Pinworm's 600w RDWC Horrorshow (WWxBB Mainlined - NL5xHaze, Purple Fire, Sour Diesel)

Ive been through phases of smoking and not smoking in my life and I do agree its a gateway drug. Perhaps not to all but to some. I don't think I would have tried harder drugs had I not first been using weed for awhile. I looked at it like, ok Ive already been breaking the law getting this buzz and these other things have buzzes too, I like my weed buzz so maybe I'll like another! I think weed desensitizes us a little bit which takes us one step closer to trying that little bit of speed, or a pill... then those drugs are the gateway into stuff that you REALLY thought you'd never do because hey you're already doing this other stuff right?

I think in my case, weed was a gateway.
Ive been through phases of smoking and not smoking in my life and I do agree its a gateway drug. Perhaps not to all but to some. I don't think I would have tried harder drugs had I not first been using weed for awhile. I looked at it like, ok Ive already been breaking the law getting this buzz and these other things have buzzes too, I like my weed buzz so maybe I'll like another! I think weed desensitizes us a little bit which takes us one step closer to trying that little bit of speed, or a pill... then those drugs are the gateway into stuff that you REALLY thought you'd never do because hey you're already doing this other stuff right?

I think in my case, weed was a gateway.

I agree. I took pretty much the exact same path Chaka. I just wonder if it would have been different had marihuana been sold next to Budweiser as opposed to being sold behind closed doors for my entire life.
I was through the gateway before i even smoked weed.

Ive just always been interested in drugs. Since i was 12 id look up different ones id see on drugs inc and different drug shows on tv. By the time i actually started smoking weed, 2 years later, i was an Erowid expert hahaha. Already read LSD and X synths, dmt extractions, how to make meth, just about everything i could find videos of or papers about id read and learn. Never with the intention of doing it.... yet. But then once i started smoking i did only that for a while, started growing when i started smoking because i had already researched how easy it was before i even started smoking.

Then, no influence by weed, i wanted to do acid and shrooms really bad. Just cause ive seen all the documentaries and things about them. It seemed like something id like it. Tried em both and they were some of my favorite experiences ever. Still love acid and shrooms to this day, but only do them occasionally. I can do a line of some oxys and no harm or addiction. I just have good self control.

Also, i live in a pretty ghetto place and alot of people sell crack and rondo. Ive never ONCE been told "well i dont have any weed, do you want some pills or crack?"

Maybe its just where i live, but people look out for people. They sell to the junkies cause theyre gonna get it from someone no matter what, but they wont start some random person on that shit. A friend of mine sold crack and always said hed never sell it to me or my friends even if i wanted it. He said i could come at him with a stack and he still wouldnt sell me it.

All that being said, some people brains are just stuck on ADDICTED. My cousins is. Smokes weed like a fiend. Smokes cigs like a fiend. If im not free to smoke with him hell run to the closest person selling any type of drug and buy it. Hes not actually addicted to anything, other than the act of taking drugs.

So personality has alot to do with it. Pre existing conditions giving you a higher chance of becoming an addict and stuff. Parents being addicts combined other family problems.

In the end if we all enjoyed weed enough and it was legal, you wouldnt have as many people treat it like crack or heroine. Have a drink with your dad have a smoke with your mom. Bringing families together instead of one hiding in the garage smoking, the parents thinking hes on a harder drug, sending him to rehab or he gets caught for minor possession and sentenced to probation, then since it stays in your system so long he switches to pills that you can work out of you body within days. Ive seen it happen way too much and kill some of my friends. Shit sucks. So lets fight to make it legal.
I'll look for that tomorrow Stew, thanks for the reminder. It's been a long day.
Personally I think that alcohol is a much more frequent gateway to problematic substance use than marijuana. I'd also say the age of first experimenting is a much better indicator of future problems than the initial substance chosen. That's my observation and I've known a few people who've taken drugs.
I believe there are a lot of people out there for whom never taking anything is just not going to work out. But marijuana is safer by leaps and bounds than anything else that can be used to get intoxicated on a daily basis.
Well I haven't listened to any punk today, so that must mean it was a full day+ since I talked to you last. Hope all is well... just wanna stop in and say hello.
I'll look for that tomorrow Stew, thanks for the reminder. It's been a long day.
Personally I think that alcohol is a much more frequent gateway to problematic substance use than marijuana. I'd also say the age of first experimenting is a much better indicator of future problems than the initial substance chosen. That's my observation and I've known a few people who've taken drugs.
I believe there are a lot of people out there for whom never taking anything is just not going to work out. But marijuana is safer by leaps and bounds than anything else that can be used to get intoxicated on a daily basis.

I remember a study in France back in the late '90s that classified drugs into hard and soft categories in terms of "gateway" potential. On the soft side: marijuana, ecstasy, valium. On the hard side: cocaine, heroin, meth. Then there were the daily use drugs that in most cases were not gateways, though they were potentially harmful in large quantities and very problematic for some people: alcohol, caffeine and sugar.

EDIT NOTE: And I totally forgot about nicotine, which was labelled a hard drug in that study, though it came under "daily use" for accessibility.
I'll look for that tomorrow Stew, thanks for the reminder. It's been a long day.
Personally I think that alcohol is a much more frequent gateway to problematic substance use than marijuana. I'd also say the age of first experimenting is a much better indicator of future problems than the initial substance chosen. That's my observation and I've known a few people who've taken drugs.
I believe there are a lot of people out there for whom never taking anything is just not going to work out. But marijuana is safer by leaps and bounds than anything else that can be used to get intoxicated on a daily basis.

I couldn't agree more on the bolded point.

weed is just the "gateway" drug because it's usually the first illegal drug you encounter as a person... I actually took speed pills before I ever smoked weed. only because they were available. if a person is interested in drugs, they're going to use the first drug they get their hands on. and the younger you start the more likely it is that the drugs are going to have a large impact on your life...
I couldn't agree more on the bolded point.

weed is just the "gateway" drug because it's usually the first illegal drug you encounter as a person... I actually took speed pills before I ever smoked weed. only because they were available. if a person is interested in drugs, they're going to use the first drug they get their hands on. and the younger you start the more likely it is that the drugs are going to have a large impact on your life...
I know lots of people who started on ritalin or adderall because who didn't have a friend who was prescribed them? No wonder our generation loves pills so much.
But even with the amount of kids being given speed weed is still the most ubiquitous "drug."
Well wellll well. Greetings citizens! How are we feeling on this glorious day? Just throwing double-whiskeys over with my neighbor Dobbs. She says I'm lame for not updating for a whole week. So, here's a snap from this morning, and a feeble description:


Sour Diesel #3 is one leggy bitch. Has a good 6 inches on the others. Topped Purple Fire, and each Supreme Delight for 16 today, and did some gnarly rope work. Spent close to 2 hours on bondage today. I forgot the safe word, but I think that just turned them on even more. Flip is coming soon. 2-3 more weeks.


Getting my brain prepped for Punk Rock Karaoke Night. I'm totally going to drown myself in bourbon, until I'm good and loose, then I'll be "performing" my rendition of "Fix My Brain". Obligatory tipsy parasitic pub-crawl happy drinky fun show engage.