Pinworm's 600w RDWC Horrorshow (WWxBB Mainlined - NL5xHaze, Purple Fire, Sour Diesel)

Dude if you like customizing and fucking with things you should start running a linux system.
The only reason I see to run windows is to play games. For an average home user osx is just a better os for everything but gaming.
Dude if you like customizing and fucking with things you should start running a linux system.
The only reason I see to run windows is to play games. For an average home user osx is just a better os for everything but gaming.

I first started playing with linux with an early version of Redhat... 100 years ago it seems. Its been a few months since Ive done anything on that side but Ubuntu sure was putting out some nice easy to use stuff, like SUPER easy. Really like that one. I agree with your other two sentences as well :)
Shel'll end up surprising the hell out of you I bet! Did you happen to see my 3 of DPF going in veg :??: They all lookiing good bro.. ;)

Oh, I don't have an ounce of doubt. She's got my full attention. She's going to put on an awesome show for us. I just lightened her feeding schedule, and reminded her how special she is. She's healthy, and happy, and trucking along.


Sour Diesel has some great structure to her, too. Perfect internode spacing. After topping her once for 2, I think I'll just let her do her thing. I ordered some tomato cages for the group today. I'm having such a blast with these strains. Every one of them has taught me something. This run has been on of the most fun I can remember, so far. Thanks for checking up on me, brother.

Hey Worm! Here's some BUD PORN 4 ya bro.. :mrgreen:

I knew I was missing something! :P
Remember having to set the IRQs using the jumpers on the daughter cards?

I actually liked that better....but when so many devices became necessary
the newer plun-n-play (esp IRQ steering) make the modern system necessary.

The real Dark Age was the early phase of what we referred to as "Plug-n-Pray".

The order in which you added the cards mattered then..."Oh crap, the modem
grabbed IRQ 9 again!" Yuck!

The jumpers harken back to designing networks. We did the work ourselves back then.

You rock the 600 bro!

Hah the way I put it is that I knew how to work on computers when you actually had to know some shit. I just accepted it as everything got easier and I became less valuable :) I did web hosting back when you had to have a NIC for every IP bound to the system and DNS files were text based. I still know a couple command line freaks, which died for me around the plug and play time. Dude banging out keys for 5 minutes changing some settings and I'm like hey I could have done that with like 4 mouse clicks lol. Needless to say I'm out of the IT business now for the most part but it's fun to nerd reminisce!
Ahh....yes...using vi to hand create your own routing table.

OK, massive thread-jack over. Sorry OP!

I'd like to take the time, and a little thread space, to share with you my most heartfelt sadness, about the loss of one of one of punk rock's community leaders, and contributors. I can't imagine having a healthy world-view without NUFAN and Tony, there, to guide me. He personally changed my life for the better, along with thousands and thousands of others with his extremely well written lyrics, and selfless acts.

Today, The Songs of Tony Sly: A Tribute, a 26-track covers album compiled to celebrate the life and music of the late No Use For A Name frontman Tony Sly, who passed away on July 31st, 2012 was released. The compilation showcases a diverse menagerie of artists offering their unique interpretations of Tony’s songs such as Rise Against, Bad Religion, Alkaline Trio, Yellowcard, Snuff and Karina Denike to name a few. Below, listen to Strung Out’s riffy take on the NUFAN classic “Soulmate” and NOFX turn Tony’s solo song “The Shortest Pier” into a prototypical NOFX-style punk song. Read a new review or two and order your copy today. Profits from the sale of the compilation will go towards the Tony Sly Memorial Fund, established to assist Tony’s wife Brigitte and their daughters, Fiona and Keira.


The Songs of Tony Sly: A Tribute

We'll miss you, Tony. You are, and always will be an invaluable member of the punk rock community. I offer up to you, my soul, which you helped mold, and develop. I'll never be able to give back what you have given to me, and to all the people in my tiny scene. But, I swear, by all my scars, that I will try....Capo 4th fret! Not only were you an integral part of my teenage, emotionally charged nights, but, you were always there to keep me level headed and on point when I was in doubt. I will forever be in your debt.

Wishing you all an extremely disturbing all hallows eve...
Oh, that's right. I will have to get some supplies for the kiddies.

Have a great day, and thank you for the reminder about Tony. I loved
Punk when it was born, and came a bit late to it's continuing efforts
(i.e. Rancid) but the even smaller acts have missed my radar for the
most part.

Horrible fucking news to find out first thing in the morning


Pulling out some acoustic for the day.

time to work on my auto mobile.
What's even worse, I had no clue till you started posting about it. He died last year?

Shit I can't sit around online, no time. I'll be back.
Recieved a PM asking about my addback method. Here's a re-cap.

View attachment 2874212 Addbacks today @ 56.35ml FNB - 50ml CaMg+, and 25ml Sweet Raw into the res, went to pH and nailed it. 5.8 on the money.

Addback Calculator Example:
If you're running the 0-8-16 formula, at 0.7 conversion with a 20 gallon res. When you pour a fresh res, your ppm will be around 1250. A week has gone by, and some of the water has been taken up by the plants, some has evaporated, and now your res is at 947 ppm. You need to get your ppm from 947 to 1250. Here is the equation:

((target - current) / target) * 8 ml per gallon * res gallons = Flora Micro (ml) either double this figure to get Flora Bloom (ml) or use 0-8-0 of Flora Nova Bloom.

((1250 - 947 ) / 1250) * 8 * 20 (303 / 11250) * 8 * 20 0.24 * 8 * 20 = 38.4 ml Flora Micro 38.4 ml Flora Micro, double that and you get 76.8ml Flora Bloom.

So 38.4 ml Flora Micro and 76.8 ml Flora Bloom to add back to your 20 gallon res to get you from 947 to 1250. Flora Nova Bloom, has the same properties as FB & FM combined, so, you just drop the FB part of the calculation (Instead of 0-8-16 you use 0-8-0) and add just 8ml pG of the FNB.

Calculated EC/TDS levels:
EC microsiemen:
0-4-8: 946 µS
0-5-10: 1184 µS
0-8-16: 1894 µS

TDS @ 0.5 conversion:
0-4-8 = 473 ppm
0-5-10 = 592 ppm
0-8-16 = 947 ppm

TDS @ 0.7 conversion:
0-4-8 = 663 ppm
0-5-10 = 829 ppm
0-8-16 = 1326 ppm
The question that raises is how long is the add back method good for? Without actual lab testing there is no way to know. Since the plant uses varying amounts of X Y and Z the very first add back the quantities in that PPM are going to start changing. If you ran lets say for a month, 2 months, that 1250 ppm is going to be quite different in its composition of XYZ. Which in turn usually leads to greater PH instability which I personally only want to PH water once. I think the more PH up or down you add to it isn't good over time either. Basically it will get to a point where the PH won't stay stable for any amount of time and your mix while although 1250ppm is going be vastly different than a fresh batch of 1250ppm solution. Then you might start to see plant issues from either deficiency of X or excess of Z.

I don't think the nute savings are going to be THAT substantial to try and push the envelope so close but I just wanted to throw some more stuff out there to fuck with you. ;) In "my" world when I would run a recirculating system I mix it once, top it with fresh PH'd water as needed and once I had added back the volume of the res in top offs, (i.e. 20 gal res, 20 gal added back) I drain it and start fresh. The plants are already growing so god damn nice and faster than a soil container I'm more than happy to be satisfied with it and it couldn't get much easier to maintain. I also never look at the res PH other than the first mix and the PH of the top off.

You may have already addressed these things, I see you are a lot better with math than I am and I haven't got all the way through your thread yet so take what I say with a grain of salt eh :lol: