What's your biggest fear?


Well-Known Member
Really the only thing that scares the shit out of me is being diagnosed with a mental disease. I'd never want to feel brain dead. Not knowing who I am or where I am would scare the hell out of me. To feel like a stranger in my own body. I'm scared of dementia.. or anything similar. Well that's my fear, this guy doesn't scare me anymore lol, but he did my entire childhood


what fear(s) do you have? I'm trying to remember if padawan already made this thread, but I'm not sure.. so here it is again :)


Well-Known Member
Heights....over say 3feet

Flying insects...or dangerous ones ie all species of spiders etc

Also random knocks on my door

When I stand up I always drop lighter/pipe/bowl whatever...so when I stand its ha bit to check my lap in the process... scary stuff


Well-Known Member
Dropping dead at home, my dog having to eat me and then him either killed or locked up cuz "he has eaten human flesh"


Well-Known Member
An apocolyptic extinction event like nuclear war, a super volcano or an asteroid collision. Also extreme physical pain.


Well-Known Member
My biggest fear at the moment is having another fungus gnat outbreak. Haven't seen any in about a week though. My 2nd biggest fear at the moment is my UC fucking up and having to whore myself out on the streets to make ends meet.


Well-Known Member
My child dying before I do. Or watching her die. I would murder billions in cold blood to stop it from happening if I could.

That got dark really quick...