Remember when weed used to be illegal?


Well-Known Member
That's what our kids and grandkids will ask us. I think it's clear the walls are crumbling down, the only question is how fast? The government has lost so much legitimacy, there is no way they can stop it now. Jan 1 we will see 2 hour long lines of people legally buying their first bag of recreational pot!!! How long after will other states wait to get in on the action? Now New York is looking to full legalization as well.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1st where u live... im in washington nothing has changed... im 20 so ill be saying man I remember when weed got legalized and all weed went to shit. Ill be telling them about how I use to grow my own good weed for myself and other med people and how shitty the gov weed is from the lack of care to the plant. Honestly I cant say whether im excited or not. Hopefully this i502 shit doesnt stop my growing rights. But yes it will be weird, times are changing people are seeing how this plant is not as harmful as they made it seem



Well-Known Member
Jan 1st where u live... im in washington nothing has changed... im 20 so ill be saying man I remember when weed got legalized and all weed went to shit. Ill be telling them about how I use to grow my own good weed for myself and other med people and how shitty the gov weed is from the lack of care to the plant. Honestly I cant say whether im excited or not. Hopefully this i502 shit doesnt stop my growing rights. But yes it will be weird, times are changing people are seeing how this plant is not as harmful as they made it seem

If there is top notch weed in fully criminal states I think there will always be top notch weed when it's legal. Any legislations that hinder personal growers will be circumvented just as they are now.


Well-Known Member
not so fast seattles pissed because pot and rate of crime going are linked this time. and its hurting their economy. so this whole yeah pot thing is being watched very carefully.


Well-Known Member
i502 is going to kill MMJ if it is passed as proposed in washington state. It is a pure attempt at a profit grab by the state, they don't give a shit about medical marijuana patients. All you have to do is search this site to find people that don't give a fuck what they put on their crops as long as it kills the bugs and keeps their i502 profits alive. I will never spend a dime on i502 bud (unregulated chemical poison). I hope that citizens of other states that have medical marijuana laws on the books will learn a lesson from us, and not pass full legalization initiatives without locked down guarantees that it will not effect the medical marijuana laws on the books. It is the only hope there is for anything positive coming from the i502 bastardization that is upon us.

Peace out,


Active Member
I don't want it legal. I know too many mouths being fed from illegal sales of cannabis. The weed dealers will just move on to crack and heroin then you got big fuckin problems.

I know there are tons of people in prison over a plant that should be free. But, in my opinion, keeping it illegal is keeping a lot of the poor alive. Those that got busted for it knew the risks when they got in the game.


Well-Known Member
I don't want it legal. I know too many mouths being fed from illegal sales of cannabis. The weed dealers will just move on to crack and heroin then you got big fuckin problems.

I know there are tons of people in prison over a plant that should be free. But, in my opinion, keeping it illegal is keeping a lot of the poor alive. Those that got busted for it knew the risks when they got in the game.
That is a true statement not only in the U.S. but around the world even more so. Full legalization means not only do those that rely on it have to find other ways to fend for themselves but the state and possibly federal government will be determining what "safe" sources are (anything that makes them money). The only thing they will be regulating is their profits, they won't give a shit what poison is sprayed on the "stoners" herb. The only "reliable" source of herb is what I grow myself weighing the risks of how far I want to push pest control etc. knowing I will be inhaling the product of my own decisions... considering my own health, and not profits.


Active Member
I am surprised the government has not legalized it nationally. Imagine all the poor people they could kill off by giving all the weed profits to big business. They could make so many more wage slaves by offering minimum wage to the poor people that used to sell pot illegally.

Then the government could use the media to constantly show them celebrities that make it rich and sell lottery tickets to the wage slaves so they think there is a chance that one day they can make it rich. Oh hey and tell them if they want to quit working minimum wage they have to get an education. So not only does the government get taxes from them working minimum wage just to survive, they get billions in student loan debt.


Well-Known Member
I don't want it legal. I know too many mouths being fed from illegal sales of cannabis. The weed dealers will just move on to crack and heroin then you got big fuckin problems.

I know there are tons of people in prison over a plant that should be free. But, in my opinion, keeping it illegal is keeping a lot of the poor alive. Those that got busted for it knew the risks when they got in the game.
I know tons of people that won't sell crack or heroin. They could now with a better profit margin and a better return of client with need for more. They don't want the hassle, problems and a few have moral issues with selling poison.

what you are saying sounds alot like what my late middle aged aunt says.


Active Member
I know tons of people that won't sell crack or heroin also, but they are not weed dealers either. You think all these people that are making good money selling weed illegally are just going to get out of the drug trade and go to college and work a 9-5 job? Once weed goes legal, the cartel will lose millions and billions of profit because there weed will not be worth shit; especially the low grade shit they have. This will make them push more even more cocaine and heroin into the country and anyone that wants to make money is going to get a cut of it, just like with the weed.

I would listen to your aunt.


Well-Known Member
I know tons of people that won't sell crack or heroin also, but they are not weed dealers either. You think all these people that are making good money selling weed illegally are just going to get out of the drug trade and go to college and work a 9-5 job? Once weed goes legal, the cartel will lose millions and billions of profit because there weed will not be worth shit; especially the low grade shit they have. This will make them push more even more cocaine and heroin into the country and anyone that wants to make money is going to get a cut of it, just like with the weed.

I would listen to your aunt.
My aunt says weed is poison so no, I'm not listening to her lol.

Actually one of my best friends is getting a degree as a backup to the trade because he thinks it's coming. Imagine that. Getting a college degree as a backup to slinging elbows around. lol


bud bootlegger
I don't want it legal. I know too many mouths being fed from illegal sales of cannabis. The weed dealers will just move on to crack and heroin then you got big fuckin problems.

I know there are tons of people in prison over a plant that should be free. But, in my opinion, keeping it illegal is keeping a lot of the poor alive. Those that got busted for it knew the risks when they got in the game.
Wow, just wow.. don't really know what else to say but holy fucking shit, wow.. are you sure you're on "our side"
I'm not for.medical marijuana to begin with and think the whole.medical thing is Bs and it should just be legalized all together and not "sick" people .. half of whom only got "sick " when they found out cannabis was a cure..
And do you honestly think Joe blow selling weed is gonna start selling crack or weed if weed were to become legal?? What's stopping them from selling crack and heroin now?? Probably the same thing as it would then .. a moral compass that says it's wrong, higher jail times for doing so, etc, etc..
And just because you know the risks of something means you deserve to be in jail? What about a moral rigjt to break an unjust law ?? If no one broke these laws, we'd never of had a sack to buy in our entire lives..

As for the people feeding their families through selling weed, well, go get an effin job like the rest of us ..
Just saying and my $.02 worth..


Well-Known Member
Medical marijuana is completely legitimate, anyone claiming otherwise has not done their research or refuses to see the truth. Epilepsy, cancer, multiple sclerosis, migraines, crohnes disease, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, intractable pain, asthma, glaucoma etc etc... Search for "cannabidiol"

Completely agree that prohibition against cannabis is unjust, but the specific way "legalization" is implemented is important. My state (Washington) is the only state to implement legal recreational marijuana so far though I think Colorado is close. If "legalization" is passed the way proposed possession amount would drop by a factor of 24, all home grows would become illegal, and a tax of 25% at the producer, processor, and retailer level (compounded) would be implemented.

I hardly think we should be singing the praises of "legalization" if this is the path to get there.

Anybody that is legitimately using cannabis for a medical condition would be forced to pay ridiculously high prices for chemical laden bud or become a felon. There are poor people growing their own medicine who will now go without. They currently have the means to grow their own at what $70/month for power for 3 months to get 12-16oz?
They will now have to pay probably somewhere between 5-8K/lb with the tax, yeah right.

If it is going to be legalized it needs to be completely legalized in all respects except for reasonable driving under the influence laws, reasonable possession limits, underage laws, and other reasonable common sense regulations.


bud bootlegger
I'd never say mmj doesn't help certain medical conditions, as that's just plan silly..
What i do say however is I don't think mmj has helped the cause.of full on legalization very much as a lot of people in say California realize that a lot of.mmj patients only got sick when they found out mmj was the cure and they could now smoke and grow now on a quasi legal front..
I.also think mmj has divided even cannabis users who smoke to get high, like myself, and people who smoke to medicate.. a lot of mmj patients seem to look down their noses at people who smoke to only get high, and often feel as is they're better than the typical stoner for using the same exact substances .. it's very disturbing at times.
And some.of these mmj patients seem to.forget not the rest of even our country has the ability to grow or.even smoke without the fear of.landing in jail for simple possession of very small amounts of cannabis..
Don't even get me started on being able to walk down to the local corner store and pick out 20 top grade strains! Some wax and budder, and oh, through in some brownies too, and bitch about the fact that they have to pay a tax on said purchase while the rest of us can't even begin to fathom what a walking into such store would even be like..
Its like a lot of these people are living the fairly tale life and say fuck anyone who doesn't have of.moving to a cannabis friendly state as we all know none of us have jobs, families, mortgages, etc, etc, that makes picking up one's life and moving to the opposite coat mostly a pipe dream at best..
Than they shit all over the though.of legalized weed for the entire country because they're happy being a medical patient, being able to grow their own without fear of prosecution from the local PD while there are plenty of.people in the same country they live in getting arrested for a gram of weed, or even a single seed and losing their privilege to drive, etc etc.. yeah, it's disturbing to say the least how some of these people think only about themselves and not a single second about people in the rest of the us.of a..
Rant over.. sorry, but couldn't not say something..