I am hoping to get a pic with her, I always thought she was hot! I would still bang her so I can say I banged Elvira! Sorry ladies, no disrespect but I always had a thing for her. lol
The sour hawaiian did the job getting me off to bed without any sleeping pills. My eyes were itchy as fuck though, I do think I am allergic to the weeds!
Yeah Bassman...hella sucked yesterday. Hiding inside with the shades drawn hahaha. What an invasion of privacy. So now I have to wait until after they come again to start my inside garden back up.
I went through state inspection last month with state inspector & landlord (new deal in So. cal. I guess). They walked in, inspector went right by two tents in dining room didn't blink, landlord asked "what are those? storage? I said "no, they are herb gardens, (inspector giggles). Nothing else is said.
Landlord comes back last week & says she needs to talk about "herb" garden, OH $hit!!!! Comes in & asks if Im "selling", tell her no, it's meds for me & a few family members & a few people in the build that are going through chemo, said as long as I don't start "Dealing" Im OK, then asks if she could have a little herb for her & her husband (x-cop/fbi), she walks out with 1/2 zip & now I no longer shut doors, shut blinds, fans & lights & hide when she comes by.
They are doing final inspection tomorrow, to make sure probs are fixed, I only needed a GFI in bathroom.
Hope things work out as well for you....
lol...you should see me when I do dry ice hash! hives all over. Yeah Bassman...hella sucked yesterday. Hiding inside with the shades drawn hahaha. What an invasion of privacy. So now I have to wait until after they come again to start my inside garden back up.
Supchaka - My first one failed miserably! I will show you when I do it again - correctly![]()
I hear that Bassman...it is rather hard to make hash with teary eyes and snotty nose lol
BobBitchen...love the name lol! Yeah, my landlord just bought the house, so the inspection is to make sure up to code for tenants I guess. I already have my tent half torn down so it's no biggie...just a waste of my time. I have to take it down because it is blocking the window if there were a fire. The greenhouse? Well, hopefully that Skunky Monkey will be done soon. I am thinking at least another 3 weeks.
Mo, usually you be looking at 12-14 weeks. 10 weeks is good! She looks beautiful! How is the JOG curing up???
@bass you going to the bbq 2013???
@chaka, I am glad the headband is something you like. The GSC is no bueno, let me rephrase that, its not no "thin mint" pheno. Its so bland and very disappointing. I can taste and smell the headband coming through but not the GSC. Once again a strain that is NOT! lol
I hope a lot of hot chicks dressed as zombie hookers come trick o treating at my house tonight!
Be safe out there peeps!