Live or die?

Hello, so I started this grow and I thought it was doing well both in progress and in health. A day ago I moved it inside and then it looks like this, now for some other info I am growing in MG (Miracle Grow) and using MG plant food and Super Thrive. I posted this thread for some helpful tips and advice personally I think this is a pest problems but all feedback and tips would be greatly appreciated. So im wondering if I should just scrap it or if there are any solution's or tips I could use it all thanks.


technical dan

Active Member
might as well try to save it. To me it looks like a burn either pH or nute burn if you have been giving nutes. Either way flush the pot with water (pHed if you have the option available) and leave it alone and see if it gets better over the next week if it does transplant to a new pot and bury up to the lowest good looking node. If it does not improve I would say start over with another plant I would also advise against MG soil. So if someone who uses MG shows up they may have more accurate advice for you. Also get the light closer to that plant.


Well-Known Member
Look - stop the nutes - ur killing ur future plant. I use the same crap you do - MG soil and MG ferts and I have no problems. The soil already has nutes in it so you don't need additional feeding till you get to flowers and even then I ramp up very slowly starting at 1/4 strength. Another thing - don't put a seedling in such a big pot. Start it out in a small container and 'pot up'. It's much easier to know how much water you need in a small pot.


Well-Known Member
Don't flush, change the soil and replant, NO nutes for at least 3 weeks.
This method saved one of my girls when I first started growing and had a similar problem.
Good Luck...Save her.


Well-Known Member
Mg and any delay release soil is not ideal for growing proper buds..superthrive is pointless crap no better than tonics in the quack days..I can give you instructions to restart and have the same size plant but much healthier within two Weeks tops..if its bag seed trash it and change your whole set up...our better yet keep it to learn from and plant one next to it with the methods I will give you of you ask


Well-Known Member
Lmao also dan you've given the opposite of good advice..the reason I tell people not to use delay release is because you cannot flush it..telling him to flush will cause him to release more nutes from the delay balls as they melt...he needs to get that out of the soil and into better shit to save it flushing will probably kill it instead lol


Well-Known Member
Delayed nutes don't hurt. My lord - I've been using MG forever. Maybe before it was even invented. OK - seriously - it's such a small amount of ferts with the time release it's virtually insignificant. Just water in the beginning and when flowers start coming on then start dosing about 1/4 strength and go up from there as needed.

There's some kind of elitist attitude thing about using anything that can be bought from Lowes or Home Depot and that doesn't have some kind of fancy name or lizard on the soil bag.


Well-Known Member
So you have perfected using inferior product and that is fine but its not right to give advice based on your own experience without adding in the things a new grower may not this case over watering after already over fertilizing will only make the problem worst..that's a simple fact..also you cannot control individual nute levels and control deficiencies with that you could call a guy that smokes dank an elitist if you still smoke mersh but the fact is he just knows what's better and you don't lol it has nothing to do with whose package is prettier...Mg is for old ladies growing tomatoes. with the added attention people give marijuana it only seems to cause problems for alot of people and the product is usually inferior (although I don't see alot of real good growers using Mg so maybe they could do damage with it Idk) plus I simply don't see any benefits to outweigh anything I said...just my opinion


Well-Known Member
'Mg is for old ladies growing tomatoes' >> that's exactly my point. You're not objective. So you should tell everyone, when offering your holier-than-thou advice, that you're full of prejudices based on feelings, not fact. Sure - old ladies - OK - only some of the best growers on the planet. You should check out some of their windowsill flowers someday. Might make you actually miss your grandmother.


Well-Known Member
I too vouch for the efficacy of MG soil as long as it is used as bio has stated (no nutes until ~4 weeks, and start 1/4-1/3 dose and go up slowly).



Well-Known Member
Lol no seriously that's what it truly is made for..tomato gardens or flowers for people who may not be attentive bias lol all why would that be better than something that costs the same and is made for the plant your growing..that is very grandma is still alive and she is the best, if yours is not my condolences that will be rough...
Mg and any delay release soil is not ideal for growing proper buds..superthrive is pointless crap no better than tonics in the quack days..I can give you instructions to restart and have the same size plant but much healthier within two Weeks tops..if its bag seed trash it and change your whole set up...our better yet keep it to learn from and plant one next to it with the methods I will give you of you ask
I wouldn't mind a different perspective and a couple of tips sure im here if your willing to talk im willing to listen. also thanks for the input


Well-Known Member
Personally I say M grow is a inferior soil. The soil tends to be to hot for what we use it for, if used outside totally different but In a pot or large container no way. It's not organic and you cant control the blue balls of death"nutes". They pop when they say rather then you telling them when to eat and when to drink plain water. The balls create hot spots in the soil which will burn . If you have $50 pick up some fox farms happy frog and a bag of perlite. A bottle of nutes for bloom and flower. And dolomite lime. Its a cheap mix/soil for now. I won't get into to much be ause I don't know what your willing to spend, but it will be better them MG for sure. And it's organic
Personally I say M grow is a inferior soil. The soil tends to be to hot for what we use it for, if used outside totally different but In a pot or large container no way. It's not organic and you cant control the blue balls of death"nutes". They pop when they say rather then you telling them when to eat and when to drink plain water. The balls create hot spots in the soil which will burn . If you have $50 pick up some fox farms happy frog and a bag of perlite. A bottle of nutes for bloom and flower. And dolomite lime. Its a cheap mix/soil for now. I won't get into to much be ause I don't know what your willing to spend, but it will be better them MG for sure. And it's organic
well first thanks for the tips and advice. I try not to count the cost of things for my plants this is my first grow so im just trying to be successful and see the big buds that's the priceless part and whatever helps me get there I will do


Well-Known Member
Personally I say M grow is a inferior soil. The soil tends to be to hot for what we use it for, if used outside totally different but In a pot or large container no way. It's not organic and you cant control the blue balls of death"nutes". They pop when they say rather then you telling them when to eat and when to drink plain water. The balls create hot spots in the soil which will burn . If you have $50 pick up some fox farms happy frog and a bag of perlite. A bottle of nutes for bloom and flower. And dolomite lime. Its a cheap mix/soil for now. I won't get into to much be ause I don't know what your willing to spend, but it will be better them MG for sure. And it's organic
There's some Mg that's called garden soil. Like JLoi says - that's not recommended. You have to purchase the potting soil mixes - they'll work. Maybe not as good as Spek9's White Widow but hopefully somewhere close to that. :peace:


Well-Known Member
The last grow for nutes I went with the local hydro shops home made variety. It is geared for hydroponics, but it seemed to work well. It's just a basic 3-part base nutes (3 containers; one for veg, one for bloom and the 3rd is a mix you use for both stages).

I didn't feed any nutes until just after week 4, and that's about when I went from veg to flower.

I'm eyeing going 100% organic here, so I won't be using the same but it seemed to work well. Also pick up a bottle of CalMag, and give about a 1/4 dose of that when you start to see calcium/magnesium deficiencies. (Trust me, once it pops up, quick research will have you spot it quickly).

...and as bio stated, I was using the MG potting soil mix. Since then, I've used pure hydroton, pure perlite, 100% organic compost (only compost), other variants of soil etc. The MG fits about in the middle of my other tests as far as growth quality.

Look at it this way; this is your first grow. You need to learn for yourself. It worked very well for me (I had three plants that size in that grow all in MG) and apparently it didn't work well for others (or they're just fabricating stories after hearing others who haven't used it bitch, and just repeating information that they haven't even personally backed up).

I'd say if its what you have, test it out. What's the worst that can happen? You lose some of your first grow. Whoopty shit... how else does one learn?

Besides, if you can learn to grow in a hot, non-preferred soil, imagine how well you'll be able to control future grows that are nute-neutral at the start.

You'll also become another member who can and will actually help fellow MG growers with their issues, as opposed to just bashing them and the soil they choose to grow in.
