Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
hey Dank you sound chirpy, enjoy your day bro, we don't have it here of course but anyway :)
Yeah, feeling a TON better! Thanks. ;) I plan on jumping back on here after I toke up and eat this huge feast! Haha.. Gotta more then likely takes a nap after eating that damn turkey! Lol.. But I will 4 sure jump back on 2 catch up..


Well-Known Member
Good to see you around dank. Hope you're having a good Thanksgiving. I'm trying to survive the family clear down in Texas, struggling lol


Well-Known Member
Hey Dank glad to see you are doing better I just got out of the hospital myself, I have been in there sense Sunday and I'm glad I'm out, Had some complications with my stomach/hiatal hernia I was feeling really crappy last Sunday I was very weak and I ended up passing out my son found me in the bathroom like Elvis lol all slump over it really wasn't that funny it was kind of scary I thought i was going to croak over, When the ambulance showed up and they took my blood pressure it was really low so off to the hospital I went, I'm doing much better now, I might have to get surgery in a couple of weeks :-|


Well-Known Member
Well well well.. haha.. ;) How the hell is everyone! :??: Just wanted 2 jump on quick and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you all are doing great! I will try and get back on here this afternoon. Gotta get back to the kitchen! Lol.. Been cooking my ass off all night!! Feeling much better now TG!! Flying high of course though.. ;)
I've missed you guys I sure know that!! Well hopefully we will all get to catch up here this afternoon. You guys take er easy..
Your bud, Dank.
Glad you're home bro.
I got your last message, but didn't want to bother you.
EMAIL me when you have time.


Well-Known Member
Cant stay on long tonight, going to bed now.

Lovely picture Beech, thankful when you post.

Hope you're feeling ok Dank :mrgreen:
Get well Dankster......

ADT Your more then welcome.

Im REALLY Impressed with that cheap Jobes Biozone,Awesome stuff.
Brewing a tea now,with it and BG Hi P,M,and of course the Sweet.
Didnt really care for the Grape.


Well-Known Member
I hope everyone had a very very good TURKEY DAY!!! havent stopped in here for awhile i see Dank is alive!! thats good. glad to see your getting well!!!!! lately ive been pondering about buying autoflower beans..... can i get some input back on autoflowering beans? pros cons ? or just opinions period?? thanks all!!! happy growing!!! and DANKSTER welcome back buddy!!! :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Sorry I wasn't able to jump back on the day of thanksgiving. :( I had stayed up all night cooking, then after I had ate that damn turkey 4 some reason I ended up passing out! Lol.. I've always heard that turkey has something in it that makes people sleepy after eating it. Its got to be true, cause it sure did a # on me. Haha.. oh!! I got my new computer in yesterday! Had to get up at 5am and travel 45 minutes just to get to the store where it was purchased, had to get that "black Friday" deal! ;) anyways now I'm just waiting on the internet to be hooked up then its on! I can't wait!! The computer is super nice. Its a touch screen "Ienovo". The kids LOVE it! That's all that really matters to me, that and that I'm able to conduct my business. I will be getting on here this eve to let everyone know how the last grow went. I now have all the ones you guys seen that was in veg in flowering. I will go ahead and post a few pictures so you can see what I'm working with now. ;) I sure hope we can all catch up tonight. And I'm also glad that everyones doing good.

awesome bro, im jealous :) have fun
you don't needs to be jealous bro. ;) you can always head over and have thanksgiving leftovers with us.. haha

glad to see your back and feeling better. happy thanksgiving.
Thanks bro. ;) Glad to be better & back home! That and on here again with all you guys.
Good to see you around dank. Hope you're having a good Thanksgiving. I'm trying to survive the family clear down in Texas, struggling lol
Thanks bro. Shewww, it was nuts! I had to light tons of candles and put everything grow related in my bedroom and shutt the door. Didn't want anyone seeing my ladies.. lol.. It worked though.. haha

Hey Dank glad to see you are doing better I just got out of the hospital myself, I have been in there sense Sunday and I'm glad I'm out, Had some complications with my stomach/hiatal hernia I was feeling really crappy last Sunday I was very weak and I ended up passing out my son found me in the bathroom like Elvis lol all slump over it really wasn't that funny it was kind of scary I thought i was going to croak over, When the ambulance showed up and they took my blood pressure it was really low so off to the hospital I went, I'm doing much better now, I might have to get surgery in a couple of weeks :-|
Damn bro! Well, I'm glad to hear your doing better aswell. I hate being in the damn hospital!! Hell, as you guys know I was trying to do everything I could here at home to keep from having to go there! Didn't work though. Lol

Glad you're home bro.
I got your last message, but didn't want to bother you.
EMAIL me when you have time.
Hey bro! Hell, you don't bother me. Hollar anytime! Glad to be back. ;)

Hey Dankster 30-31 Days Scrog

Really bad pic but I think you can see good.
Hot damn! Boy you want BS was you! That's 1 good reason I really like the DSD. She will fill in any scrog net super quick with FAT massive buds.. ;) Glad to see she is treating you right bro..

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my clone is finally showing new growth it was kinda in suspended animation for a while im going to let some buds on this one run until it throws sacks i might spray it with some CS hadnt decided yet
I hear that. My clones take awhile to get going 2. Glad to hear that they are getting going 4 you.. That reminds me, I have 2 Purple Voodoo clones that's just now taking off aswell. ;)

I hope everyone had a very very good TURKEY DAY!!! havent stopped in here for awhile i see Dank is alive!! thats good. glad to see your getting well!!!!! lately ive been pondering about buying autoflower beans..... can i get some input back on autoflowering beans? pros cons ? or just opinions period?? thanks all!!! happy growing!!! and DANKSTER welcome back buddy!!! :D :D :D
Thanks bro.. Its good 2 be alive and here with all you guys! ;) thanks for stopping in and checking though..
On the auto's. I love them myself.! I make sure to always run an auto with each crop. Now I have the male & female Spyder (auto) going. I've just let those both stay in my veg tent with my other ladies just to make sure they breed. I'm thinking the female is already knocked up, being I'm starting to see seed development. ;)

OH! I almsot 4 got.. You guys remember my Jack The Rippers right :??: As you may or may not know, I started the 1 JTR seed, ended up with 3 JTR'S from that 1 seed. Ok, as of now JTR#1 is a female, #2 is a female and #3 is a male! Haha.. How crazy is that!! :??: I'm glad I ended up with the male, now I can have tons of JTR seeds aswell. I really like the structure of those and plan on working with those alittle.

Will be posting a few pictures.


Well-Known Member
thanks dankster.... i got 1 WW going from nirvana all other 9 beans were duds her sister Crystal died had a black shriveled taproot now my lonely soldier WW has some very very funky growth.... glad to see your back and well though buddy its been awhile!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, here's a few pictures of my last crop you guys watched flowering, and also a few shots of the new upcoming flowering crop. I will go into more detail of what all had to happen (cropping) out a few days early, and the strain lineup this eve.

The pictures I'm posting are of Bluedream#1, JTR#1,2, & 3. Purple Voodoo#1,2 & 3. Northern Light Blue,Grapefruit,Green Love Potion,Grape God,Pure Kush & more. Like said I will go into more detail about all those here this eve. Hope to see/talk with all you guys then.

PS. Each picture has each strain name as always.



Well-Known Member
Well, seen you was on but didn't hear from you.. Cat got your tounge :??: lol.. Was meaning to hollar lastnight but ended up eating and passing out. Lol.. Well, give me a holllar sometime.
Want to wish everyone here at RIU a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Peace and love to you all and your families, may you have a blessed holiday!!! :)


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