Note to self thread


Well-Known Member
jig……was watching a show about early logging in the PNW and to a man they were all about our size… ancestors were coal miners in scotland….small wiry and you don't want to make them mad :)


Well-Known Member
Note to self...research before you do anything..saves you trouble,money,problems,time. I'm sure it's a repost,it's a hard fact tho.


Well-Known Member
Woot happy birthday to beech on the right day!!

And damn Jig I knew you were skinny but 120.... I havn't weighed that since I was like 13. I was up to 240 at one point, but after my accident I lost about 35 pounds, now I lvl'd back off at a nice wieght for my height.


not to self - get violently high after hours, never fails I get a business call right after I get very stoned, cant form complete sentences


note to self - don't tell the creepy guy at the gas station who keeps complimenting your beard that you just got out of prison for raping a guy who looked just like him... nah actually do that, was the funniest thing I have done in a while


note to self - don't ever tell a chick during sex you want to do her hot mom. I wasn't fully dressed when I hit the front door and was still getting hit


note to self - I will always have hand on handrail walking down my stairs. My dogs have knocked me and my wife down the stairs more than once


please do not judge me for this one, its just my sick sense of humor and I have and would never hit a woman

Note to self - while talking to your female cousin who volunteers at a women's shelter do not EVER say " yea I heard there were like 3 million battered women in this country, I am going to stop eating mine plane" she still doesn't like me.

I felt horrible and called my mom and told her I crossed the line, when my mom asked how I told her what I did and she laughed so hard she was crying... love my mom and her sense of humor!


Ursus marijanus
please do not judge me for this one, its just my sick sense of humor and I have and would never hit a woman

Note to self - while talking to your female cousin who volunteers at a women's shelter do not EVER say " yea I heard there were like 3 million battered women in this country, I am going to stop eating mine plane" she still doesn't like me.

I felt horrible and called my mom and told her I crossed the line, when my mom asked how I told her what I did and she laughed so hard she was crying... love my mom and her sense of humor!
I made one of the local soccer moms give me a Superfund-quality dirty look. Her offspring was hawking Girl Scout Cookies in front of the local supermarket. I told her I was no longer a customer since they stopped making them with real Girl Scout.


Well-Known Member
Ah redneck thanksgiving.......
AHH,Cmon man,Dont knock it till you tried one TC.
You might not wanna know what your eating,but I BET you would gobble gobble it UP!:lol:
ps How the life at the Thundercat domain......Like it a'lot better up there?