Club 600

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah yes bru. i cant wait to sample a fresh zatte. i wish they opened normal pub hours man! fresh unpasteurized golden liquid with tartar and soft cheese with celery salt.

craft beer is getting huge over here right now. i might just check a case n bring you some of my own. had a few tonight it's roughly 7%


Well-Known Member
Definitely not on my short list of places to visit. Sucks being stuck in a shitty place, but at least you got a home huh? I feel bad for homeless folks and wish I could do more, but so many are either addicts, have severe emotional/mental problems, or both... And that kinda stuff us always dangerous to deal with on a personal level.
thats the way i was looking at it. i used to work at a fairly extreme group home, ran by a shotty company. you shoulda seen some of the stuff i saw. my second fucking day... this dude, my new co-worker, wanted to go smoke a joint behind the home. there was a kind of lean to on a pole barn back there, and thats where we went. it was just the two of us on duty, so we had to go somewhere so u could still see in the house. so they could find us too really, and the dumbass got high as hell off of my homegrown i had brought up there to share w/ him.

next thing u know, he forgets what hes doing, and accidentally stepped outside of the lean-to while hitting the joint we were smoking. showing himself w/ the joint to one of the "patients" in the home. this "patient" was paranoid schizo and had to wear headphones super loud almost 24/7 to drown out his voices. he is about 300-350 lbs. and he is fucking nutso. very, like "dude remember that time we went to the moon and shot that fucking movie dude??!!" and this guy is like 55.

this big huge dude, who cant really walk normal, comes running out to the barn as fast as he could. he was running so fast his coat looked like a cape. he got out there and looks at me and my co-worker, and says "let me hit that or ill tell on u guys". my co worker runs off back to the house, leaving me cornered with this crazy dude. i ended up giving him the remainder of the joint. that dude got FUCKED UP!! he begged me the rest of time there to get him some more weed.

that was scary enough... i feel ya.


Well-Known Member
Sounds fun... I wonder what it's like. haha

my phone froze and I can' unfreeze it btw. :(
Awww man... My wife had that moment last night.(baby exasperation) Going to bed early cuz she is soooooo tired and baby wont stop eating. I worked with him too.. FINALLY!! he sleeps and then sleeps long and good so it was a brand new day this morning. It is tough to relax when you dont get to do things together like before. Gets better though. :-)

We are always down for some social activity man. :) Sometimes just breaking out a little can help with the cabin fever.


Well-Known Member
always... he enjoyed his geodon too. said it gave him a buzz... idk. one of the patients took 6mg k-pin a day. and he was basically what we call "retarded" here as slang. i feel bad saying that tho, hes technically a 60 year old developmentally disabled fellow. he was cool tho, i used to bring him over here to my house, i took him to parents big ass nice house and he met them. used to take him out to eat... give him nice cigarettes. these guys all had to smoke what they could afford. and out of 6 patients, someone is ALWAYS smoking a cigarette. they smoke SO much tobacco its crazy and sick.

i was VERY cool to all of those guys. i made a very good friend of one too, he was a 18 year old black kid from the west side of detroit. he was cool as hell, he ended up in that home on a technicality instead of going to jail one day. our boss found him scared to death in a mental hospital in detroit. thank god she did, he needed people like me. i used to take him all over, to the mall, to my house... he used my volcano, i taught hi how to solar puff. i gave him some weed for christmas and a pipe.

i was cool as hell to everyone. i got fired over some BULL. black girls... evil, evil, and stupid black girls. one got herself fired for trying to get me fired (i was the only white person working there, im not dumb) and her little friend set me up. i either had to walk away or get shot by her dumbass boyfriend pretty much. even tho everyone knew not to fuck with my crazy ass, this dude rolled around with the ak right on the seat. baby in the car and all. and in the hood he drives with it hanging out the window. so yeah dude wouldnt have fought me, i would have died.

so i ended up being set up, and got fired for leaving early... the consumers(the patients technical name) where very upset. one guy used to live near me as a kid, and we even went to school together. he was crying as i left. my boss was too, she said she tried everything to get aroudn it. those girls set me up perfect. id still have that job.

my friend Tim and I (who i met there as a fellow employee) are now very very good friends. it didnt take us long to click and get along. i still talk to him. hes great. well me and him both got set up... me first then him. sad thing was, most of the house would only listen to us. i was one of the only ones even willing to take these poor souls into public. only had issues a couple times. but they respected me and tim, because we treated them like normal people within reason. thats what they really need.

one of the consumers was a freakin genius, but very schizo. he thought people were putting jizz in the food. he would come up to you and be like, wow that was just the right amount of sperm in that chicken, great job! dead serious about it. but he could play guitar and sing almost any song by paul mccartney or neil young. he told me all the time that i looked like a young neil young, or that i was a good sabertooth but not quite wolverine. i miss those guys man. they became like family.

i hope if end up in a home that some cool peeps work there... i know what u mean Mohican.


Well-Known Member
Chocolate chips wow and the XXX looks delicious as well BOB!

My kids dont want to go anywhere with me anymore.

Budolskie, you always have the best trained ladies and no exception with this offering!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Question: If you dim a ballast to 50% does that mean you are getting 50% of the lumens you would get it at full power? Or would it be more comparable to the difference between a 250 &400?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the heshish complements everyone, if I can do it first try so can you! I now realize I was supposed to let it dry for about 5 days :-? Im gonna break the cannoli into small pieces again I think, def dont want that going sour on me.

Sample bud :-) 41 days in somewhere around 18 left, hoping at least bongsmilie

This nug is a good representation of all the other ones closest to the light, theres a few more in each cab :-)

This guy approves of the quality so far.


Well-Known Member
Why not get some carbon filters?
I was planning on doing it next year and making it all solar after I complete my classes, so I figure why not do it now then just switch it to solar next year when I've completed all my training in it. I'm starting it sat.. I just picked up some high voltage thermostats for cool and heat so I can have different things kick on only when needed and keep my cost down with out to many worries. Not to mention a great way to utilize my schooling.


Well-Known Member
They're gonna have nice bewbies in a few weeks!

jimmer I'm gonna have to get you out here to hook me up some solar! More light yes please!


Well-Known Member
They're gonna have nice bewbies in a few weeks!

jimmer I'm gonna have to get you out here to hook me up some solar! More light yes please!
I'd be game just to try some of the famous whodat smoke. Honestly though, I have a list of friends with the same request. The way the prices are dropping on the equipment it should be fairly reasonable to do.


Well-Known Member
But do your friends need them for grow rooms!? Hehe, I should be ready financially by then,,,, I always say that...

edit: and I bet your friends don't have famous whodat weed! lol