PolyPloid Plants........ I gots me two and a half!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I use mine differently. No soil- ornamental rocks + lava rocks on the bottom + hydro. This method lets me feed small amounts every 45 minutes, and my plants love it

Check out my grow for details of what I use, and why
I have been checking out your grows. Props to you!!! I did the hydro thing for 3 grows and liked it but I have other things I like to do and baby sitting the reservoirs just wasn't going to work out any longer. I keep wanting to set up again because I love the fast growth but camping, fishing and wheeling have to be done!!
Next summer I am going to dable some more with my Aquaponic setup that uses my pond for the water source. I had great success with tomatoes and hot peppers this last summer. The issues I forsee are not being able to add nutes. Hopefully the Hydroton won't completely die this winter since it took half of the summer to grow its microbes and start growing good.


Well-Known Member
I had to do the nasty again yesterday and spray for PM. This time I used 1/2 cup milk in a gallon of water with some Foli-Cal mixed in. I am not sure that I will do that again unless it works. About two hours after spraying the room smells funky!! Today I will fill a bucket with some soap and bleach and scrub the room. The walls and floor now have a white powdery look to them. :o

Anyhow.. While the lights were off I took some of the pictures.... (fawking pictures won't upload right!)

Here is the big tri-ploid. She is stretching like a crazy woman!! Day 6 and 22.5 inches.

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This is a Blue Magoo at day 36 and 42.5 inches. She has been stressed out and is very yellow.

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This is the Blue Magoo Bi-ploid at day 36 and 29.5 inches.

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This is a Blue Magoo at day 35 and 34.25 inches.

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This is XJ-13 at day 35 and 31.25 inches. She came out of my flooded tube with root rot and was put in soil with a tomato cage for support. I am surprised she is still alive!! This one has the sweetest fruity smell and taste I have ever had!!!! :hump:

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Here is another Blue Magoo that was in the flooded tube. Day 36 and 36.5 inches.

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Here is yet another Blue Magoo at day 35 and 29.75 inches.

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This is a Blue Dream at day 36 and 23 inches. She came out of the flooded tube.

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And the AK-48 at day 36 and 18.5 inches. She also came out of the flooded tube. She makes some couch lock smoke that is perfect for kickin back and vegging!!:weed:

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A couple of the girls in veg are stretching so they got topped to control height. One of them I also topped the top 5 branches and pulled them up with wire.


Super clones!!!! :shock:

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That bug light in the last picture stays on 24/7 in the veg area and kills around 5-10 bugs per night.

Time to scrub the room.... :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey Butchyboy! What's shakin' over this way? How are all the girls doing in "The Red Room" (I just LOVE that) ;)
Got a ? for ya...your triploids, do they seem to you like they take their sweet time blooming? Thor said his did but still packed it on...just curious...mine is JUST NOW starting to really make buds and it's been about 34 days since the flip. She's SUPER healthy and happy but slower than molasses!! :shock:


Well-Known Member
Good morning young lady!! My Tri-ploid Blue Magoo is at day 12 of flower and looks to be doing fine. She is in the middle of her stretch right now and stacking up. The Blue Magoo Bi-ploid seems to be keeping up also and is at day 42 and has nice tight firm buds. The AK-48 Bi-ploid is a slow flowering girl so far at day 42 and has flowers 1/3 the size of the other strains. My guess is that she will take longer to finish. The Blue Dream at day 42 is also taking it's sweet time and is very comparable to the AK-48 in flower size. The XJ-13 is fattening up nicely at day 40 and smells like fruit loops :clap:

I will get some pictures today after I ditch the kid at school and hobble my way in there. I am dragging ass today after relocating all of our alcohol to the basement where I installed some kitchen cabinets yesterday. 33 bottles of wine, 48 bottles of hard alcohol, 12 bottles of champagne and many bottles of mixers along with a large amount of liqueur store display's and signage. The wife brings home POS (point of sale) items all the time from work for our future basement bar.


Well-Known Member
Good morning young lady!! My Tri-ploid Blue Magoo is at day 12 of flower and looks to be doing fine. She is in the middle of her stretch right now and stacking up. The Blue Magoo Bi-ploid seems to be keeping up also and is at day 42 and has nice tight firm buds. The AK-48 Bi-ploid is a slow flowering girl so far at day 42 and has flowers 1/3 the size of the other strains. My guess is that she will take longer to finish. The Blue Dream at day 42 is also taking it's sweet time and is very comparable to the AK-48 in flower size. The XJ-13 is fattening up nicely at day 40 and smells like fruit loops :clap:

I will get some pictures today after I ditch the kid at school and hobble my way in there. I am dragging ass today after relocating all of our alcohol to the basement where I installed some kitchen cabinets yesterday. 33 bottles of wine, 48 bottles of hard alcohol, 12 bottles of champagne and many bottles of mixers along with a large amount of liqueur store display's and signage. The wife brings home POS (point of sale) items all the time from work for our future basement bar.
See now...if you'd just let me know I could've helped you out with that chore...could've helped you drink it....then you wouldn't have to carry so much ;)
I think my triploid will be a good while to finish...just started slow...5th week now and she only looks like what the other did at 2-3 weeks...but what she's doing is really looking nice :)


Well-Known Member
Quizoking..... I did miss the first one. Sorry.

Thanks for the info. I started reading up on it and will fill my head with all the info I can remember.

Here is the Tri- whorledploid at day 12.2 of flower..

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Here is the AK-48 Bi-Whateveryouwannacallit-ploid at day 42.2 of flowering. This strain appears to be taking longer to produce.... Kinda fluffy

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This is the Blue Dream at 42.2 days of flower. It also appears to be a slow producer and is kinda fluffy right now...

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This is the super fruity XJ-13 That suffered a terrible case of root rot. Day 41.1 of flower...

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This is the Blue Magoo Bi-fricken-ploid at day 42.2...

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I won't bore everyone with all of the girls, just those!! I am going to early harvest a few of the Blue Magoo's to make room for some of the next round. I had to chop my outdoor grow at day 47 of flower due to freezing temps and have been smoking it for a month now. It has a decent high so not a problem for me.
If I wait, my vegging plants will get to big and I can't bring myself to toss them.

Here is a tour around the room. As you can see by the tips, they (except the first one) all had the same issue at one point.

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The next round..


Getting in line!!.. Some of the clones will get donated or trashed depending on schedules.. These are the slowest rooting clones I have ever had taking up to 29 days to root :shock:

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The Mini-Tri-ploidette... Before and after cleanup.

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A fuzzy Blue Dream that was recently up-potted from a solo cup.. 42 days from cloning.


And a picture with the lights on and off of the whole mess!

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That's all for now. I need to get back outside and finish putting everything away for the winter since it is here.



Well-Known Member
So I started reading your update...but am having difficulty because I CANT STOP LAUGHING!!!! :lol: Maybe a glass of wine will help...smoking could only make things worse...LMFAO


Well-Known Member
LOL!! It's all good....

I am no expert by all means, just look at my plants!!! I am trying to decide what to drink tonight. I think Tequila is the winner!!!!! White or gold... Hmmm.


Well-Known Member
Well I chopped down two of the Blue Magoo's early (day 44-45). I have two plants that need to go in there or they will be to big by the time they are done. I am trying to downsize the final plant size a tad!! I had a zip of dry trim from my outdoor grow and got just shy of a zip of wet trim from the plant I chopped yesterday. I got 2.5 zips of wet trim today. Lots of sparkly popcorn :hump::hump::hump:

Here is what I did with yesterdays wet and the summers dry trim :eyesmoke:

Blender, wait over night, remove excess water, pour leftover water through coffee filters, dry....
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I still need to weigh it. I am waiting for my wife to get home for a test run. The small container is scissor hash.

I will run today's trim after I drop the kid off at school in the morning. It was a fun project but I will be purchasing bubble bags as soon as the wife say's I can.

I guess I will need to ehem! nom nom...;-) kiss-ass Sweet talk her into letting me spend money to make better use of the trim!!


Well-Known Member
Well I chopped down two of the Blue Magoo's early (day 44-45). I have two plants that need to go in there or they will be to big by the time they are done. I am trying to downsize the final plant size a tad!! I had a zip of dry trim from my outdoor grow and got just shy of a zip of wet trim from the plant I chopped yesterday. I got 2.5 zips of wet trim today. Lots of sparkly popcorn :hump::hump::hump:

Here is what I did with yesterdays wet and the summers dry trim :eyesmoke:

Blender, wait over night, remove excess water, pour leftover water through coffee filters, dry....
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I still need to weigh it. I am waiting for my wife to get home for a test run. The small container is scissor hash.

I will run today's trim after I drop the kid off at school in the morning. It was a fun project but I will be purchasing bubble bags as soon as the wife say's I can.

I guess I will need to ehem! nom nom...;-) kiss-ass Sweet talk her into letting me spend money to make better use of the trim!!
No no man...plz dnt smoke that green stff...it'll be NASTY.....that's not what ur thinkin it is....
Plants are lookin good tho


Well-Known Member
No no man...plz dnt smoke that green stff...it'll be NASTY.....that's not what ur thinkin it is....
Plants are lookin good tho
I figured I would give it a try... It is not terrible and I don't choke when I smoke it. I have issues with choking on air and coughing until I pass out (to much metal dust from steel work)

Suggestions are welcome :peace:


Well-Known Member
I figured I would give it a try... It is not terrible and I don't choke when I smoke it. I have issues with choking on air and coughing until I pass out (to much metal dust from steel work)

Suggestions are welcome :peace:
Hash isn't green....


Well-Known Member
I learned from experience u can't do shit w any part of the plant that dsnt have resin on it...all that green is chlorophyll n plant matter...not anything u want unless ur like one of them "juicers" that drinks like leaf juice n stff....I tried it ur way when I first started...trash imo....I'm not being a dick I'm kinda hi n just being upfront. ....u gotta separate the resin from the leaf...many many very popular ways but this is not one....GL bro garden looks good


Well-Known Member
I am not one of those people who get bent over someone speaking. I agree, hash is not supposed to be green.

I gave it a try and The results speak for themselves. It won't happen again :hug:

Woody!! WTF?? More info bro!!!