MedScientists Project - Master LED's

Those new ones look like the ones I have, I guess I didn't get the ts10s. They are BRIGHT aint they lol. I haven't noticed any bad side effects from swapping from the 1000 watter to the led panels, and my jack herer starting turning purple since swapping to. Have you seen green yet lol. Look at the purple light then go switch on a 2700k CFL lol. That could be their slogan...hook up our leds and you will LITERALLY start seeing green lol. Have you gotten a power bill yet to compare HID power bill vs LED power bill?
Those new ones look like the ones I have, I guess I didn't get the ts10s. They are BRIGHT aint they lol. I haven't noticed any bad side effects from swapping from the 1000 watter to the led panels, and my jack herer starting turning purple since swapping to. Have you seen green yet lol. Look at the purple light then go switch on a 2700k CFL lol. That could be their slogan...hook up our leds and you will LITERALLY start seeing green lol. Have you gotten a power bill yet to compare HID power bill vs LED power bill?

The ONLY problem with your slogans is.... When I look at the plants with the Bud Boss 151's ON, the plants look flat BLACK, and the Frosty parts vear towards grey, although the walls are Blindingly Pink and Purple (shaded areas).

The One difference is Heat. I can hold the back of my hand to ANY part of it, with very little heat noticed. So I will Keep the HPS going in one of my rooms and benefit from the Budz, instead of running a heater with nothing to show for it. These would be PERFECT for a cabinet or closet grow with just computer fans for air exchange. Hmmmmm... Perhaps a Sealed Room with CO2? I have MY ventilation rigged so the AirFlow is designed to be pulled thru the walls from the back end of the Garden, through 4 rooms, to the filter, cool tube and out. But my Outie will probably become and Innie during these cold months? Time to hook up the New Carbon Filter! WooHoo!

I just checked my Electric Bill, and WOW! Yes, it was $93 less than last month... I usually run 1000w HPS in that room, so about 760w less, and a few bulbs on my T-5 burned out, that has to account for $3 of the $93? Hehehe WooHoo!

Be VERY Excited you recieved the NEW Panels! This Tech ROCKS!

I meant more when you look at other lights...yellow lights become green for a bit after you look at the led light. 93 bucks a month is quite a difference. Have you grown these same strains before in a similar setup with the 1000 to be able to compare yields?
I meant more when you look at other lights...yellow lights become green for a bit after you look at the led light. 93 bucks a month is quite a difference. Have you grown these same strains before in a similar setup with the 1000 to be able to compare yields?

Everything but the Tutankhamon aka King TuT (AK47 select pheno). I seem to add a few New Strains each run. When the number of Strains becomes a Struggle, I drop the least Potent in My lineup. I dont grow for Quantity in My small rooms. I have Always had a hard time keeping the Girlz off the Bulbs and Ceiling, there is a Whole Lot of Shading going On! But growing that close to the Bulbs creates some Seriously QUALITY Medz! If your not Bleaching some of the Tops, your not close enough. I tried to do a 6 plant Vertical grow in my 4 X 6 and the Inner canopy was so Thick and Frosty!




Those new ones look like the ones I have, I guess I didn't get the ts10s. They are BRIGHT aint they lol. I haven't noticed any bad side effects from swapping from the 1000 watter to the led panels, and my jack herer starting turning purple since swapping to. Have you seen green yet lol. Look at the purple light then go switch on a 2700k CFL lol. That could be their slogan...hook up our leds and you will LITERALLY start seeing green lol. Have you gotten a power bill yet to compare HID power bill vs LED power bill?

Whoa! Hold on a second... I OVERLOOKED the Most Obvious thing above.... Are you Journaling your LED's? Link Me Please!

Yea these would be amazin in a sealed co2 grow. dehumidifier would probably be required though

That and a Heater here in Michagan Basements, in the Fall/Winter/Spring!

I cant wait to see what you do with your panels, I am SOoo Excited about this LED Technology and am Expecting some AMAZING Quality AND HPS comparable Quantity Medz.

Dang! The MedScientist's Super Duper Potent Dry Ice HashCaps kicked in and I keep Deleting everything when I proof read it, time to GO! WooHoo!


WooHoo! Hehehe

I am keeping a journal :) The grasscity one just has the LEDs part of the grow, the RUI link is my running grow for the CO OP so it has some past grows involved as well.

Yea I am excited to see these LEDS as well. So far the plants seem to love them, and being able to grow for fractions of the cost is amazing! Feel much "greener" not chugging down 400-600 a month in power
filling in nicely MS!that purple intensity of you leds is insane. how much these new lights run for now? have you had a peak inside the panel or had to fix any lights at all? and how much do they weight?
filling in nicely MS!that purple intensity of you leds is insane. how much these new lights run for now? have you had a peak inside the panel or had to fix any lights at all? and how much do they weight?

I have not opened one of these New Panels, but you CAN see inside thru the vents!

GrowEvolution.Com is the BEST place to get pricing and technical data. I think you could get a couple of their Bud Boss 305's for less than your last attempt with.... you know who?

They arent to heavy either...think the package said 7 pounds for the square sized and 13 pounds for the 305. and that was including shipping weight
When only the leds are on the plants still look black. If I have my 30 w floro on at the same time as the leds the plants look normal.
Yeah its weird how the leds work. Theyre misleadingly bright. In the sense that theyre actually brighter than what we can see. Especially with the uv/ir spectrum and the overload of those specific blue and red wavelengths.

Does your whole room turn green when you guys turn em off?? Mine does hahaha.

And med scientist! ive got 3 of the 305s im gonna be runnin in flower so seeing your results with the true 10s and the 151s only makes me more amped on the potential of these. check the sig if you wanna join. runnin them all in a 4x4 tent!

and jig, do those goggles just cut down the brightness of the lights or work like the method sevens?? im guessing the first haha.
Yeah its weird how the leds work. Theyre misleadingly bright. In the sense that theyre actually brighter than what we can see. Especially with the uv/ir spectrum and the overload of those specific blue and red wavelengths.

Does your whole room turn green when you guys turn em off?? Mine does hahaha.

And med scientist! ive got 3 of the 305s im gonna be runnin in flower so seeing your results with the true 10s and the 151s only makes me more amped on the potential of these. check the sig if you wanna join. runnin them all in a 4x4 tent!

and jig, do those goggles just cut down the brightness of the lights or work like the method sevens?? im guessing the first haha.

I ABSOLUTELY want to see THAT! Will all 3 Fit in a 4 X 4?

My next grow... I WAS thinking about using these in a 3 X 5 array for approx 30 watts/sq.ft, but YOU @ OVER 60 watts per? Holy $hit!

When I went to check the stats of your 305's, I noticed they added 2 MORE shapes... a 232 Bud Boss and a 343 Bud Boss. AND Bulk pricing too! I am SOooo FREAKING EXCITED that my wifey took away my Credit Card. I guess I will wait to see just how many watts per sq ft I will need for MY Tree Grows! WooHoo!

Yeah i was checkin out the site too cause they tweak it daily it seems and saw the new configs and that one with 9 chips looks nuts! haha the 342 or somethin like that haha.

But yeah im usin one 305 for veg in a 2x4x5 tent and then ill have 2 in flower totaling 610w and i really wanna squeeze the other one in my 4x4 tent for 915w total.

Im thinking i can run either all 3 hung the long way since theyre only 3' long and 1' deep so 3 should fit with a few inches in between and the sides with plenty of room.

My other thought was running 2 the long way far over to the right as can be and on running down the left side of the tent. kinda makind a C configuration or like this l= but with the equal sign spaced out farther. hahaha.

Im thinkin the 3 straight back would be best though. most room between panels for air to flow and most even coverage.

SOOOOO MANY WATTS of LEDs. i didnt even do the math but that is alot of power in the good spectrums. And since its a tent its reflective as fuck!

And since they run so cool ill be able to get up close and personal with them and adjust slightly for the different phenos.
Running 2 of these Panels in the 4x4 should BLOW AWAY any of your 600w HPS grows! I would probably find a new veg spot and throw the 3rd one in the 2x4 for a 2nd Flower Room. That way you can harvest every 30ish days? Hehehe Growers Creep? These LED's have me EXCITED about Growing again! Can ya tell?

WooHoo! Peace
Yea these LEDS have re-lite my fire as well, its very nice growing and not feeling like I HAVE to churn shit out to keep up with the power bills.
Anybody check Harbor Freight? Might not need $35 minimum, or more other things to choose from

Anyone find these with 30x magnifier lenses? That would be cool... multifunctional! I still haven't opened my LED HeadLamp I got for X-mas last year! I think I just talked myself out of another Gadget?

Maybe I should put the money in a jar, everytime I DONT buy something, till I have enough fto Buy another LED Panel? Hehehe... I probably shouldnt Journal toooo much when BAKED? Hehehehe WooHoo!

I call re-gift. Me Me Me

Ya, including a 30x would be cool, but your head would have to get too close

Anyone find these with 30x magnifier lenses? That would be cool... multifunctional! I still haven't opened my LED HeadLamp I got for X-mas last year! I think I just talked myself out of another Gadget?

Maybe I should put the money in a jar, everytime I DONT buy something, till I have enough fto Buy another LED Panel? Hehehe... I probably shouldnt Journal toooo much when BAKED? Hehehehe WooHoo!
