and add to dry pot, melt over med-low heat. (This butter is strong enough that I add 4 more sticks of butter here) As it is melting add your liquid lecithin, about 2 to 3 glugs around the pan. You can make it without, but you will def notice the difference. The lecithin is the key to the magic kingdom
You can find it at any health food store or larger grocery stores' health food isle.

When all melted down, pour into containers and put in freezer. Take out and use as wanted.

For the stuff in the ziploc, keep it in the freezer until you want to use it and take out as much as you need at a time. You can use it to make milk or cream. Just take some and make a cheesecloth bundle and soak it in the milk or cream over low heat. DO NOT LET BOIL. I let it simmer for an hour and shut it off. Then just squeeze as much milk/cream out as you can and toss it. You can use the milk or cream to make hot chocolate, mac and cheese, ice cream, etc

Let me know if you do the dry ice hash and I will show you how to utilize that

Fumble, that is a great way to use the left over material after you drain the butter out. I was wondering how to use this, ask and you shall receive! I am in the midst of draining butter and coco oil for edibles. I am very curious about your dry ice hash process. Tell me more, please! Pulling up a chair for this.
Hey Rae :) So glad to be back online lol. Good to see ya. That reminds me, Joe...You should def dry ice hash your trim first. Then put your hash separate and make your butter with the trim. Rae, I will tell you both the hash oil process. Dun Dun Dun...that was supposed to be suspenseful background music will have to wait. We have dr. appt in just a bit, then hella weed to try and hide before landlord shows up ;) But either tonight or tomorrow night.
For 300 grams trim I use about 3 glugs around the pan of liquid lecithin. But I don't use it until after the cooking process, when you are melting the butter back down...

I don't think there would be a difference with the gas oven, but you can add a couple minutes to the time to compensate if you want. Yes, use dried trim. If using a crock pot, it needs to have a warm setting, not just low and high. Low is too hot and could burn your butter. If you don't have one with a warm setting you can do in oven at 185f overnight.

After your decarbed trim has cooled...for 300 grams trim, I use

Melt 16 sticks butter in crock pot insert. Add your 300 grams and stir well until all coated. Add enough water to cover by an inch. Seal tightly with foil and put in oven set at 185f, or crock pot with warm setting. I put it in before I go to bed around 10 or 11, then shut it off when I get up around 7. Let cool a couple hours, or until cool enough to handle, but not too long.

Set up a collander over a big pot, or use a pasta pot with a steamer insert, Line the collander/strainer with several layers of cheesecloth. I squeeze the butter out in small handfuls as you will get more butter back out of the trim than doing it all at once. Just put the handful into a big ziploc (i will tell you what to do with it later
after you squeeze all the butter you can out of it. Do this until you get down to the last couple of handfuls, then you can pour the rest into the cheesecloth. Gather the corners up and squeeze the hell out of it. You can just put it in the ziploc when done.

Now is when you take the pot of butter/water and stick it in the fridge. When solid, take several layers of paper towels and lay on counter, have a couple more handy. Run a knife around the edge of your pan to loosen the butter. Carefully tip the pan over the sink with your hand on top of the butter to catch it - the water will come gushing out lol - drain as much as you can out of the pan and remove the butter block, lay it down on the paper towels with the side that was toward the water on the towels. Take your other paper towels and push and blot any excess water off the butter block.

Using a sharp knife, cut the butter into smaller pieces for easier melting and add to dry pot, melt over med-low heat. (This butter is strong enough that I add 4 more sticks of butter here) As it is melting add your liquid lecithin, about 2 to 3 glugs around the pan. You can make it without, but you will def notice the difference. The lecithin is the key to the magic kingdom
You can find it at any health food store or larger grocery stores' health food isle.

When all melted down, pour into containers and put in freezer. Take out and use as wanted.

For the stuff in the ziploc, keep it in the freezer until you want to use it and take out as much as you need at a time. You can use it to make milk or cream. Just take some and make a cheesecloth bundle and soak it in the milk or cream over low heat. DO NOT LET BOIL. I let it simmer for an hour and shut it off. Then just squeeze as much milk/cream out as you can and toss it. You can use the milk or cream to make hot chocolate, mac and cheese, ice cream, etc

Let me know if you do the dry ice hash and I will show you how to utilize that

never tried the dry ice method as it is kinda hard to find around here sadly.

thank you so much fumble. Your detailed explanation is very much appreciated. When I finally get around to doing another run I will be sure to let you know how it turns out.

sixteen plus four sticks is one heckuva lot more than I used last time. I figured two pounds of butter was kinda on the slim side for this amt. of trim. I can't wait to see how the lecithin improves things.

now I need more cheesecloth,butter,and lecithin. ;) and the kids out of the house for a day or so.
some more porn :)

a pic of the "drying rack" its just a sheet used to spread stuff out for me

double white cheese

wild thai


Candy kush autoflower
kandy kush2.jpg

Blue Thai

Royal Haze
Royal Haze.jpg
lol...thank you guys :) *blushes* I only use the cheesecloth at the end really. I squeeze most of it out by hand. You can just pour it all into the cheesecloth though, but you wont get as much butter back. With hand squeezing, I usually get back 7 1/2 cups out of the original 8 (in a 150 gram batch).

I will be at the BBQ for sure :) Will be bringing my two new cookies - Caramel Apple and Orange Dream. They wont be medicated though, so you can eat more lol. I will have edible treats though ;)
Hey Rae :) So glad to be back online lol. Good to see ya. That reminds me, Joe...You should def dry ice hash your trim first. Then put your hash separate and make your butter with the trim. Rae, I will tell you both the hash oil process. Dun Dun Dun...that was supposed to be suspenseful background music will have to wait. We have dr. appt in just a bit, then hella weed to try and hide before landlord shows up ;) But either tonight or tomorrow night.
Of course she leaves us hanging, been offline for months leaving us calling for Fumble and what does she do? Gives us a teaser, lol. j/k Fumble just glad your back. Oh and those new cookies sound delicious, I think a road trip to Cali is in order to come check out the Queen of Medibles, that is right up my alley.
not too long I am afraid. Not exactly sure how long, but I know it doesn't last overnight! And you will only need a pound or two for that amount of trim.
not too long I am afraid. Not exactly sure how long, but I know it doesn't last overnight! And you will only need a pound or two for that amount of trim.

damn, ok. Well I guess I'll have to get my poop in a group if I wanna do this then. There is a distributor I found but it's an hour away.

I've tried the coldwater/ice extraction before but wasn't really happy w/ the results. I would like to try dry Ice tho as this trim is super frosty.

If I do the dry ice extraction can I then rebag the trim to make budder @ a later date?
lol...thank you guys :) *blushes* I only use the cheesecloth at the end really. I squeeze most of it out by hand. You can just pour it all into the cheesecloth though, but you wont get as much butter back. With hand squeezing, I usually get back 7 1/2 cups out of the original 8 (in a 150 gram batch).

I will be at the BBQ for sure :) Will be bringing my two new cookies - Caramel Apple and Orange Dream. They wont be medicated though, so you can eat more lol. I will have edible treats though ;)
I'm glad you chimed in because I was totally going to start going through BKS' thread and start quoting. On this forum you're like the unofficial stand in for BadKittySmiles, lol. And I mean that in a very complimentary way.
Also, to everyone in here, especially those who have "never gotten high off of edibles" I highly recommend clarifying your butter and using more than one fat source. Both Coconut Oil and Almond Oil blend with butter very well to make an incredibly effective butter that still solidifies. A combination of any of those 2 or all 3 should agree with anybodies digestion and should be readily available. Lecithin of course is always highly recommended, and I prefer to use only dry ice kief to make my product because it is cheap, easy, and has less green flavor, especially if you do not shake it green, but it does get this hash "spiciness" to it. I also like to make mine super concentrated, and then cut it was plain butter or whatever fat source I choose, this also really helps with flavor.