My temps way to high i think !!


New Member
HI guys

just stuck my sprouted seedling in soil under my 600watt ..i got an exaust out take and a sort of larger fan in the teny blowing on the pots ...the sprout has not come thro soil yet ...but my temp is ...85/90 is going on :( need help please :(


Well-Known Member
just stuck my sprouted seedling in soil under my 600watt . ...the sprout has not come thro soil yet ...but my temp is ...85/90 is going on :( need help please :(
This doesn't make sense to me, first you said you had a sprouted seedling, then say it has not come through the soil yet....

Anyway you don't need the 600W yet, way overkill, just put t under some CFLs for a couple weeks.


New Member
i done the wet tissu method ..they sprouted ..then i potted them stuck them under my 600watt ..and my temp is 85 ner pots ...if that makes it easyer ;) ..sorry


Well-Known Member
i done the wet tissu method ..they sprouted ..then i potted them stuck them under my 600watt ..and my temp is 85 ner pots ...if that makes it easyer ;) ..sorry
When you put them in the wet paper towel and you see that nub, it's called germination. You then, put that in soil and when it's above soil it's called a sprout.

85 already is insane, your going to need a solution. I can't help because I don't know your setup. Just a 600w hps doesn't help at all.


Well-Known Member
clones, seedlings and up to about a foot tall plant only need hardly shit for light. Like a couple of daylight cfl's and your gold.


New Member
iv changed to clf now guys ...i only stuck them in the pots this morning when will i see some think ;(


New Member
and im only useing a house lamp with 2700k energy saver right above the pots about 20 inches is this fine or not ...i really dont wanna mess this up ;(

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
I pretty much concur with other opinions before me, I use 220 watts of true cfl for the first two weeks of growth, I go to Walmart and get true 55 watt cfls and place one per plant. After about 2 weeks I turn on my 400 watt hps and dim it to 50% (200 watts). This gets the plants accustomed to a more intense light, After about 3 days to a week I up to 300 watts (75%) and a few days later I up it again till full power is used, What concerns me is that If your having a temperature issue now then you will again after you reinstate the 600 watter , I would get that issue taken care of now before your plants can use the 600. because a temp issue now will be one later, I would invest in some good ventilation fans so you can get your temps down to a max of about 81.5 F. Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
85/90 in veg, just wait until you switch to flowering. LOL!!!!!!! 10*+ hotter guaranteed. and a t8 6500k is all you need for seedlings, or cfl's. that 600 will cook them.


New Member
but i cant get all thses things i dont work and i dont get no other in come im on my last legs all i got is a 600watt hps 5inch exuast fan with ductim carbin filter fan ...and my little house lamp clf


Well-Known Member
well then sadly your grow might not work. its like trying to make a ham and cheese omelet, but don't have the ham to make it properly. you can still make the grow happen, ditch the 600w light and run cfl's or t5's/t8's, or led if you have a lot of coin to buy an led fixture.


Well-Known Member
I'm lazy,I use my 600 from day 1 . I run it on low watt and high as I can go.
I grow hydro 12x12fs.I got good exhaust,finally added an intake and temp dropped way lower than I thought.


Well-Known Member
I've got 3 400watt MH's in the Veg.
3 1000watt HPS in the Flower.
I also have 2 centrifugal exhaust blowers to keep it all cool, and A/C for the summer time.

If your gonna use HID's you just about need some sort of temp control method.