When do I start my plants flowering?


Hello again everyone. View attachment 2931051View attachment 2931053View attachment 2931054View attachment 2931055
I have posted a few pics and as you can see they are doing really well thanks to all the advice I have been given on here. There is one more question tho and that is after having a look at my pics how long before I should start to flower? It's really hard to find out what to do as there is so many split opinions on this.
Please could someone help me out with this as I don't want to do it to early.


Well-Known Member
There are so many split opinions because there are so many different ways, not right or wrong, just different.

I veg for 30 days. During that 30 days I generally will top or do some lst. The longer you veg, the bigger the plant, the more final product.

It is basically a choice each person makes for themselves based on several different things such as size of grows, size of grow area, how quick of a turnaround you want, etc.

I generally run 3 plants at a time under 400 watt. 30 days veg, @8-10 wks flower, and hit around 8-9z. For me I also have a veg box so my turnaround is 6-8wks. That takes care of all my personal smoke and insures my closest friends are hooked up as well.
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Well-Known Member
Oh, considering this is your first grow, I would advise not doing any type of training/topping/supercropping etc.
You can always add that into your future grows. Watch the plant grow naturally first. Next time do some topping and see the difference, next you can add in some LST or supercropping and really learn what you are doing and why.


Well-Known Member
I think it will depend on how much height you have to work with in your grow area. If you have 4'+ from the top of that plant to the max height of the light you could wait a week or so. It looks indica dominate, what strain is it? If you are limited in how tall it can get you may want to flower soon. Give us some more details about your grow area and we can give better advice.

You might want to think about supercropping or some LST to keep it shorter. You could then let it veg longer and get a better yield for the space you have have to work with.


Well-Known Member
I didn't see althor's post before I posted. But, I have to disagree. LST and supercropping is not a complicated endeavor. Do some research on it, maybe check out some youtube videos... It is a resilient plant and will reward you if train her IMO. Best of luck to you!


I think it will depend on how much height you have to work with in your grow area. If you have 4'+ from the top of that plant to the max height of the light you could wait a week or so. It looks indica dominate, what strain is it? If you are limited in how tall it can get you may want to flower soon. Give us some more details about your grow area and we can give better advice.

You might want to think about supercropping or some LST to keep it shorter. You could then let it veg longer and get a better yield for the space you have have to work with.
Hi there
I have a grow tent that is 1.4 meters high, 1 foot across I am using a 250w hps light. I have two blue cheese and two normal cheese so yes I think they are indica but not 100% sure


Oh, considering this is your first grow, I would advise not doing any type of training/topping/supercropping etc.
You can always add that into your future grows. Watch the plant grow naturally first. Next time do some topping and see the difference, next you can add in some LST or supercropping and really learn what you are doing and why.
Thanks for the advice althor. I was thinking of trying cropping but not to sure as don't want to mess anything up. I could really do with getting a good yield off theese tho so is it worth waiting a little longer before flowering?


Well-Known Member
Did I understand that right, the grow tent is only one foot across? You should not supercrop if you are growing 4 plants in there if that is the case. IF it is one foot across I would think about flowering them very soon.

Yes, those strains are indica dominate but are hybrids. What are the actual dimension of your space? LxWxH?


Well-Known Member
Given your set up and goals, you really do need to pinch off the top or fim and then probably do some low stress training after that. You are going to run out of vertical space in short order. With these techniques you can keep her in veg longer and make best use of your space.


Did I understand that right, the grow tent is only one foot across? You should not supercrop if you are growing 4 plants in there if that is the case. IF it is one foot across I would think about flowering them very soon.

Yes, those strains are indica dominate but are hybrids. What are the actual dimension of your space? LxWxH?
sorry I just guessed the height etc. The dimensions of the tent are 0.8x0.8x1.6m. Also the plant in the pic is the best one or should I say the biggest one so does that make any difference in switching them to flowering? they are only slightly smaller and they seem to be bushy rather than tall.
Would it be worth topping them to improve yield?


Well-Known Member
You gave height and width. How deep is the tent or is it square? ..If it is, you may need to flip real soon.
Or you could just pick your best 1, let it veg a lil and only flower it. You will get a better harvest off 1 decent sized plant than the 4 small 1s in that space. JMO


Oh, considering this is your first grow, I would advise not doing any type of training/topping/supercropping etc.
You can always add that into your future grows. Watch the plant grow naturally first. Next time do some topping and see the difference, next you can add in some LST or supercropping and really learn what you are doing and why.
Excellent advise, I wish I had known that sooner. I am so tempted to try lst, but I reckon I going to grow "normally" first, second grow I will try lst.


Well-Known Member
Based on the size of your space I would flip to 12/12 now if you are planning on flowering all 4. Make sure you rotate the plants every 2-3 days to get them even light distribution as they grow. I also agree that you could pick your best 1 or 2 plants and let them veg a little longer, then flip and likely get a better or equal yield at worst.

Don't do any training on this grow IMO unless you decide to just grow out one or two plants. Good Luck!


Based on the size of your space I would flip to 12/12 now if you are planning on flowering all 4. Make sure you rotate the plants every 2-3 days to get them even light distribution as they grow. I also agree that you could pick your best 1 or 2 plants and let them veg a little longer, then flip and likely get a better or equal yield at worst.

Don't do any training on this grow IMO unless you decide to just grow out one or two plants. Good Luck!
Thanks man... Really appreciate the advice


Well-Known Member
I didn't see althor's post before I posted. But, I have to disagree. LST and supercropping is not a complicated endeavor. Do some research on it, maybe check out some youtube videos... It is a resilient plant and will reward you if train her IMO. Best of luck to you!
It isn't about "complicated". It is about seeing the differences between each type of training. It is a learning process about the growth of cannabis, not about is he capable of doing it.

I know a lot of people skip over that and go straight to recommended training, and in the end, nothing is wrong with that.

But to me it is the difference is being taught to read with phonics or being taught to read by sight words.

With phonics, you can read the words you have never seen before because you can sound them out. With sight words, you are just SOL, pull out the dictionary and look it up.


Well-Known Member
Unless you are going to move to a much larger grow space, I just don't see the advantage of growing trees, especially if yield is a stated goal. I honestly don't know what I've learned from growing trees except that you get fewer nodes. But be that the case, if you want to grow trees you need to know when to flip them to 12/12. Take the height of your grow space and back out the height of your flower pot, lights, and light spacing from top. Probably something close to a meter will be lost if your hood isn't cooled. What you are left with would be a good finishing height for your plant. My rule of thumb is that if my indica is growing X amount per day, I can plan on the flowering phase going about 20 times this daily amount before they peak out. So if I'm getting an inch per day during late veg, I could reasonably expect another 20" during flower. Some will do more, some less. If more, just bend them over so they stay out of the high heat zone. So keep an eye on her daily growth and if it really starts increasing, get those lights flipped! Hope this helps, finish strong!


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I am not seeing the analogy between "phonics" and whether to lst/supercrop. Your post was before there was any information about the grow space dimensions and that is the main determining factor for how/whether to train plants before flower. I am not familiar with the "sight words" method... sorry. If it is phonics vs "sight words" I would say "sight words" will serve a person far better than being "hooked on phonics".



New Member
i am new at this too... but i think for my first grow i am not doing to bad... i veg for 2 weeks... which i prob shouldnt of done... but here is my progress... i am on day 53 from day veg day 1... i did 24 hour lighting for the first 2 weeks well in veg... then i killed the lights for 48 hours... and put it in 12/12 for flowering... i know i am going to veg longer next time... here is a pic of were i am so far... Diptic.jpg


i am new at this too... but i think for my first grow i am not doing to bad... i veg for 2 weeks... which i prob shouldnt of done... but here is my progress... i am on day 53 from day veg day 1... i did 24 hour lighting for the first 2 weeks well in veg... then i killed the lights for 48 hours... and put it in 12/12 for flowering... i know i am going to veg longer next time... here is a pic of were i am so far... View attachment 2931376
Very feminine look to it, I almost want to ask her out for dinner, do you think she'll accept? Lol, very nice man, you need help smoking it, I 'm your man, hehe.

little butch

Active Member
Althor hit it when he said lots of ways...none necessarily right or wrong. You might notice there is even a 12/12 from seed thread. It all depends on your particular situation. Sounds like your tent height may be a bit short, so I wouldn't veg too long if you don't plan on using the available techniques to top, fimm, LST, etc, etc.,to keep them short and wide. Good luck. Peace & be kind.