Have the Republicans forgot about

That is quite the contortion.

All that is necessary for complete hypocrisy is to preach that homosexual acts are sin while practicing homosexual acts. Oops.
This issue is more complex that that and you know it. Is a cop who issues a speeding ticket a hypocrite if he exceeded the speed limit in his personal driving?

Of course not. He is just doing his job. The city mayor who decides the speed limit is a hypocrit if he speeds because he made the rules.

Here, Haggard isn't pulling the sinful status of homosexuality out of his ass, he is reciting scripture. He is calling being a homo a sin, as most theologians believe it to be. Homosexuality isn't the only sin. There are many of them, lust, envy, greed, jealousy, gluttony, drunkenness, vanity, and the list goes on and on. Find me evidence that God is a homosexual and there you will find hypocrisy.

The counter argument is that god made mankind and people do not choose their sexuality eithe. I believe that. Usually one cannot help it when their mind and their circumstances causes them to be jealous, lustful, greedy and on and on.

It's not the thought that makes the sin, it's the acting out on it. And he acted out on his god-given homosexual impulses, and he sinned just like every human being that has ever lived. We are all given our own cross to bear. It is how we handle our struggles that interests God. We are all lucky that all we have to do to earn his grace is acknowledge our shortcomings and ask him for it.

What the real hypocrisy would have been is if had used his position to either manipulate Gods word into a condoning message with respect to homosexuality, or if he had ignored it all together. A Christian does not get to choose what is and what is not sin, that has already been explained for us. All a Christian can do is ask
forgiveness for the committed sin and attempt to refrain from such activities. It is here where Haggard, just like all who have came before, and all who will come after, fell short.

Find me a quote of his that says a dick in the ass is a one way ticket to hell and I will join you in your shouts of hypocrite. Those would have been the words of man, because that is counter to Biblical teachings. Violating your own word is what makes you a hypocrite, not sinning, because brother, we all sin.

If you want a hypocrite, I'll direct you to Al Gore.

He just sold a tv network to al jaziera for a tidy profit of $100 mill. He rushed the deal along so it would count on this years earnings instead of next. Tax rates are expected to be higher next year. Aren't liberals always condemning wealthy folks for not paying their fair share?

If that weren't bad enough, al jaziera is funded by middle east oil. That's kind of like profiting off of blood diamonds.

And I'm pretty sure he used his private jet to fly around to where ever he had to go to conduct these negations. He was probably tired, so he got to go back to his house in style. Just so happens his home uses 20 times the amount of energy as the average Americans house.

I hope you were listening to him when he said the SUV is evil and when you get cold, don't turn up the heat, put on a sweater.





Do you think milk would cost more or less if the FDA stopped subsidies AND told the truth about the effects of cow milk on steroids has on humans? Your assumption that subsidies makes things cheaper is not always true. How has college tuition costs reflected subsidies?

A good AUGH is always good medicine for your ED, congrats on that. A little odd what gets you off, but good for you man.
By the way, there are those who have said homosexuality is a sin that will land you in hell, and that god won't forgive it.

Then they have been caught with a dick in their mouth.

That's a hypocrite. But not haggard. Haggard is just a gay Christian.
By the way, there are those who have said homosexuality is a sin that will land you in hell, and that god won't forgive it.

Then they have been caught with a dick in their mouth.

That's a hypocrite. But not haggard. Haggard is just a gay Christian.

Nice troll attempt dude. I give you 2.8 out of 5. Not bad, but needs improvement.
todays milk isn't helping anyone with anything. Milk is a hit and miss, I don't believe todays milk has any nutritional value.

Cassein is highly acidic promoting. The body's neutral state is slightly alkaline. Therefore an alkaline buffer is needed with only one bodily source available.
This issue is more complex that that and you know it. Is a cop who issues a speeding ticket a hypocrite if he exceeded the speed limit in his personal driving?

Of course not. He is just doing his job. The city mayor who decides the speed limit is a hypocrit if he speeds because he made the rules.

Here, Haggard isn't pulling the sinful status of homosexuality out of his ass, he is reciting scripture. He is calling being a homo a sin, as most theologians believe it to be. Homosexuality isn't the only sin. There are many of them, lust, envy, greed, jealousy, gluttony, drunkenness, vanity, and the list goes on and on. Find me evidence that God is a homosexual and there you will find hypocrisy.

The counter argument is that god made mankind and people do not choose their sexuality eithe. I believe that. Usually one cannot help it when their mind and their circumstances causes them to be jealous, lustful, greedy and on and on.

It's not the thought that makes the sin, it's the acting out on it. And he acted out on his god-given homosexual impulses, and he sinned just like every human being that has ever lived. We are all given our own cross to bear. It is how we handle our struggles that interests God. We are all lucky that all we have to do to earn his grace is acknowledge our shortcomings and ask him for it.

What the real hypocrisy would have been is if had used his position to either manipulate Gods word into a condoning message with respect to homosexuality, or if he had ignored it all together. A Christian does not get to choose what is and what is not sin, that has already been explained for us. All a Christian can do is ask
forgiveness for the committed sin and attempt to refrain from such activities. It is here where Haggard, just like all who have came before, and all who will come after, fell short.

Find me a quote of his that says a dick in the ass is a one way ticket to hell and I will join you in your shouts of hypocrite. Those would have been the words of man, because that is counter to Biblical teachings. Violating your own word is what makes you a hypocrite, not sinning, because brother, we all sin.

If you want a hypocrite, I'll direct you to Al Gore.

He just sold a tv network to al jaziera for a tidy profit of $100 mill. He rushed the deal along so it would count on this years earnings instead of next. Tax rates are expected to be higher next year. Aren't liberals always condemning wealthy folks for not paying their fair share?

If that weren't bad enough, al jaziera is funded by middle east oil. That's kind of like profiting off of blood diamonds.

And I'm pretty sure he used his private jet to fly around to where ever he had to go to conduct these negations. He was probably tired, so he got to go back to his house in style. Just so happens his home uses 20 times the amount of energy as the average Americans house.

I hope you were listening to him when he said the SUV is evil and when you get cold, don't turn up the heat, put on a sweater.

Since I believe that we are God, obviously God is homosexual. And heterosexual. And virgin and a grandparent and and and. God is everything.

I consider the dichotomy between man and God to be a lie ... ultimate blasphemy, the thing for which Satan was pitched into the ninth circle. And today's Wardens of the Book (in every Abrahamic sect and denomination!) propagate this evil. Theirs is the ultimate and least tolerable sin: betraying God Ourself.

Also sprach U. marijanus.
I believe the harder my erection gets, the closer to God I get.

Thou art God --Michael Valentine Smith (a fictitious erection of Heinlein's mind)



That is NOT a "dork", despite what others may say.
I wonder what the guy is doing with that baggie?
Since I believe that we are God, obviously God is homosexual. And heterosexual. And virgin and a grandparent and and and. God is everything.

I consider the dichotomy between man and God to be a lie ... ultimate blasphemy, the thing for which Satan was pitched into the ninth circle. And today's Wardens of the Book (in every Abrahamic sect and denomination!) propagate this evil. Theirs is the ultimate and least tolerable sin: betraying God Ourself.

Also sprach U. marijanus.

That is a finer theological point, though lesser ones have sparked wars. God is within us all, but God is not our sexuality.

But yes, the betrayal of God is the only sin that is greater than any other.

I'm not anti-gay. I've had gay sex. Growing up I had a best friend. Turns out he was gay. He used to blow me and wanted me to jizz on his face/chest when we were 13. By the time we were 14 we were experimenting with sodomy.

Then I boned a chick and that experiment was done, he kept going. You'll find my views on homosexuality quite liberal, despite the fact I don't think Haggard was a hypocrite.
*I've had gay sex. Growing up I had a best friend. Turns out he was gay. He used to blow me and wanted me to jizz on his face/chest when we were 13. By the time we were 14 we were experimenting with sodomy.

this explains a lot about you.
That is a finer theological point, though lesser ones have sparked wars. God is within us all, but God is not our sexuality.

But yes, the betrayal of God is the only sin that is greater than any other.

I'm not anti-gay. I've had gay sex. Growing up I had a best friend. Turns out he was gay. He used to blow me and wanted me to jizz on his face/chest when we were 13. By the time we were 14 we were experimenting with sodomy.

Then I boned a chick and that experiment was done, he kept going. You'll find my views on homosexuality quite liberal, despite the fact I don't think Haggard was a hypocrite.
If Haggard preaches against what he practices, he is a hypocrite imo.

I am tempted to pursue the "finer theological points" but will desist.
We were the same age

child sexual abuse can occur between two children.

it's the abuse that matters, not the age.

want to share more details of exactly how your friend convinced you to let him blow you and convinced you to perform sexual acts such as you described?
Since I believe that we are God, obviously God is homosexual. And heterosexual. And virgin and a grandparent and and and. God is everything.

I consider the dichotomy between man and God to be a lie ... ultimate blasphemy, the thing for which Satan was pitched into the ninth circle. And today's Wardens of the Book (in every Abrahamic sect and denomination!) propagate this evil. Theirs is the ultimate and least tolerable sin: betraying God Ourself.

Also sprach U. marijanus.

Interesting way to look at it.