am i moving too fast with this girl?

First date i went on with her I kissed her on the cheek. Second date i kissed her on the lips and third date we started making out. I have been seeing and talking to her daily and day 4 we started acting like a couple by calling each other babe and cuddling. she starting to buy me stuff like small surprises like food,drinks,gloves. she feels we moving too fast because we only known each other for 8 days. yesterday after we went out I forgot to text her before sleeping and she started acting bitchy the next day. keep in mind i havent asked her to be my girlfriend yet.
Are you still in high school?
Just make sure her trics show mostly cloudy maybe some amber but not much cause shell keep ambering a few weeks after u chopp her.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!
Silly String, does the dollar menu at mcdonalds count as a date?

Absolutely! Money is no object. If you're sitting at a pretty spot, listening to the baseball game on the radio, having a dollar menu picnic with the gal/guy you kinda dig, it's a date.

I'm an 80's gal (came of age in the 1980's -- NOT 80 years old), so the rules of dating and sex were defined by Fast Times at Ridgemont High and Porky's. It was known that if you didn't like the guy, you'd better do a fade before the 3rd date, or expect some serious pressure.
First date i went on with her I kissed her on the cheek. Second date i kissed her on the lips and third date we started making out. I have been seeing and talking to her daily and day 4 we started acting like a couple by calling each other babe and cuddling. she starting to buy me stuff like small surprises like food,drinks,gloves. she feels we moving too fast because we only known each other for 8 days. yesterday after we went out I forgot to text her before sleeping and she started acting bitchy the next day. keep in mind i havent asked her to be my girlfriend yet.

Are we still on a marijuana forum or have I slipped onto a Beverley Hills 90210 fansite....?
You see this is what I don't get, you start to date someone you go out have a good time get on with each other start calling each other pet names, but you aren't an item until the guy asks you to be his girlfriend! I mean call me old fashioned but are you not his girlfriend already, or do you wait around have sex with him buy him presents and keep waiting until he either asks you to be his girlfriend or dumps you, it just doesn't make sense to me. They have some funny ways today. :roll:
You see this is what I don't get, you start to date someone you go out have a good time get on with each other start calling each other pet names, but you aren't an item until the guy asks you to be his girlfriend! I mean call me old fashioned but are you not his girlfriend already, or do you wait around have sex with him buy him presents and keep waiting until he either asks you to be his girlfriend or dumps you, it just doesn't make sense to me. They have some funny ways today. :roll:

OH YEAH! Remember they bought US stuff! I don't like this turnabout shit.
First date i went on with her I kissed her on the cheek. Second date i kissed her on the lips and third date we started making out. I have been seeing and talking to her daily and day 4 we started acting like a couple by calling each other babe and cuddling. she starting to buy me stuff like small surprises like food,drinks,gloves. she feels we moving too fast because we only known each other for 8 days. yesterday after we went out I forgot to text her before sleeping and she started acting bitchy the next day. keep in mind i havent asked her to be my girlfriend yet.

You've got to ask yourself, "Does the progression seem natural?" If it does then hey, the heart wants what the heart wants. Slow/fast every relationship dynamic is different and unique. If you aren't regularly finger banging her after a week I'd probably check to make sure she doesn't have a penis though.
I fuck on the 1st date! If the pussy was good I'll buy em Burger King and pay for the cab ride home. If the pussy was lousy it's death dawgs from 7/11 and the bitch is on foot patrol!!! Man up and slap her ass and grab her by the back of the neck and fuck her face
Date 1: try to nail her
Date 2: try to nail her
Date 3: try to nail her. <-- If she doesn't put out by then bail. lol, Is that moving to fast?

Lots of girls out there man. I use to date two girls at once but was up front with them from the get go. Not looking to settle down I am dating and what do you do when you date? You go out and date. Meet people hook up do whatever you want. Just be honest up front.