Thanks for the heshish complements everyone, if I can do it first try so can you! I now realize I was supposed to let it dry for about 5 days Im gonna break the cannoli into small pieces again I think, def dont want that going sour on me.
Sample bud 41 days in somewhere around 18 left, hoping at least
This nug is a good representation of all the other ones closest to the light, theres a few more in each cab
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to whodatnation again. <strong>[video=youtube_share;MH2eRRh4Bls][/video]
Forgot the soil pr0n, its been sitting for a few weeks now... New batch bc all my older more "seasoned" soil is tied up in flowering.
It feels and smells really good Im looking forward to seeing what it does.
Also, I put a layer of semi fresh grass clippings on the surface after the initial mixing, then wetting it down with tea. When I turned it today I decided to mix the now dry grass clipping in. Was a nice workout rolling and flipping it around (clamped lid).