Feminized seeds?


Well-Known Member
is Bulgaria part of the EU? u should be able to order to there... it says on most sites to europe.


Well-Known Member
And to mathematical probability i am not likely to 9 out of 10 seeds female (mathematical probability says 1.1% chance)
LOL fuck no ive been luck like that Shit ..like
the odds on getting 8 out of 10 seeds female is 5.5% chance
But 6 seeds out of 10 female is 63.2% chance |||


Well-Known Member
1 - Yes they are worth it if your in a rush and don't want to waist the extra time and money to find out that you got a male (but some ferminized strains could cost up to an extra $40 to $50 maybe more so if your not in a hury and wanna take a chance with other seeds that will have males then go for it but in a way if you payed $100 for 15 ferminised seeds but wannted to get more bang for your buck and have the extra time you could pay $100 for 30 seeds that will have males and females)
2 - They do cost more
3 - if you want to do seed harvest and your looking for male plants then don't go with ferminized seeds