Is Obama too smart for the job of POTUS?


Well-Known Member
Forgive me if I take a truckload of salt for an article from a website with the tagline of "Exposing and Combating Liberal Media Bias"


Well-Known Member
Wow, I need to put my pipe down and walk did I create that box with the slidy thing...I'm goin for a walk...I'm leaving my pipe...


Well-Known Member
Wowee, you two guys need to recogonize that the video feed came straight from MSNBC.

And I thought that I was too high to interact.


Well-Known Member
No, not at all. Like Doer, I suppose you don't travel far outside the politics section. If you did, you would know this is also an inside joke.

And to be technical, Im from Southern Madagascar.
Well, fuck the very inside of your inside jokes.


Well-Known Member
what started off as simple commentary on an article digressed so quickly into a piling on of righties expressing their own very personal rancor with obama.

you guys are just too dumb and hateful, you keep giving away what it is REALLY about.

i'd expect some of it if obama had come and fucked your mother in the ass while he made you watch, and then kicked your dog on the way out the door. but since that never happened, the explanations for said rancor narrow down quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
get off obamas dick we all should be talking about how the fucked up majority of the repubs keep fuckin america up and how they keep getting away with it
and who ever doesnt like obamacare ur a nazi bitch

P.S. dont even talk shit on how the way i write this aint grammar school bitch
If you don't like Obummer your a racist (or in this case nazi. I'm sure you meant racists though. It's okay to get confused)!!! lol, best argument ever.

I don't like obama not because I'm racist but because I am tired of being robbed and being forced to give money to people like you.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: So what you're saying is he's too smart for the job.

HEILEMANN: Well I'm not exactly saying that although I'm sure that's your gloss on it.

So no one actually said he's too smart for the job.
typically retarded.

"Obama is too smart for the presidency" is Old Meme.

November 2 2007:
[h=1]"Is Obama Too Smart to Be President?"[/h]"On Charlie Rose the other day, Jeffrey Toobin said that if Hillary becomes president, she will nominate Barack Obama for the Supreme Court. I was making my lunch, but I think Toobin said he had it from a reliable source. It’s actually a put-down. Obama is justice material– i.e., he’s too smart to be president. It’s an interesting question. Last night Charles Gibson interviewed Obama on ABC News. Obama’s highly intelligent and sensitive. He has a lot of self-awareness. His discussion of his mixed racial background and his father’s failures was precise and surprising. I could listen to him for a while.
Obama’s intelligence recalls the famous Oliver Wendell Holmes line on FDR: "second-rate intellect, first-class temperament." The line is famous because it says that intellect is not that important, temperament is. Being balanced, not getting rattled. Obama has a first-rate intellect. Is that disqualifying? Too thoughtful?
Here’s my take on other pols. Hillary: 2nd rate mind, 1st class temperament. Bill, the reverse. Rudy: 2nd rate mind, 3rd class temperament (just watch; he’s going to blow before long). McCain: 2nd rate mind, 1st class temperament. Edwards: 2nd rate mind, 2nd rate temperament (passive). George Bush, 3rd rate mind, 2nd rate temperament (insecure). Romney: 4th rate mind, 1st class temperament. Huckabee: 3, 1. "

May 10 2010:
"It's hard not to come away from the Vanity Fair article without feeling, strangely enough, that the White House is holding Obama back. The gulf between the brilliant young man who wanted to change the world and the stymied president who can barely pass a piece of legislation, the cosmopolitan wearer of the sarong and the lock-step wearer of the flag pin, suggests he could have served the American people far more effectively if he weren't bogged down being the leader of the free world."

April 27 2011:
"Obama’s strengths and weaknesses come from his high degree of “integrative complexity” — his ability to keep multiple variables and trade-offs in mind simultaneously. The integratively simple thinker — say, George W. Bush — has one universal organizing principle that dominates all others, while the integratively complex thinker — Obama — balances many competing goals."

April 30 2011:
"Obama’s crime is that he’s “the very model of the complex thinker” — always weighing the pros and cons of each issue, like a modern-day King Solomon."

June 19 2012:
"Best of the Web Today columnist James Taranto on the liberal argument that President Obama's message is too nuanced and complex."!750E9910-74D4-4D25-BC6F-2DE47937DE97


Well-Known Member
what started off as simple commentary on an article digressed so quickly into a piling on of righties expressing their own very personal rancor with obama.

you guys are just too dumb and hateful, you keep giving away what it is REALLY about.
After this you lost me with a coarse and vulgar fit of Tourette's affliction.

In any event feel free to expound at length as to what this is really about.



Well-Known Member
typically retarded.

"Obama is too smart for the presidency" is Old Meme.

November 2 2007:
"Is Obama Too Smart to Be President?"

"On Charlie Rose the other day, Jeffrey Toobin said that if Hillary becomes president, she will nominate Barack Obama for the Supreme Court. I was making my lunch, but I think Toobin said he had it from a reliable source. It’s actually a put-down. Obama is justice material– i.e., he’s too smart to be president. It’s an interesting question. Last night Charles Gibson interviewed Obama on ABC News. Obama’s highly intelligent and sensitive. He has a lot of self-awareness. His discussion of his mixed racial background and his father’s failures was precise and surprising. I could listen to him for a while.
Obama’s intelligence recalls the famous Oliver Wendell Holmes line on FDR: "second-rate intellect, first-class temperament." The line is famous because it says that intellect is not that important, temperament is. Being balanced, not getting rattled. Obama has a first-rate intellect. Is that disqualifying? Too thoughtful?
Here’s my take on other pols. Hillary: 2nd rate mind, 1st class temperament. Bill, the reverse. Rudy: 2nd rate mind, 3rd class temperament (just watch; he’s going to blow before long). McCain: 2nd rate mind, 1st class temperament. Edwards: 2nd rate mind, 2nd rate temperament (passive). George Bush, 3rd rate mind, 2nd rate temperament (insecure). Romney: 4th rate mind, 1st class temperament. Huckabee: 3, 1. "

May 10 2010:
"It's hard not to come away from the Vanity Fair article without feeling, strangely enough, that the White House is holding Obama back. The gulf between the brilliant young man who wanted to change the world and the stymied president who can barely pass a piece of legislation, the cosmopolitan wearer of the sarong and the lock-step wearer of the flag pin, suggests he could have served the American people far more effectively if he weren't bogged down being the leader of the free world."

April 27 2011:
"Obama’s strengths and weaknesses come from his high degree of “integrative complexity” — his ability to keep multiple variables and trade-offs in mind simultaneously. The integratively simple thinker — say, George W. Bush — has one universal organizing principle that dominates all others, while the integratively complex thinker — Obama — balances many competing goals."

April 30 2011:
"Obama’s crime is that he’s “the very model of the complex thinker” — always weighing the pros and cons of each issue, like a modern-day King Solomon."

June 19 2012:
"Best of the Web Today columnist James Taranto on the liberal argument that President Obama's message is too nuanced and complex."!750E9910-74D4-4D25-BC6F-2DE47937DE97
Not to get in the way of you being priggish, or your prodigious copy and paste but no one in wavels clip said he was too smart for the job. That was and is my only point.

So as usual, have fun arguing with yourself about things people didn't say. RACISM, MULTICULTURALISM, SES, SOCIALIST, MOSLEMS, LIBTURDS blah, blah, blah.


Well-Known Member

  • Originally Posted by 303blunt303
    i bet ur neck is as red as that red panda with ur hill cracker dialect
    this goes to desert dude

Did you post that from your Obama phone? This goes to the barely literate retard.
i do believe you are incapable of commenting on anything without letting your racial resentment shine through.

how many people did you ever chastise for their reaganphones?
Ummmm.... Who's racist here? The guy asking about a phone or the guy saying cracker?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Too intellectual. On the Dole, as a Profession. An organizer is not even an Administrator, only a Narrator of Agenda.

And certainly he has no experience as the Everyman, the Citizen Solider, the Titan of Business, the local Store Owner, nor the Governor.

His autobiography is more full of holes than the Manchurian Candidate's.

And, he is my President. WE said so.
He's not mine. I said so. Free people can make choices, slaves cannot. Peace.