Shootings and Meds, what is the connection?

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
What is causing people to go and shoot up a building full of people? It makes me wonder if they are making the wrong drugs illegal.

according to this article "Some 90 percent of school shootings over more than a decade have been linked to a widely prescribed type of antidepressant called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs"

I would be more comfortable if they were handing out MMJ over SSRI


Well-Known Member
Most antidepressants come with the warning "may increase suicidal thoughts or tendencies".

How the fuck is it an antidepressant then?

Too many crazy fucks running around, we need better mental health care.


Well-Known Member
I think it's more complicated than just the drugs prescribed though I'm sure they factor.. It's also a man thing, 99% are men. Go check out the movie Tough Guise 2 it brings up some good stats as well a some good perspectives.


Well-Known Member
Just noticed the article is from a year ago. How many more shootings have there been since?

Still nothing being done to fix the problem.:?


Undercover Mod
I think the correlation is probably irrelevant. How many people who takes these drugs don't go on shooting sprees?

You would be better off making a correlation between mental illness itself and shootings.

Gun regulation isn't a solution either. How about expanding mental illness education so people can recognize the signs.

Also expanding mental health care like ACA did but on a bigger scale.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I know a woman that had been court ordered to take mind altering presciption drugs or permanant removal of her children from her home if she did not comply. It resulted in her temporily loosing her marble and killing her neighbor in a drug induced rage. She is now in maximum security waiting for trial. Prior to this incident she had no criminal history.


I believe it is more than just the medication but I do think people rely on big Pharmaceutical entirely to much! I take about 10 Ibuprofen a year. The last time I took anything was about 5 years ago when I pulled muscles in my back, wife had to dress me I was in so much pain I took Vicodin (first time in my life) for a few days. MARIJUANA is my main medicine and their are natural remedies that have been around way before big Pharm that I have a lot more faith in. FUCK BIG PHARM... most of it is a conspiracy.

Don't get me wrong, I know people who wouldn't be alive with out certain medications but I feel lucky at this point in my life to not have to worry about that shit


Well-Known Member
They change people when there on them, when i was taking them they caused mood swings and really fucked up thinking along with a host of other issues.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I think it's more complicated than just the drugs prescribed though I'm sure they factor.. It's also a man thing, 99% are men. Go check out the movie Tough Guise 2 it brings up some good stats as well a some good perspectives.
Women prefer knives and poison over guns.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Women prefer knives and poison over guns.
Women prefer quieter methods with fewer repercussions. I wonder how many poisonings they miss? If you have a doctor willing to sign your death cert you don't necessarily get an autopsy these days and even if you do you do not necessarily get a toxicology screen.

I know if.... never mind.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Guns are not the problem. If you really wanted to do someone I'm sure there's gotta be a rock or a good chunck of wood somewhere handy. I can kill a person in a second in several different ways without a weapon not including stangulation. If we are going to go gun control who's gonna control all the blunt instruments that are around almost everywhere. The last woman that i know tried to poison me was with rotton chicken she attempted to serve me from the restaurant she worked at. The orders got mixed up and she accidently poisoned another woman that sued the cageaburs outta her. I wpould never do mind altering presciption drugs...never


Well-Known Member
Guns vs Blunt instruments is apple and oranges. The volume of victims in a time frame is very very different.

I know this is not going to make many more friends but the loop hole that a schizophrenic person can walk into a gun show and buy a gun should be closed. Backround checks are not a bad thing, they are not about gun control but preventing people that shouldn't have a gun. I really don't think that every person in this country should be allowed to have a gun, there is no vetting process like mandatory service and teaching about firearms like say in Israel. Now with that said I think NY's safe act is in high violation of the 2nd amendment and should be repealed. I would gladly trade backround checks at gunshows in order to get that abomination repealed.


Well-Known Member
It's a hodge podge of culprits, social and economic stresses coupled with a society raised on OTC drugs and GM food's, meglomanic politicians being pawned off to the highest corporate enigma. Media obsessed with opulence and decadance, science being bastardized for the want of fantasy instead of truth, the ever present religious embattlement...then add teenage angst twisted/warped by the above and the ability to be armed at a moments notice, a percieved or real threat of violence and you have the perfect storm.

Welcome to hell ;)


Well-Known Member
It's a hodge podge of culprits, social and economic stresses coupled with a society raised on OTC drugs and GM food's, meglomanic politicians being pawned off to the highest corporate enigma. Media obsessed with opulence and decadance, science being bastardized for the want of fantasy instead of truth, the ever present religious embattlement...then add teenage angst twisted/warped by the above and the ability to be armed at a moments notice, a percieved or real threat of violence and you have the perfect storm.

Welcome to hell ;)
You think GM foods are partly to blame for mass shootings? Cmon..


Well-Known Member
You think GM foods are partly to blame for mass shootings? Cmon..
No not a direct correlation, I wouldn't see it like that but as part of the overall degradation they would seem to have an influence. I was speaking in general terms, there are just too many different angles with to look at this problem. You could, in theory, point to a chemical imbalance/reaction yet unknown to us which is caused by the introduction of SSRI's and the teenage diet of highly caffeinated drinks, steroid fueled meat by products, OTC meds and Mary Jane Cumbersnatch's refusal of a post game BJ.

But what do I know, I smoke pot everyday...probably too much at that lol.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Guns vs Blunt instruments is apple and oranges. The volume of victims in a time frame is very very different.

I know this is not going to make many more friends but the loop hole that a schizophrenic person can walk into a gun show and buy a gun should be closed. Backround checks are not a bad thing, they are not about gun control but preventing people that shouldn't have a gun. I really don't think that every person in this country should be allowed to have a gun, there is no vetting process like mandatory service and teaching about firearms like say in Israel. Now with that said I think NY's safe act is in high violation of the 2nd amendment and should be repealed. I would gladly trade backround checks at gunshows in order to get that abomination repealed.
You are wrong, read history.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I am sorry it is not a question of guns, but of Brain Drugs. A person that is intent on killing a bunch of people for what ever reason will in fact find a way of killing a bunch of people. It just so happens that guns are the best way to do that.

At what point do you start to question the effect that SSRIs are having on people? Are they crazy and therefor on drugs or are the drugs having a serious negative effect and are ignored because only people with mental problems are on SSRIs?

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
At what point do you start to question the effect that SSRIs are having on people? Are they crazy and therefor on drugs or are the drugs having a serious negative effect and are ignored because only people with mental problems are on SSRIs?
SSri's allowed de-institution and shifted mental health to community based treatments= money saved. The fact they were on SSRI's could just be that people that are likely to do mass shootings are often emotionally disturbed.

To add the community based approach requires them to commit a crime then they send them to a jail or prison which is cheaper than a mental institution. It just so happens that shooters like these often have little to no contact with law enforcement until they go off.


Well-Known Member
So the shooting in Colorado imho was just some kid trying to remembered. He firgued he could probably go.into the school and be remember like adam lanza. Thats probably why he would do it kinda copycat my guess
