The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
fim won`t make them droopy r3, maybe for a day or two but not as in a condition, are they green and healthy looking? and otherwise looking good? also sativa or indica ? or narrow leafs or broad...?

as for pic posting and metadata etc, he whole thing is propaganda, vpn`s tor and all that jazz, they have caught fellas from the sr, now thats the us and there techno billions but i would take it for granted that you are out there anyways being a member of the foums and posting so fire up a pic.. it`ll help diagnosis alot...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
@AE: plans are visit the inlaws for steaks and then my folks and then back to san francisco to have our yearly growers get together and share strains as in smoking and getting some mexican take out have a few drinks and wait for new years eve. My seattle friends are coming to SF and they have a fresh batch of platinum girl scout cookies so looking forward to that as they are looking forward to the BLZ Bud and Mazar plus some caramels and hash and kief.

@R3I@X: are you talking about leaves being droopy right after the lights come on? if so that is normal they are waking up. If not I don't know. Not a soil man myself. I'd say hit them up with 600w if your temps are good and your ladies are in flower but like I said without being there to see it in person I don't know and I know you don't like to post pic's and I understand that. Plus while your ladies are sleeping they will droop.

what a holiday.. few quick joints here hahahahahaha, and no carmels or other nice treats either, but thats what makes waiting for a yeild worth while.. all the dreams of what your going to do with the big sack of weed hahahaha.....


Well-Known Member
Everything is looking great other than the droop so if its still the same after work ill post pics (10ish) indica dom nice n green n fimmed them 2 days ago.


Well-Known Member
Was quite clever how they caught the lad from SR...was a java update they used to gain access to his comp.metadata is real dude lol will tell U everything from what was used to take to pic,longitude latitude n so on.

edit..went home on my break to walk the dog so only foliar fed the og kush n lets see tonight *crosses fingers*

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
what... your foiliar feeding them!!! at least i hope thats lights off, wouldn`t be a great thing to do either ways tho, tried it out aswell when i started at theres no real benifit to the plant other that out door to clean them down...


Well-Known Member
Hahaha only the og kush who's always gotten droopy close to feeding so just to be sure it wasn't lack of water I foliar fed it some water n left the rest was during lights stupid but not that stupid, wouldn't wanna fry my babies!! But thanks anyways.

Edit.. With some bloom nutrients its recommended to foliar feed em like with can a boost. But other than that I think its a quick way to get nutrients to em fast but I think the optimum temp for that is around 27 when the stomatas are fully open but im more than likely wrong so anyone with info on this let us know...

More going to be doing your veg garden next year or you giving it a miss?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah vegging again this comeing spring... just haven`t had time to get up there this while now, but i`ve been renewing my lease for sure...

you vegging this year???


Well-Known Member
Before id have laughed at the notion but since I've been looking up growing I kinda wanna only problem is my lack of a garden (tiny front) but I saw some doc on rte about 7 months ago n it was some fella on about growing veg in his flat n on the rooftop he had this awesome symbiotic hydro system where he fed lil fish n in turn they fed the water. Thinking of asking the mother if I could do a few spuds (your cabbage got eaten didn't it?) n carrots (aldi was doing spuds n carrots for like 5c carrots pack today, think dunnes did it 2) and take it from there but ill defo give it a go, might even go down the park n do a few autos but sure slow n steady. Oh was thinking of doing some peppers in my tent in a little corner, have you ever grown anything with ur ladies?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
you can grow spuds in bags filled with fert and soil, cut some holes in and sow your seed spuds in there... lots of ways to get stuff going, don`t have to be pretty...;)

never grew anything else with them, chance of bugs etc it never seemed ight, well so far in the spots i grew in, maybe once i get shit together here now i`m settled i might try some rare stuff, as its long running project might try the bonsai fruit trees, there pretty cool...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Before id have laughed at the notion but since I've been looking up growing I kinda wanna only problem is my lack of a garden (tiny front) but I saw some doc on rte about 7 months ago n it was some fella on about growing veg in his flat n on the rooftop he had this awesome symbiotic hydro system where he fed lil fish n in turn they fed the water. Thinking of asking the mother if I could do a few spuds (your cabbage got eaten didn't it?) n carrots (aldi was doing spuds n carrots for like 5c carrots pack today, think dunnes did it 2) and take it from there but ill defo give it a go, might even go down the park n do a few autos but sure slow n steady. Oh was thinking of doing some peppers in my tent in a little corner, have you ever grown anything with ur ladies?

also... hahahahahha you got the grow bug bad now dude, theres no cure you know... you`ll be walking about the garden and stuff supercropping ang topping stuff like mad...


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you maybe messing with your ladies to much. I know your excited but try sitting on your hands for a bit and see what happens. You can kill with to much love, I found that out my first grow with AK47.


Well-Known Member
Now ill be picking ur brain for more of those sweet ideas. Yeah, Its the idea of getting something for near nothing n doing it yourself that's so appealing.


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy! Your spot* on there, my dog is getting better but my og didn't like the foliar feed so im gonna give em time. FINALLY FIRST BONG OF THE DAY.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
true md, you can kill them with kindness, its why i always have a "spare" to mess with, and i saying that you have to be patient with that too, theres only so much you can do to a plant before you have to let it recover and grow on before you can train it some more... think its a lesson we all have to learn the hard way...

so whats you guys watching these days seeing as our beloved walter has gone...???


Well-Known Member
Watch Doug with high its on YouTube fucking funny stuff man, im all about Doug at the moment.hes a comedian that sits around with famous ppl getting high(seriously), they get so high it gets awkward n shit. Sarah Silverman was on it n that guy from the sopranos.

Its a HBO special.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
that into the furnace looks good, new woody harrelson, christian bale movie... think i might give it a go later or tomorrow evening, got the bloody hospital tomorrow again, plastic surgeon wants another go at the side of my face again so have to discuss grafts and stuff, not like i give a toss i just want this over and done with at this stage...

catch you guys tomorrow evening, keep her lit;)


Well-Known Member
I hope you have a medical card buddy!! I couldn't possibly relate to your situation bud but I imagine you must be finding it tiring at this stage, I know I would. be happy ur still soldiering mate like he said in the life of Brian "always look on the bright side of life" :D
I'll give that furnace yolk a go when I get a chance.

anchorman 2 looks savage but I wouldn't expect anything but excellence from will ferrell.


Well-Known Member
I watched all the seasons of the HBO series the wire and it is damn good. It is based in Baltimore Maryland on the east coast (one of the highest murder rates for a US city). Baltimore averages about 200 to 300 murders per year. There is a documentary coming out called the 12 o'clock boys about the black youth in baltimore riding all kinds of motorcycles at 12 o'clock everyday disregarding all street laws, sounds stupid but the trailer looks really good.


Active Member
Anyone has experience with Shamrock Multipurpose Compost? I bought it by accident instead of Peat Moss and mixed it 1/2 & 1/2 with Perlite, and I think that the soil is too hot! Your experience?
