MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

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Umad. I get it. I must have burned you pretty bad at some point to be following me around like a man who wants to tap my foot in an airport bathroom stall. I get it, I'm handsome, and I know this. But if you insist on sucking my dick, at least make me breakfast in the morning.

don't feel bad i get shit from him and desert dude because i said that "old white men" should die and they took offense, throwing it up to me whenever possible..
That was an expression directed towards the Irish, Italians, and Eastern Europeans in New York at the turn of the century. All "white". Not Southern. Try to learn a little history instead of "assuming".

as i know it to be red, it is directed toward blacks however, that can be expanded to other "colors" if you will latino, asian, middle's a color'd have to cite "there goes the neighborhood" for irish/italian because i don't see it..
as i know it to be red, it is directed toward blacks however, that can be expanded to other "colors" if you will latino, asian, middle's a color'd have to cite "there goes the neighborhood" for irish/italian because i don't see it..
It can and has been used for nearly every ethnic group and even individuals. Doesn't necessarily even have to do with color. Bucky's neighbors said that when he moved in. If you lived in New York in 1890, you would have seen it. Every time a family moves out of my neighborhood and a bunch of college students take their place, somebody says it.
this is not true there are many ways to opt out:

Starting in 2014, most people must have health coverage or pay a fee (the “individual shared responsibility payment”). You can get an exemption in certain cases.
The individual shared responsibility payment

If you can afford health insurance but choose not to buy it, you must pay a fee known as the individual shared responsibility payment.
The fee in 2014 is 1% of your yearly income or $95 per person for the year, whichever is higher. The fee increases every year. In 2016 it is 2.5% of income or $695 per person, whichever is higher.
In 2014 the payment for uninsured children is $47.50 per child. The most a family would have to pay in 2014 is $285.
You make the payment when you file your 2014 taxes, which are due in April 2015.
Exemptions from the payment

Under certain circumstances, you won’t have to make the individual responsibility payment. This is called an “exemption.”
You may qualify for an exemption if:

  • You’re uninsured for less than 3 months of the year
  • The lowest-priced coverage available to you would cost more than 8% of your household income
  • You don’t have to file a tax return because your income is too low (Learn about the filing limit.)
  • You’re a member of a federally recognized tribe or eligible for services through an Indian Health Services provider
  • You’re a member of a recognized health care sharing ministry
  • You’re a member of a recognized religious sect with religious objections to insurance, including Social Security and Medicare
  • You’re incarcerated, and not awaiting the disposition of charges against you
  • You’re not lawfully present in the U.S.
Hardship exemptions

If you have any of the circumstances below that affect your ability to purchase health insurance coverage, you may qualify for a “hardship” exemption:

  1. You were homeless.
  2. You were evicted in the past 6 months or were facing eviction or foreclosure.
  3. You received a shut-off notice from a utility company.
  4. You recently experienced domestic violence.
  5. You recently experienced the death of a close family member.
  6. You experienced a fire, flood, or other natural or human-caused disaster that caused substantial damage to your property.
  7. You filed for bankruptcy in the last 6 months.
  8. You had medical expenses you couldn’t pay in the last 24 months.
  9. You experienced unexpected increases in necessary expenses due to caring for an ill, disabled, or aging family member.
  10. You expect to claim a child as a tax dependent who’s been denied coverage in Medicaid and CHIP, and another person is required by court order to give medical support to the child. In this case, you do not have the pay the penalty for the child.
  11. As a result of an eligibility appeals decision, you’re eligible for enrollment in a qualified health plan (QHP) through the Marketplace, lower costs on your monthly premiums, or cost-sharing reductions for a time period when you weren’t enrolled in a QHP through the Marketplace.
  12. You were determined ineligible for Medicaid because your state didn’t expand eligibility for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.
How to apply for an exemption

If you are applying for an exemption based on: coverage being unaffordable; membership in a health care sharing ministry; membership in a federally-recognized tribe; or being incarcerated:
You have two options--

  • You can claim these exemptions when you fill out your 2014 federal tax return, which is due in April 2015
  • You can apply for the exemptions in the Health Insurance Marketplace
Note: If you get an exemption because coverage is unaffordable based on your expected income, you may also qualify to buy catastrophic coverage through the Marketplace. This may be more affordable than your other options.
If you’re applying for an exemption based on: membership in a recognized religious sect whose members object to insurance; eligibility for services through an Indian health care provider; or one of the hardships described above:

  • You fill out an exemption application in the Marketplace
If your income will be low enough that you will not be required to file taxes:

  • You don’t need to apply for an exemption. This is true even if you file a return in order to get a refund of money withheld from your paycheck. You won’t have to make the shared responsibility payment.
If you have a gap in coverage of less than 3 months, or you are not lawfully present in the U.S.:

  • You don’t need to apply for an exemption. This will be handled when you file your taxes.

You make an automatic assumption that "everybody" is somehow opted in, whether they like it or not and you never address that aspect of this stupid program. Who cares if Obamacare gives everybody a free pony or some other bribe.

If people are free, the proper default position is they would have a choice to participate in things or not. If they are not free, then they'd be exactly where this asinine freedom robbing program wants to bring them... seeking "permission" to opt out. There are no other options no matter how much magic Obama sugar you try to sprinkle on it. Either a person is free or they are not.

You side with the freedom thieves and think thru force you can create a good thing. Why are you such a lover of government aggression? Why do you think you can run others lives better than they can?

Why in the hell would anybody, on a pot website no less, be preaching that somebody else can make you do shit you don't want to do? Seriously what is wrong with you? Do you really believe that people need to be told how they must run their life or they'll be punished is a good way to do things? Why do you have the same attitude as Pot Prohibitionists that like to run other peoples lives?

These questions a re rhetorical as I don't expect you to answer them, that is the nature of a prohibitionist, that would be you.
I hate race discrimination most intensely and in all its manifestations. I have fought it all during my life; I fight it now, and will do so until the end of my days. Even although I now happen to be tried by one whose opinion I hold in high esteem, I detest most violently the set-up that surrounds me here. It makes me feel that I am a black man in a white man's court. This should not be.

- Nelson Mandela

'when circumstances change, so can a mans mind..isn't this how it's supposed to be?'

- Nelson Mandela
Yes, but I can only pick and choose which of the 4 that paycheck i will be spending on...I made 91k so far this year, I have seen 28k... Fuck you child support and Obama-(insert self named title of cluster fuck here) And fuck all you lazy unworking fucks I have to support.
for someone on your ignore list you keep on replying to my posts - especially telling you of all people chose that one :clap:

so what was the point of this thread again, because it's delivering* APFU

actually when i start a thread, i give everyone who responds, the respect by reading their post regardless if they are on my ignore list..
'when circumstances change, so can a mans mind..isn't this how it's supposed to be?'

- Nelson Mandela

A man's mind, body and fruit of his labor are his own. If they are not, somebody else owns him. In your dream world, SOME people have their minds made up for them by OTHER people and it's all good. Except it's not.
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