hurt feelings..think i might quit


:wall::-( I started with one outside this summer got enough wasn.t that bad at all, not great for the first. Then inside with four,went even better no complaints. Well I just harvested 6widows fem seeds.two unknown bagseed that turned out purple and smelly, seeds came from some not bad Kush my friend called it.i did not pay for the seeds...he did..we been together for 7 years.he bought the tent, and everything I grew payed it all back with the first plants. well the ones that r drying , he says looks like theres gonna b just about 2oz per plant.i am not smart with the numbers,so I think I have shamed the growing 2oz per plant 8 plants...whatever that equals.i thought I did a frlippin great job .heres the pics ,I guess I did not get enough.on top of it all he says they smell green they should stink more skunky when drying.he fucking drys it on tin foil on a lightbulb,and tells me .... this isn't getting me high.ummmm :finger: a lightbulb:idea::idea: wow.i guess drying and curing do nothhing.the idiot.anyways I guess what im looking for is if they look ok and if that's is a bad count for a "real" first grow. Plus the guy smokes a fn tun a thought dam its paying for his ass to smoke plus some. sorry for the rant heres some kinda sucks plus I should have taken the flash off duh!!!its my nerves,IMG_0468.jpgIMG_0470.jpgIMG_0474.jpgIMG_0478.jpgIMG_0477.jpgIMG_0487.jpgIMG_0496.jpgIMG_0504.jpgIMG_0480.jpgIMG_0491.jpgIMG_0506.jpgIMG_0507.jpgIMG_0513.jpgIMG_0516.jpgIMG_0517.jpgIMG_0510.jpgIMG_0524.jpg

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
They look awesome to me. If he's so smart, why isn't HE growing? Some people just can't pay a compliment to save their lives.


Well-Known Member
Did you talk to him about investing in you to grow, and now you have failed him.. and owe him some money..
2ozs a plant is a shame, unless your growing with cfls, still frowned on, but its acceptable.

no clue

Well-Known Member
I too would quit..growing with that guy. Pics look good and imo 2oz per plant is very good.


Well-Known Member
Two ounces per plant is fine....and your pictures look your friend these posts, and I'll tell him directly to pound salt.


Well-Known Member
What is the retail value of an ounce of similar quality where you live? If the math works out to being just break even, then you did a good job. Here, where I am, an ounce goes for around 300-340 Euro so if I grow a plant and have 75 euro in it including electric, bean, nutes, and dirt but I get two ounces, I'm shitting in high cotton. Last grow I got 80 grams dried and cured so it cost me just a little over a Euro per gram. That's a hell of a lot better than paying 12 Euro a gram retail in my book.


Well-Known Member
:wall::-( I started with one outside this summer got enough wasn.t that bad at all, not great for the first. Then inside with four,went even better no complaints. Well I just harvested 6widows fem seeds.two unknown bagseed that turned out purple and smelly, seeds came from some not bad Kush my friend called it.i did not pay for the seeds...he did..we been together for 7 years.he bought the tent, and everything I grew payed it all back with the first plants. well the ones that r drying , he says looks like theres gonna b just about 2oz per plant.i am not smart with the numbers,so I think I have shamed the growing 2oz per plant 8 plants...whatever that equals.i thought I did a frlippin great job .heres the pics ,I guess I did not get enough.on top of it all he says they smell green they should stink more skunky when drying.he fucking drys it on tin foil on a lightbulb,and tells me .... this isn't getting me high.ummmm :finger: a lightbulb:idea::idea: wow.i guess drying and curing do nothhing.the idiot.anyways I guess what im looking for is if they look ok and if that's is a bad count for a "real" first grow. Plus the guy smokes a fn tun a thought dam its paying for his ass to smoke plus some. sorry for the rant heres some kinda sucks plus I should have taken the flash off duh!!!its my nerves,View attachment 2941353View attachment 2941355View attachment 2941356View attachment 2941357View attachment 2941358View attachment 2941359View attachment 2941360View attachment 2941361View attachment 2941362View attachment 2941363View attachment 2941364View attachment 2941365View attachment 2941366View attachment 2941367View attachment 2941368View attachment 2941369View attachment 2941370

You "friend" is right on !! Those buds look horrible and potentially lethal. My advice to you would be to carefully cure them and the send them to me immediately for destruction before they can damage the lives of the innocent.

PS Your friend is something of a Densely Insensitive Cannabis Killer. How is his grow doing?

PSS On a serious note the trichomes appear to be clear. If that is the case you may have wanted to let them go a little longer depending on the effect you are looking for. I am a fan of couchlock so I let mine go to about 10 - 15% amber. Good job and Happy Growing :weed:


Well-Known Member
he says they smell green they should stink more skunky when drying.he fucking drys it on tin foil on a lightbulb,and tells me .... this isn't getting me high.ummmm a lightbulb wow.i guess drying and curing do nothhing.the idiot.
Hiya juliecasea, Nice Pics, Nice First Grow!! way better than my results 1st time...Don't listen to "Friend" this kind of "Friend" isn't worth worrying about what they think or say...I mean if its SOOOooo Bad he won't want to smoke any of it when its Dryed & Cured proper will he...

Keep Going you doing MORE than OK...



Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If you already paid him back for equipment then you don't owe him shit. If your bud is so horrible, which it isn't, he can take his chances with street bud.

IMO he is trying to guilt you into free bud.


Well-Known Member
Op you did do a great job, and you'll continue to do an even better job every plant you grow. Keep at it and don't worry about what others opinions are.


Well-Known Member
2 oz's per plant indoors is perfectly acceptable.
Most go it alone for a reason ya'know?
Now you know why


Your plants look like you pruned for large supporting branches, you grew the tightest internode buds and trimmed the remaining ones for quality big bud over many popcorn, your light appears to penetrate deeply to soil in pots and it was your first indoor many variables could have gone wrong within the time you veg to harvest. You obviously trumped all grow problems and ended with a above par quality and a average quantity. you did good and look to b pointed down a path of great bud growing.
Have your friend invest in a plant or plants previous to bloom and he can come do his own thing with it/them side by side with yours and he can only get as good of bud as he grows. you provide the location and equipment and now charge him to gamble with you in hopes of breaking even and maybe some to recoup investments. remember you have taken all the gamble and you should b shown the respect of a good first harvest.

My only concern is that the "fresh green" smell could mean so many things and may be uncontrollable for the strain to dry with a particular smell......but i ask, when did you remove fan leaves? it sometime is worth leaving as the plant feeds on itself after bloom fert has ended near the end of harvest. The plant "can" feed from the stored "sugars" in leafs and you may find it makes for a different smell after curing... just my 2 cents but you did a great job non the less.......Respect to you!


Did you talk to him about investing in you to grow, and now you have failed him.. and owe him some money..
2ozs a plant is a shame, unless your growing with cfls, still frowned on, but its acceptable.
well.he bugged and bugged and bugged he said what we would need.its still drying but he is figuring b4 they r down. and the plants that I grew outside , plus 2 after paid back the equipment.i get nothing but to smoke.he keeps all the money.he never said pay it back..he said grow for me.i need red spectrum for flower he does not think it matters so I used a hps super delux 1000watt. Im hoping there is at least a pound.not sure yet. I now have Big bud x northern light , violater kush , vanilla kush, b-13 medical, cherry berry wonder skunk and pineapple chunk He broke by the way.what light should I flower, and other info to get big yealds would b great.i appreciate your honesty.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I was gonna say something quirky, but I just can't top BobBitchin. That's it in a nutshell. Sounds like you got it going on if you dump the unappreciative prick!


What is the retail value of an ounce of similar quality where you live? If the math works out to being just break even, then you did a good job. Here, where I am, an ounce goes for around 300-340 Euro so if I grow a plant and have 75 euro in it including electric, bean, nutes, and dirt but I get two ounces, I'm shitting in high cotton. Last grow I got 80 grams dried and cured so it cost me just a little over a Euro per gram. That's a hell of a lot better than paying 12 Euro a gram retail in my book.
well I did a single plant and two inside that paid the equipment Iawhile ago...This grow I considered my first good one.we pay 240$ Canadian for 28grams of weed,and it is such garbadge. that he smokes 2oz a week.!!!!!I think he better get a card and purchase top shelf.he could get a card just a lot of hassle.but I loved gardening so much that I said sure I would do it,it saves a lot.