BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

mr west

Well-Known Member
racking my brain for my last game i went to, thnk it was England vs Italy friendly at leeds ground more than ten years ago lol. I remember calamity James was in goal for us and let us down and getting pissed after lol.


Well-Known Member
That sounds bad Don. If you've seen an
adult fly logic states you've got larvae in
in your pots. You'll come back to no leaves
on your plants. I've had the little fuckers
before but i ignored the flies thinking
they couldn't hurt owt. I was wrong, most
of the leaves dried up and fell off. It was
a right mess. It was the most serious problem
i had.
Fungus gnats are worse than thrips damage wise
but a piece of piss to sort out.
Get some stuff called gnat off or get some beneficial
nematodes but gnat off should get rid of the little
Btw gnat off is about twenty roubles


Well-Known Member
Have they done much damage?
They're the worst thing i ever got.
Once you see a fly the damage is
already done.
Good luck. I hope you win the war.
Nematodes work as a preventative
measure but if you've already got em
chemicals is the only way. 6% Hydrogen
peroxide from the chemist will do it too
but i am not sure of ml per litre though.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Cheers lads, its just a hiccup in a long line eh. I'll see in a little while how many are flying about. Hopeful I got most of the adults this morning. Almost tempted to hook up my spare fan with the missus stocking on one end and have a good mosey about the tent haha


Well-Known Member
Get some yellow sticky traps and
put them on top of your pots and you
should get a good idea of the infestation
plus they'll catch any that are trying
to lay more eggs. Obnoxious little fuckers


Well-Known Member
Sliced spuds on top of your soil draws the larvae out
too. Washing up liquid in a cup catches adults as well. Can you
tell I've had a problem with them lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lol.....christ are they that big a deal :shock:

I went into the tent and didn't see any flying round but one on the wall in the room. guessing it must have come out the veggy cupboard. i've got some H202 left but maybe only an applications worth for the full lot. see how i fare this week i spose.

cheers for the tips man, i was reading about making your own strips but i think a shot glass with a bit of syrup in will do just as well eh.


Well-Known Member
Yeah they're terrible little bastards.
If they take hold the larvae just eat through
your root system. One of the first signs
is they look underfed and yellow then
the leaves dry up and drop off. the only
good thing if you do manage to limp
across the finish line is trimming is
easy coz there's no leaves lol.

I had what shoulda been around 70
end up as 25 so i'd say they're bad.
You gotta clear em out of everywhere.
Veg and flower rooms. Bleach all pots,
trays, walls and don't use any soil/coco
thats been near your op. Best bet is to
just start again. Electrical stuff should ok


Well-Known Member
Have they done any harm yet?
I hope you sort it out. At least
you know what you're dealing
with. When i had em i thought
i was underfeeding then i thought
it was a ph issue then i noticed
the odd fly hanging about and by
that time i had piles of dead yellow
leaves on the floor. Also the 25 I
ended up with was virtually unsellable.
I had to sit on until a drought.
Luckily i only suffered once but i did
everything that I've suggested so it's
not as bad powdery mildew which
i think you have to leave the country
to sort out lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
oscar, you're killing me here, i just had powdery mildew :cry: that's why i stopped to bleach down and switched up all the coco and pots. bleached down again and started over with all new pips n cuts.

i had a security problem and had to shift things down to a pals and ended up with gnats.

damage wise so far so good no piles of leaves or owt just the odd mature floating about. worst bit is they're in the houseplants downstairs. :( think i'll try the h202 on them, thank fully they are succulents and require next to no water, i'm a bit surprised they managed to make home in their already dry soil.


Well-Known Member
I get the odd gnat and they don't seem to do anything bad....maybe the gnats over here are pussies.:)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i think there's a difference between gnats like fruit fly type and fungus gnats. if you get those in the root system it's bad news.

they don't appear to do any visible harm to the top side of the plant til all the leaves drop off and your stood like WTF?!?! this happened down my mates and he seemed well happy as it made his trim well easy. i've been thinking for a while he's not been hitting the weight he should and now i know why.


Well-Known Member
lol, they should be ok for a week i would have thought, they don't grow much under the old cfl's do they?

i tried sand once when i had springtails or root aphids, didn't do anything to stop the little bastards, don't know about gnats though. aminacloprid, it is spelled differently but pronounced like that kills anything in the coco but it recently got banned for killing honey bees lol, still got a bottle just in case. luckily my gardens pest free atm, will only be a matter of time before the thrips are back though, they just don't give up the cunts.