Conservatives hate your constitution

Please go on about how you love individual liberty but hate the civil rights act.

lol at I hate civil rights. It's a shame you are so stupid that you think people are too stupid to see what you are doing. If I could convince you that most people here are not as assbackward dumb as you are, maybe you'd quit pulling this shit. Given the level of intelligence and understanding you show, I fear that's just a dream. Others have tried and failed too.
^^you seem like you're at a loss for words^^

It is simple, you're a racist, which is why you love rawn pawl. You think David Duke should be free to discriminate, because freedom. Damn those civil rights getting in the way of freedom.

Go ahead and spew 6 insults at me again.
^^you seem like you're at a loss for words^^

It is simple, you're a racist, which is why you love rawn pawl. You think David Duke should be free to discriminate, because freedom. Damn those civil rights getting in the way of freedom.

Go ahead and spew 6 insults at me again.

I AM at a loss. The level of your ignorance surpasses anything I expected out of you. I believe in civil liberties, that's like saying I believe in civil rights, understand? I believe we should all be treated equally under the law, how many more times do I have to type that out before it sinks in your obviously damaged head?

Do you feel we need title II and why? Buck was too chicken shit to answer, how bout you?
Insult me some more. It might make you seem like less of a racist.

how bout I just call you a chickenshit poser until you give an honest answer, fair enough?

Do we need title II and why?

BTW, I've only seen a few people on this forum call an entire group of people you do not know as bigots. You are in that group of idiot bigots who fail to see the sweet irony.
But should David Duke be allowed to refuse service to black people?

Already answered, several times chickenshit. Let me type it slower so you can understand.

Yes, Duke and Sharpton should both be allowed to run their business anyway they want as long as they don't infringe on other's rights. We have a right to boycott and protest those businesses (or for you, just Duke's) until we run them out of town because my community wouldn't put up with it. I wouldn't patronize either place because I disagree with their discrimination, but to be consistent in my libertarian views, freedom has costs but not everyone is as bigoted as you so I don't think any business like Duke's would remain open.

So chickenshit.. your turn.
Perfect example of racism is below not above.

So you oppose the civil rights act, prefer segregation. Got it.

AC, you have slogans. Others here have presented reasoned arguments. You should just answer, "the government has the right to choose who citizens associate with, it is for the greater good". That seems to be what you believe, although peering through all the shit you sling makes it hard to know what really motivates you.
I'm just saying, for all the times I hear you goons talk about individual liberty, you sure seem to hate civil rights, and really love the freedom to discriminate.
I'm just saying, for all the times I hear you goons talk about individual liberty, you sure seem to hate civil rights, and really love the freedom to discriminate.

You seem to embrace individual liberty as long as individuals aren't so brazen as to actually exercise theirs.
Ok what's the score? What are we debating currently?

Whether or not we need title II. Not really a debate though, every time I ask AC if he's for it, he goes off on a tangent about civil rights. I fear he thinks title II IS civil rights instead of just a small part of it. He bumped his head, not his fault. It was that group of people over there's fault.