Is this possible?


Active Member
I have an "OG Kush" plant seedling that I recieved from a friend for house sitting his plants the other day. Is it really OG Kush, I have no idea, is that strain even around anymore? Regardless, the plant is very very stout, possibly five inches in height if that with five sets of leaves in.

My question is: can I transplant this plant into a hydroponic system that I recently constructed by removing the soil from the roots (what would be the best method of doing this? I thought of pulling out the entire clump of soil where the roots are and running it under gentle water) and placing the plant inside the tray surrounded by Hydroton, or would that be too stressful? The system is an ebb and flow, if that information is necessary to the question. Thanks for your time.


Well-Known Member
yeah, it might be og kush, but either way if its a healthy plant your on the right track, and you can transplant into hydro with the method you mentioned above, but your probably going to see some transplant shock, so don't freak out that you killed your plant, but it should come out of it in a few days.


Well-Known Member
you hydro people, ;)

keep it in the soil, water with your hydro mixed water, get a better tasting bud.

just my 2 cents



Well-Known Member
is hydro too hard? i'll admit soil is the best when you have months of time and like guessing alot, but hydro is faster and im many instances just as good.


Well-Known Member
their is where i would disagree.

dirt plants can grow just as fast as hydro, and with A LOT less complications than what you deal with when you grow hydro.

permitted you do the dirt indoors, but like i said, the sun is the best source of energy we got man, nothing wrong with utilizing it over drosky.



Active Member
To me, that last comment was extremely dumb. Hydro is a much cleaner, faster, and much more simple method. Growing hydro, in my experience, results in much less complications. If possible, grow hydro.


Well-Known Member
if i could grow outside without reprocussion i would but since i grow indoors hydro for me. so which is best depends on situation imo.


Well-Known Member
agreed green thumb.

their is no sence in flaming anyone over a dumb argument, such as SCROG or SOG.

my experience is with dirt, and some friend who grow hydro, and myself, agree, to each his own.



Well-Known Member
OK, so technically hydro grows faster if properly maintained, however a really good aerated soil can match that growth rate.

Secondly as far as being cleaner, and easier to work with hydro is not.
Soil is great for begineers, it is very very forgiving, easy to work, relativly clean, no mass amounts of water, no checking solution PH/EC/Temp every minute of the day, you water like every third day, the list goes on and on.

To the OP!!!! I wouldnt wash the dirt off the roots.

I would go buy a big bag of soil and put this little plant into a 5 gallon bucket under a good light and veg it on 18/6 hours of light. (18 hours on/6 hours off)

Grow her real big, and then cut your self clones off it, to put into your hydrosystem.

I have washed soil off of roots before, and yes it can recover, but the water in a DWC system will suffer.

You will expierience problems will residual soil on the roots.

Just learn to clone and you will be golden, it is a good lesson in growing to learn early on.


Well-Known Member
Now i think your stalking me... haha what makes you think Im in au?

I am australian/dutch but I reside in the Good Ol US of A....


Well-Known Member
aha, was reading through your journal, haven't finished yet, but i will, and i found a link to a youtube video on your profile. heh heh

that did come off a bit stalker-ish didn't it? :roll:



Active Member
Hmm, thanks for the advice Godess. I decided to do what you have said and just moved the plant into a bigger pot so it can grow. We'll see how things go, I just took a clone off of it and plan to do a few more tomorrow.