after death plans??

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Frozen. 10,000 years from now, they can thaw me out and reanimate me. Holla.


Well-Known Member
1. Gold casket attached to an unmanned hot air balloon launched over the sea during a thunder storm. 2nd fed to alligators. 3rd Viking funeral on a pirate ship.


Well-Known Member
I'm being cremated, mixed with the ashes of my dogs, then mixed with concrete and poured into a mold that goes out into the ocean off the coast of Florida into an underwater cemetery that becomes a living reef. It's a pretty cool place and combines a lot of the things I care about.


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Staff member
Would you rather be put in an expensive coffin, cremated or....

When I'm dead do as you wish I won't care. At that point I may have bigger fish to fry, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa... (started practicing awhile back LOL).

Oh and Inda there's a group of us with reserved seats for the 9th, come on down ;)


I hope I'm put back into the earth to become flora and fauna...It doesn't matter to me how its done.

That would make me happy if I still had human emotions.


Well-Known Member
I have always told my wife I don't care what happens to me when Im dead, except if I was found dead in a ditch,
I don't want it reported that I was found dead in a ditch....

Aside from that, my temple will be burnt by then and I dont care.
It's better to burn out than fade away.


Well-Known Member
My will states I am to be cremated and my ashes to sit a top a fireplace mantle in my home to look creepy as fuck for the rest of eternity.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
My will states I am to be cremated and my ashes to sit a top a fireplace mantle in my home to look creepy as fuck for the rest of eternity.
Dammit neo! Guess where my dad's ashes are and it wasn't in his will.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to neosapien again.
