The Taqiyya Libel Against Muslims - updated 5/21/12
It has become prevalent in Islamophobic circles to misrepresent the Arabic term taqiyya. For example, one recent article “informed” readers that:
Taqiyya literally means: “Concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies at a time of eminent danger, whether now or later in time, to save oneself from physical and/or mental injury.” It is also used as a disinformation tactic to confuse or bamboozle kafirs or non-believers.
Note that the actual definition is in quotation marks while the rest of the paragraph (which I have highlighted) is something added to the meaning by someone who wishes to distort the term.
Here is a definition from the Islamic Dictionary
Dissimulation - to conceal, partially conceal or disguise one’s true feelings, beliefs or information when there is threat of death or serious harm and when there is a threat of great evil.