Spin-Out for Chemical Root Pruning

Still looking for Spinout, but all I can really find is treated pots. Can we no longer buy spinout? Sorry if I'm asking a redundant question.

Edit: Never mind, I found the answer! :D
yea soil is the go, but if the only copper released is when the root tips react with the copper coat and locked in the root tips there is no copper to go back to the res ? iv read a couple studies of spin-out/microkote saying there is the same amount of copper in water run off as water applied, so would that be right the copper only that leaches is when the root tips absorb it and lock it ? that's just where my thoughts went when I was reading the same copper in as out
are you 100% against hydro or just over people asking things you cant be bothered with ? I know that it was made for soil but could be useful in recycling SoG systems or any set-up where outlet root blockage is a problem and testing in soil plants showed that copper dose not leach from the cote into the run off water even over time ? i only asked why you say hydro, have you tested the amount copper in water of a hydro using copper and not ??
Still looking for Spinout, but all I can really find is treated pots. Can we no longer buy spinout? Sorry if I'm asking a redundant question.

Edit: Never mind, I found the answer! :D

If you re looking to save your checkpocket more then i would highly recommend to get air pot ~ Rootmaker, they have really excellent products.

Stay High
If you re looking to save your checkpocket more then i would highly recommend to get air pot ~ Rootmaker, they have really excellent products.

Stay High
They make excellent products but pain in the ass to clean!!! So I just get a bucket and drill holes in it. Pain in the ass to drill holes, but in the long run they are easier to clean haha
Lifted from another site and the links work. Here's your ticket!

1) Buy some dry Copper(II) Hydroxide, this is used usually as a fungus pesticide. Interestingly, SePro stuff can be bought on ebay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/CuPRO-5000D...er-Hydroxide-SePRO-3lb-foil-bag-/370622313276), this is probably the same stuff they put into Microkote. Other sources are
KOCIDE 3000 (made by DuPont) or http://kingquenson.en.alibaba.com/productshowimg/424951536-200579235/Copper_hydroxide.html.

2) Dilute the Copper(II) Hydroxide in latex paint. The original SpinOut was made with 13 oz/Gal of Copper(II) Hydroxide (source: http://hortsci.ashspublications.org/content/28/5/527.6.abstract). Remember to account for the original concentration of dry Copper(II) Hydroxide in the pesticide bag (this is typically 50%, for which you would add 26 oz per Gal of latex paint).
OK.... AMEN!

Since UB kind of brought this thread back to life I thought I'd relate my experience with it last grow. I initially heard about it right here on this thread. Looked worthy of a try so I bought a 32 OZ bottle of MicroKote direct from MK off their website. Painted my final 5 gal pots with it. Took about a minute to paint each pot with a foam brush, stuff dried almost immediately as I was outside in the sun.

I only did 4 pots and did not have any "control" to compare with so can't say anything except the grow went real well for my first indoor grow. Pics in my sig, zip to post #101 to see how they turned out. After harvesting I pulled the root balls and there was not a single root to be seen, anywhere. But when I knocked on the rootball about a 1/4" veneer of soil fell off revealing a mass of roots. The root ball was so dense it was hard to get the soil shaken off. A massive root system of fine roots, from 2" below the surface to the bottom of the pot there was probably not a cubic centimeter of soil volume that was not occupied by roots.

I'll rinse the pots out shortly and touch them up if needed, and paint two additional new ones for my upcoming transplant to final pots in a week or two. I just checked the bottle and I used maybe 4 oz total or an oz/pot. For a small grower like myself this will last me several grows and several years. Stuff is $30/qt, don't remember what shipping was but it was reasonable, less than $40 total if I remember right.

So if I can get 2 grows per application as is suggested that would be 32 pots, at an ounce applied per pot, pot then used two grows for a total of 64 grow cycles. Paying $40 per quart means I will be spending the outrageous amount of 62 cents per pot per grow. My point here this is really not at all expensive.

So I bought it, used it, it worked 100% as described, ended up with a nice grow, and it is inexpensive. All this is fact. What would I have done without it? I have no idea, and will never know, because I'll never go to final pot without it.

Thanks UB for sharing this with all of us 6 yrs ago.
It's I.E. is a hydroxide, not a carbonate, and it's not "on plants". Look......I don't mind you commenting if you're on topic and want to learn, but if you wish to opine, know what you're talking about. You have not used or understand chemical root tip pruning products.

So I did some research because we have lots of copper carbonate (also called cupric carbonate sometimes) and I guess it can be used for root pruning as well also in latex paint. Maybe the info I read was old but apparently the carbonate works as well. I may try it soon and reoort back on how it works
I wouldn't bother. For starts, Griffin's Spin-Out (copper hydroxide suspended in latex paint) is hard to find and it's expensive for the casual gardener like yourself.... you have to buy it in bulk. MicroKote is cheaper.

I'd up my game in general finding the right balance of light, water, temps, nutrition, etc. Gardening is all about The Balance. For example, I just ordered what might be the "holy grail" for cannabis plant nutrition (and will use it on tropicals) - http://www.jrpeters.com/Products/Jack-s-Classic/Citrus-FeED.html In a typical soil blend you can use this from start to finish with excellent results. Do the usual noob drill using a bloom food during flowering and you'll fail.

Good luck,

I noticed that the citrus feed didn't seem to have all the elements dyna grob FP has. Would I need to supplement with calcium or anything else using this?
Tio, i have read this thread twice, i know you wrote that Griffin's spin out product is safe but what about mixing latex paint and a fungicide? I can order the copper hydroxide bag and buy some latex paint from a local store..how safe would it be , when i am mixing a random paint and painting them myself. Is there any other way? Is there any link still available to buy treated pots or premade paint? Thanks for your time..Happy Holidays to you and Aunt Benita....!!
Here's a post I did at Riddle3m. Links should still be valid, don't know. Yeah, Merry Christmas to you and yours!


Here's an excellent post lifted from another forum on making your own Griffin's Spin-Out. The links are still valid.

Microkote used to be made under the brand-name SpinOut by Griffin L.L.C. until SePRO bought the rights. After the re-branding they added other metals labeled as "nutrients". In my opinion this is all marketing; the roots will be stopped and not absorb anything near the Microkote layer - so really the only active ingredient is the chemical that stops the roots from growing further (this chemical is copper hydroxide which was the original ingredient in SpinOut).

Microkote is pricey ($28 for 8oz). But you should be able to make your own.

1) Buy some dry Copper(II) Hydroxide, this is used usually as a fungus pesticide. Interestingly, SePro stuff can be bought on ebay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/CuPRO-5000D...er-Hydroxide-SePRO-3lb-foil-bag-/370622313276), this is probably the same stuff they put into Microkote. Other sources are
KOCIDE 3000 (made by DuPont) or http://kingquenson.en.alibaba.com/productshowimg/424951536-200579235/Copper_hydroxide.html.

2) Dilute the Copper(II) Hydroxide in latex paint. The original SpinOut was made with 13 oz/Gal of Copper(II) Hydroxide (source: http://hortsci.ashspublications.org/content/28/5/527.6.abstract). Remember to account for the original concentration of dry Copper(II) Hydroxide in the pesticide bag (this is typically 50%, for which you would add 26 oz per Gal of latex paint).

Remember to read all the instructions on the bag when handling pesticides.

This costs about 10x less than buying the Microkote solution which is over-priced and over-marketed (b/c of those extra additive "nutrients") in my opinion.