The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

What is it with these tap dancers. You think you can't make mistakes so you have to defend the un-defendable?

Own your on damn words.
You just said you were for them. And now you say they don't. CIGS phased out. WTF???

What double negative? NO DOUBLE NEGS. BTW, it is less than honorable to say this and claim you never said the laws worked.

Originally Posted by burgertime2010
it does not work? <finger in nose>

When did you first have beer?
When did you first smoke?
You tell me it works, but I don't believe it.
How about ganga?
Are these laws
(ganja, from the previous sentence)effective or just prison economy?

And will not admit that restriction does not work, at all. - this was the double neg, Cigarettes are not as big as they were when I was a kid. plus they are 2x the cost don't ask me. The laws and all the hype I would imagine are part of it. I don't remember my 1st dad used to let me taste his and I didn't care for it.....besides that 11 or so. Cigs 12. I am a bad example as I was way younger than the people I hung with and grew up fast. Ganja is basically legal here but as a teen not a lot of people got baked and there was a criminal element that some wouldn't shake. It was a drug. I think it is not clear exactly why cigs took a dive and more people smoked move I say. The laws are effective to those who follow them. Limiting availability is more effective
Everything is aggressive to you. Science made up my mind about these 2 products and avoiding them is healthier....bottom line. If you like soda just say so, whatever. Your passive attitude is essentially saying nothing and does not aim to do anything. Its' lazy....

I would assume either lazy or a laissez-faire life-style choice. Reading Rob Roy's past posts (and screen name)I'm betting the farm on the latter.
Usually, the theme I see from Rob here is that everything is a violation of his utopia. He distrusts any legal protection and that is fine, but I share little with his analogies.
That's because you just don't get it. You keep making replies to statements I never made. You're arguing with someone that exits in your own mind and trying to pretend it's me. And, frankly, trying to imply I am some fat illiterate or I would agree with you is indicative of mental deficiency.

Well, than say something that YOU feel strongly about. Make a point, answer a question, engage beyond criticism. What don't I get?.....tell me how it is, I am interested.
Well, we have a situation where that is more the case but the people have a lot to blame on themselves. What do we do?

Not sure but I think it's going to be interesting. I see man entering a new phase of enlightenment that will hopefully bring us that new system that's better than democracy. So far it's the best known system, but I'm hopeful that changes. We may end up ignoring history and rehashing old ideas that are already proven to fail first, but once we get that out of our system, we can do work.
What is this lie about margarine is a transfat? All you need is: an acid to modify a protein, bacteria to modify a starchy carbohydrate, an emulsifier, and a high saturated MCT fat. Or you can cheat by hydrogenating a high oleic LCT into an artificial high saturated trans fat, and skip a few steps.
Not sure but I think it's going to be interesting. I see man entering a new phase of enlightenment that will hopefully bring us that new system that's better than democracy. So far it's the best known system, but I'm hopeful that changes. We may end up ignoring history and rehashing old ideas that are already proven to fail first, but once we get that out of our system, we can do work.

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter." ~Winston Churchill

Again I disagree with him. I say a better argument is a 30 second conversation with the average politician.

I agree with you though, I am optimistic for mankind.
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter." ~Winston Churchill

Again I disagree with him. I say a better argument is a 30 second conversation with the average politician.

I agree with you though, I am optimistic for mankind.

Politicians are a reflection of average voters. Garbage begets garbage.
Who is entering this phase?

Humanity. The internet is making knowledge (power) freely available. This is a very new invention in terms of social progress. I think it is as big as the industrial revolution. The result is more people reaching philosophical maturity earlier in life which is the same as society as a whole being more mature. It also might not seem like the effect is positive right away, a lot of people are socially pissed off though.

We'll see how each crisis goes (no fucking shortage of those) but I think the greater trend is optimistic.
Fuck.....we could use some new music about now. Part of my cynicism lies in this evolution, rather the food and prescriptions that make us less than our potential. I feel it is systematic and unobstructed and it makes me crazy.