An important history lesson!!!!!!!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
California was hurt alot by good olé arnie swartzenwhatever. A
ohh my fucking sweet baleful lord of the lands of the dead.

you are just beyond all hope.

what horrifying evil republican policies did Arnold Schwarzenegger propose that you found so objectionable?

califronia has been circling the financial drain since the 70's, but the water was so deep they are only now discovering how shallow it has become.

Protip: california's legislature has been dominated by the democrats since we became a state dingus! not ONE moment under any party but the dems. EVER


Well-Known Member
You're such a retard. Constantly trying to prove you are the most radical left wing Socialist on RIU. Well congratulations we believe you. You have come up with and devised the most perfect form of Socialism in its infinite number of flavors.

A picture of two right wing and one left wing heads of state has no value as an attempt to refute my assertion that there is no left wing in the US. Furthermore I despise all 3.


Well-Known Member
Protip: california's legislature has been dominated by the democrats since we became a state dingus! not ONE moment under any party but the dems. EVER
wait, so they've always been run by democrat "eco-nauts", yet they have hydro electric dams, wind power, solar power, and more?

damn, you just can't help but defeat your own stupidity.


Well-Known Member
b the way, where was the history lesson here?

all i saw was a cheap talking point that ignored most political history in this nation.


Well-Known Member
wait, so they've always been run by democrat "eco-nauts", yet they have hydro electric dams, wind power, solar power, and more?

damn, you just can't help but defeat your own stupidity.
I have heard that we have capitalism to thank for basically everything good in the world. The same people who make this claim also say there has never been real capitalism. Their minds are full of paradoxes.


Well-Known Member
An important History lesson -

Dont forget the missing article

[SIZE=+1]Article XIII of the 13th Amendment[/SIZE] "1.) If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain, any title of nobility or honor, or shall, without the consent of congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them. "

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
wait, so they've always been run by democrat "eco-nauts", yet they have hydro electric dams, wind power, solar power, and more?

damn, you just can't help but defeat your own stupidity.
the last hydro-power dam built in California is the Box Canyon Dam, built in 1969.

NO new hydroelectric dams have been constructed since then.

we HAVE some dams, but they were all built BEFORE the eco-craze began you scurrilous lying dog

likewise we have SOME wind farms, but no new ones have been constructed in a long time, based on specious ec-naut claims, you pestilent whoremonger

likewise we have SOME solar power facilities, but damned few, and the eco-lobby has blocked any further large solar projects to "preserve the environment" from clean renewable energy from the sun you vile prevaricating toad.


Well-Known Member
the last hydro-power dam built in California is the Box Canyon Dam, built in 1969.

NO new hydroelectric dams have been constructed since then.

we HAVE some dams, but they were all built BEFORE the eco-craze began you scurrilous lying dog

likewise we have SOME wind farms, but no new ones have been constructed in a long time, based on specious ec-naut claims, you pestilent whoremonger

likewise we have SOME solar power facilities, but damned few, and the eco-lobby has blocked any further large solar projects to "preserve the environment" from clean renewable energy from the sun you vile prevaricating toad.
but you said democrat eco-nauts hate those things, and democrat eco-nauts have controlled cali forever.

and now i get to pick on the bold claim and call you a liar again, because you are a liar.

Wind power in California has doubled in capacity since 2002

why are you such a liar, kynes?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
but you said democrat eco-nauts hate those things, and democrat eco-nauts have controlled cali forever.

and now i get to pick on the bold claim and call you a liar again, because you are a liar.

Wind power in California has doubled in capacity since 2002

why are you such a liar, kynes?
wind power projects have been STYMIED in the courts

the sierra club argued against large wind farm proposals because large clusters of windmills would slay more birds than smaller installations, while simultaneously arguing against smaller wind projects based on the claim that isolated windmills are more dangerous to birds than groups of windmills.

it was not too long ago that wind was a GREAT idea in eco-loony land buit now "Big Wind" is almost as hated as "Big Oil" you despicable rodent.

why are you such a blatant deceiver and violator of the truth?

edit: your own "citation" (lolwikipedia) declares that there is only ONE new wind farm since the late 90's despite greater demand for electricity than ever before.

california once led in wind, and now we are way behind TEXAS because texas lets people build wind farms while in california they do everything they can to prevent it, you didnt even read your own "citation" you just looked at the p[retty pictures, ignoring the fact that calif wind power CONSUMPTION was up, but that was largely wind power produced in OTHER STATES!


Well-Known Member
wind power projects have been STYMIED in the courts

the sierra club argued against large wind farm proposals because large clusters of windmills would slay more birds than smaller installations, while simultaneously arguing against smaller wind projects based on the claim that isolated windmills are more dangerous to birds than groups of windmills.

it was not too long ago that wind was a GREAT idea in eco-loony land buit now "Big Wind" is almost as hated as "Big Oil" you despicable rodent.

why are you such a blatant deceiver and violator of the truth?

edit: your own "citation" (lolwikipedia) declares that there is only ONE new wind farm since the late 90's despite greater demand for electricity than ever before.

california once led in wind, and now we are way behind TEXAS because texas lets people build wind farms while in california they do everything they can to prevent it, you didnt even read your own "citation" you just looked at the p[retty pictures, ignoring the fact that calif wind power CONSUMPTION was up, but that was largely wind power produced in OTHER STATES!
i'm so sorry that you hate reality, and that reality hates you.

you said, and i quote, that no new windfarms have been constructed in "a long time".

is 4 years really that long a time to you?

they even have new ones in the works, too.

In 2011, 921.3 megawatts was installed. Most of that activity occurred in the Tehachapi area of Kern County, with some big projects in Solano, Contra Costa and Riverside counties as well. California presently ranks second nationwide in terms of capacity, behind Texas and just ahead of Iowa.

the Montezuma Hills of Solano County, was developed in 2005–2009, with the large Shiloh Wind Power Plant. The Alta Wind Energy Center is a windfarm located in Tehachapi Pass in Kern County, California.[SUP][4][/SUP] Kern County is reviewing a number of other proposed wind projects that would generate a combined 4,600 megawatts of renewable energy if approved.[SUP][5][/SUP]

i'm so sorry that you are a habitual liar.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i'm so sorry that you hate reality, and that reality hates you.

you said, and i quote, that no new windfarms have been constructed in "a long time".

is 4 years really that long a time to you?

they even have new ones in the works, too.

In 2011, 921.3 megawatts was installed. Most of that activity occurred in the Tehachapi area of Kern County, with some big projects in Solano, Contra Costa and Riverside counties as well. California presently ranks second nationwide in terms of capacity, behind Texas and just ahead of Iowa.

the Montezuma Hills of Solano County, was developed in 2005–2009, with the large Shiloh Wind Power Plant. The Alta Wind Energy Center is a windfarm located in Tehachapi Pass in Kern County, California.[SUP][4][/SUP] Kern County is reviewing a number of other proposed wind projects that would generate a combined 4,600 megawatts of renewable energy if approved.[SUP][5][/SUP]

i'm so sorry that you are a habitual liar.
you got a big coulouyr crayon lst of facilities which were DENIED and those which were refused permission to expand?

ONE new large facility.


how many new Hydro dams since 1969? NONE

the solar projects are all amall local and private facilities at least 5 proposals for large desert solar projects were DENIED

to my knowledge NONE were ever approved.

why you have to be so incompetent?


Well-Known Member
ONE new large facility.

which is more than the number you were dogmatically spewing before, which was ZERO.

need a refresher on that one?

even if ya don't, here it is.

we have SOME wind farms, but no new ones have been constructed in a long time

why you gotta lie so often?

crawling in through the window in the dark much?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
which is more than the number you were dogmatically spewing before, which was ZERO.

need a refresher on that one?

even if ya don't, here it is.

we have SOME wind farms, but no new ones have been constructed in a long time

why you gotta lie so often?

crawling in through the window in the dark much?
small wind facilities are NOT wind farms.

altamont is a wind farm, we have not built a single large wind facility in a VERY long time despite, according you your own wikicitation, Kern County alone has 4600 megawatts of wind power proposals awaiting review.

considering that the whole of california generated 5600 megawatts of wind power currently (from your own wiki-page so it must be right) , only a real retard would assert that california is building wind facilities in any appreciable number you pox ridden wharfside doxy.



Well-Known Member
small wind facilities are NOT wind farms.
yeah, farming wind for electric only counts as farming wind for electric when kynes says so.

when the facts contradict the very things that kynes has said, it is time to invent new definitions.

kynes, can you tell me what the definition of "is" is?

thanks a ton, buddy.

and wish momma luck on her mudsharking. she clearly has a different definition of "black friday" that undoubtedly came from you during some heated debate involving what really counts as "mashed" potatoes tonight.