Leaves turning please advise


New Member
I have plants in 8gal breather bag w/ffof @ 6weeks veg. Lower leaves are turning
yellow, stating at the tips and working its way thru the leaf. My last
fertilizing was 1/2tsp grow big per gal. on 12/06. IMG_1349.jpgIMG_1350.jpg

  • 100% Ph problem good luck man

    What makes you so sure of that?

    OP, its hard to say exactly without other info. What pH is the solution you are giving them? How often do you feed? Are there other plants in your grow with this problem or is this the only one?
The pics in that thread weren't working for me?

So you attribute this to nutrient lockup due to pH? My money is on a plain ol' deficiency..we'll see though, def need more info from OP

forgot to add my educated guess...N or K, possibly Mg or Zn depending on your water. Anyone agree?


Well-Known Member
OK... it is for sure not a PH problem.... Because you my friend are growing in soil....
Burnt tips, were they pointing up or down? Up it's the heat at your canopy level...
Pointed down it will be found that you have a slight case of over nuted plant....
Either your soil is too hot, or you added too much nutes the first couple of feedings...
What does the over all plant look like?


New Member
OK... it is for sure not a PH problem.... Because you my friend are growing in soil....
Burnt tips, were they pointing up or down? Up it's the heat at your canopy level...
Pointed down it will be found that you have a slight case of over nuted plant....
Either your soil is too hot, or you added too much nutes the first couple of feedings...
What does the over all plant look like?
Over all the plant looks super healthy and is my #1 of 6. Problem was there a week ago and I removed the yellowing lower leaf. I didn't feel concerned at the time, but now its turning the lower leaves again. There were no burnt tips nor were they pointing up or down, just slowly turning yellow from the tips in. Always water PH-6.5


Well-Known Member
I was thinking K. If the pH is too low, I'd add potassium hydroxide to raise the pH.

The pics in that thread weren't working for me?

So you attribute this to nutrient lockup due to pH? My money is on a plain ol' deficiency..we'll see though, def need more info from OP

forgot to add my educated guess...N or K, possibly Mg or Zn depending on your water. Anyone agree?


New Member
Could stress be a problem. I have been working this plant rather hard. Topped from the 5th to 3 node, fem'd, supercropped and refem'd. Could it be abuse. Plant is currently strapped down opening up the canopy and resupercropped. You know, as I type all this down I'm starting to see where my problem might have originated. Just a guess, as a nuby I don't know much. I don't want to kill the plant, just correct problem and learn from my mistake.


Well-Known Member
People scoff at over-diagnosis of Mg deficiencies...but marijuana really likes and needs lots of it. Some strains more then others. White strains in particular. To me, in the second shot...that looks like yellowing between the veins (interveinal chlorosis) which is classic Mg deficiency. To add Mg w/o Ca I use Epsom salts. Maximum of 1 tsp/gal. See if that takes care of it. That used to happen with my White Widows till I supplemented Mg as a preventative.
People scoff at over-diagnosis of Mg deficiencies...but marijuana really likes and needs lots of it. Some strains more then others. White strains in particular. To me, in the second shot...that looks like yellowing between the veins (interveinal chlorosis) which is classic Mg deficiency. To add Mg w/o Ca I use Epsom salts. Maximum of 1 tsp/gal. See if that takes care of it. That used to happen with my White Widows till I supplemented Mg as a preventative.

JohnDee, Are you my soil science professor??!?! I knew you were cool! Makes sense your a member here :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Crispy Bacon wrote: JohnDee, Are you my soil science professor??!?
If I were a Professor, I certainly won't join a ganja forum using my real name! lol

No, my name was stolen from a famous Alchemist who lived in the late 1500s. He is considered to be either the last Alchemist or the first scientist...and he is someone I greatly admire.