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I would not dry in the same room an animal shits/pisses in regularly....period.

Something would have to go. The cat, the box or the plants.
don't blame me for the dispensary's practice of re-labeling bud. at least i'm honest and don't try to call my genetics what they're not.

See I'm not blaming the dispensary for their practices I am calling you out for not knowing yours....get it right. I am also calling you out on being a member or trying to become a member of the medical community not even knowing what strains you have and the litter box thing is just gross..........I have found the answer: you are just a dude that moved here, grows and has an outlet; and uses the outlet to measure success and claim bomb grower status; its a ghetto fabulous story but its the end of story.
See I'm not blaming the dispensary for their practices I am calling you out for not knowing yours....get it right. I am also calling you out on being a member or trying to become a member of the medical community not even knowing what strains you have and the litter box thing is just gross..........I have found the answer: you are just a dude that moved here, grows and has an outlet; and uses the outlet to measure success and claim bomb grower status; its a ghetto fabulous story but its the end of story.

a grower who was moving my product offered me startrek, GDP, and blueberry. he didn't tell me the breeder, i didn't care. i thought more than one breeder had most strains, especially GDP. then some dude says there is only one GDP. i'll leave such matters up to people like you, i don't really care about that.

what i do care about is that i want it to look like weed, grow easily, and be in demand. this gal finishes in 45-50 with rock solid nugs that turn purple if cold enough, i love it. a little finicky on nutes, but nothing too bad.

and i would be starting with 100% new genetics if i was starting a $50-$100k retail cultivation facility.

the litter box thing is not best practice, but i really had no choice. every room in my house was full. i took them out to scoop daily to minimize dust getting kicked up. cats are tidy creatures who bury their scat. i still would have done the same this year if i had any cats around (they went to cali). until i get a bigger place (say, if i move to colorado), there might be a cat box near a small portion of the late outdoor crop. mold, mites, PM, budworms and the like are a far bigger concern.

sahtiva stalks me in every thread i make here for the same reason you are now latching on: because you hate black people. and mullatos.*

fucking racists.
No bro I am latching because you contradict yourself at every intersection and called me out personally as being a racist, I used to respect you somewhat as a grower but the catbox thing and you not knowing wtf it is you are growing really is just icing on the I said you're a grower with an outlet and a big ass mouth....always a recipe for success.

true GDP will always be in demand star trek who knows hell you don't even....Blue anything is pretty much played out, that's free market advice might want to write that down big time.
A grower that was moving your product lmfao you mean the person you paid points to to fill a bigger order than he could?
Good luck in life bro might want to consider renting forever.....please do rent a huge facility in CO and start paying your fair share....a bit like buying an expensive house at the height of the bubble imho but a fitting path for you I reckon.....practicing what you preach does wonders for one's character and self esteem I hope you make it to CO.
That catbox dry room is about the funniest, most ironic shit I have seen yet on fitting its from the biggest mouth on so reminds me of the myspace one where the girl thought she was all cute and shit and there was a turd in the toilet.

You had no choice because your house was sooooooooo full of weed, any excuse will do bro. If the rest of your house was as full as that room I can tell you that you had 4 times the space you think you had....long as you cash in though right?

Look me up when you need new gear I will go get some some Big Bud clones you can get man I am going to call them Romulans though but you wont give a shit or be able to tell long as I move YOUR shit right?
No bro I am latching because you contradict yourself at every intersection and called me out personally as being a racist

you've called me a racist too. you called obama a mullato, too. i still can't nail you 100% either way, but if i were a betting man...

I used to respect you somewhat as a grower but the catbox thing and you not knowing wtf it is you are growing really is just icing on the cake....

every strain i have, save the first three which got, have been given to me freely by fellow growers that liked how the plant grew. i will take that over a description from a seed company any day.

the catbox thing is not best practice, i will never defend it as such. the year prior, i grew 4-6 pounds in the same space and harvested it over a long time, branch by branch. i learned a lot and grew damn near 15 pounds the next year. i had a good window to harvest but too much cannabis. i had every room in the house besides the bathroom and bedroom filled with hanging cannabis.

this year was even worse. i had no window to harvest and about as much cannabis to bring in. the catbox was still there, but there was no cat in the house anymore. if there was a cat in the house, the mold outside was a much bigger concern than the dust that furry fucker would have kicked up while burying its BM.

true GDP will always be in demand star trek who knows hell you don't even....Blue anything is pretty much played out, that's free market advice might want to write that down big time.

i grow the startrek for my neighbor, he likes it for some reason. not an impressive strain and production is nothing to write home about.

the GDP finishes quickly, densely, and even has some nice colors if the temps allow. that will be a staple of my lineup no matter if i have to seek out a "true" one or some lame imitation one.

the blueberry is a shitty plant to grow and i hate growing it, but one of my patients demands it exclusively.

so they all stay around because people want them. i only like the GDP. my favorite is a strain given to me as "pineapple express" by the same guy who gave me a strain of "barney's farm" once. the dude has been growing 30 years and will put any of you to shame, and he has no idea what the hell he is even buying or giving away half the time.

i have only once been given a bad strain by anyone in this way, competent or novice. it was a black domina that grew like a sativa. i never asked that guy about clones again.
Sorry, but walk into a dispensary and you will almost always see someone in there who uses cannabis because it actually works and has replaced a number of prescription medications. Little kids with epilepsy need high CBd strains and depend upon those strain names... What I'm trying to say is, yes some people do fucked up shit to make a profit, like relabeling a strain to capitalize on the name, but those are the ones who soon find themselves without any patients.... A good number of medical patients use for recreational purposes, but don't be mistaken, this is medicine and people need it. Time to change the way you see the medical community. I think you might be surprised at the number of people who actually use it medicinally. If you aren't concerned with the integrity of the mmj industry, I suggest you attempt a recreational option. These are things that you should be passionate about, not the revenue.
This shit is funny. Did you name the strain " Dirty Kitty"? You do realize if you ever created this huge setup or let anyone know were you worked in Co, most likely the cat shit pic would end up on the front door. You can't change out a litter box yet you wanna a run a huge operation or better yet be in charge of inventory. You admit the cat box was still in the room even though the cats are gone. Bet the dried shit on the floor is too. You seem lazy and uneducated. I say this because of your repeated attempt to label everyone a racist and consent babble about their house size. Your the guy who screams " it's cus I'm black every time you get refused a min. Wage job or when you get evicted."........don't tell me I'm a rasict now right. Have a great day UncleCatshit. Let me know were you live I'll be the one to post the pic to every place I can.
Thought this was funny! Picture on the front door lol ^^^^^^ he might be right Uncle Buck, you and theexpress are going to have to keep it on the low low...

Low low is an understatement. These clowns wont even be able to show to an RIU meet without absolute ridicule.
I'm just playing, I like my buds entombed in a film of cat shit stench. Where do you think the expression "the shit" comes from? :) I know you already said it was bad practice, but I have to prod you a bit when you creep out of politics. "Now Where did I put my poking stick?"
New drop available @ attitude:
Sorry, but walk into a dispensary and you will almost always see someone in there who uses cannabis because it actually works and has replaced a number of prescription medications. Little kids with epilepsy need high CBd strains and depend upon those strain names... What I'm trying to say is, yes some people do fucked up shit to make a profit, like relabeling a strain to capitalize on the name, but those are the ones who soon find themselves without any patients.... A good number of medical patients use for recreational purposes, but don't be mistaken, this is medicine and people need it. Time to change the way you see the medical community. I think you might be surprised at the number of people who actually use it medicinally. If you aren't concerned with the integrity of the mmj industry, I suggest you attempt a recreational option. These are things that you should be passionate about, not the revenue.

you know damn well 99% of the people with cards are just recreational smokers.

to try to convince yourself otherwise is just delusion.