U.N. Asks U.S. To Justify Latest "Cruel, Inhuman" Drone Attack That Killed 15 Yemen C


Well-Known Member
Wait, so cruel, inhuman and degra.... oh look, another all time high for the S&P! Quick BTFATH, and ignore all this irrelevant "stuff."

from ZeroHedge: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-12-26/un-asks-us-justify-latest-cruel-inhuman-drone-attack-killed-15-yemen-civilians-weddi

Imagine, if you will, that you and your 15 closest unarmed, civilian friends are celebrating a young couple who has just started their lives together, and are on your way to their wedding party, when all of a sudden a remote-controlled US killing machine drops several air-to-surface tactical missiles on your group and kills you before you have a chance to blink. Macabre as it sounds, this is precisely what happened in the conflict-torn (courtesy of the CIA) republic of Yemen last month when a US drone mistakenly killed 15 people.

The US justification: the 15 civilians were mistaken for an Al Qaeda convoy (good thing this was not in Syria, where such an Al Qaeda convoy would have received US arms and funding), and in keeping with the US "superpower" walkthrough, the missiles were launched first, and questions would be asked later if ever. And while this happens daily around the globe (remember: they hate America for its freedoms, not because it rains hellfire on civilians without reason), this time the United Nations human rights watch actually had the temerity of calling out the US on its latest act of mass murder.
Reuters has the full story:

United Nations human rights experts told the United States and Yemen on Thursday to say whether they were complicit in drone attacks that mistakenly killed civilians in wedding processions this month.

The independent experts questioned the legitimacy of drone attacks under international law and said the governments should reveal what targeting procedures were used.

Local security officials said on December 12 that 15 people on their way to a wedding in Yemen were killed in an air strike after their party was mistaken for an al Qaeda convoy. The officials did not identify the plane in the strike in central al-Bayda province, but tribal and local media sources said that it was a drone.

Stressing the need for accountability and payment to victims' families, the U.N. statement issued in Geneva said that two attacks, on two separate wedding processions, killed 16 and wounded at least 10 people.

"If armed drones are to be used, states must adhere to international humanitarian law, and should disclose the legal basis for their operational responsibility and criteria for targeting," said Christof Heyns, U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.
Poor Yemen, unclear that others' sovereignty does not matter to the US, voiced a feeble protest: "Yemen cannot consent to violations of the right to life of people in its territory," he added." Good luck with non-consenting.
However, it was the UN that surprised onlookers with one of the harshest condemnations of what is essentially unaccountable murder by an American remote-control plane, controlled from thousands of miles away:

Juan Mendez, U.N. special rapporteur on torture, voiced concern about the legitimacy of the airstrikes. Each state was obliged to undertake due investigation into the reported incidents, including their effect on civilians, he said.

"A deadly attack on illegitimate targets amounts to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment if, as in this case, it results in serious physical or mental pain and suffering for the innocent victims," Mendez said.

Reuters has the full story:

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Wait, so cruel, inhuman and degra.... oh look, another all time high for the S&P! Quick BTFATH, and ignore all this irrelevant "stuff."

from ZeroHedge: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-12-26/un-asks-us-justify-latest-cruel-inhuman-drone-attack-killed-15-yemen-civilians-weddi

Imagine, if you will, that you and your 15 closest unarmed, civilian friends are celebrating a young couple who has just started their lives together, and are on your way to their wedding party, when all of a sudden a remote-controlled US killing machine drops several air-to-surface tactical missiles on your group and kills you before you have a chance to blink. Macabre as it sounds, this is precisely what happened in the conflict-torn (courtesy of the CIA) republic of Yemen last month when a US drone mistakenly killed 15 people.

The US justification: the 15 civilians were mistaken for an Al Qaeda convoy (good thing this was not in Syria, where such an Al Qaeda convoy would have received US arms and funding), and in keeping with the US "superpower" walkthrough, the missiles were launched first, and questions would be asked later if ever. And while this happens daily around the globe (remember: they hate America for its freedoms, not because it rains hellfire on civilians without reason), this time the United Nations human rights watch actually had the temerity of calling out the US on its latest act of mass murder.
Reuters has the full story:

United Nations human rights experts told the United States and Yemen on Thursday to say whether they were complicit in drone attacks that mistakenly killed civilians in wedding processions this month.

The independent experts questioned the legitimacy of drone attacks under international law and said the governments should reveal what targeting procedures were used.

Local security officials said on December 12 that 15 people on their way to a wedding in Yemen were killed in an air strike after their party was mistaken for an al Qaeda convoy. The officials did not identify the plane in the strike in central al-Bayda province, but tribal and local media sources said that it was a drone.

Stressing the need for accountability and payment to victims' families, the U.N. statement issued in Geneva said that two attacks, on two separate wedding processions, killed 16 and wounded at least 10 people.

"If armed drones are to be used, states must adhere to international humanitarian law, and should disclose the legal basis for their operational responsibility and criteria for targeting," said Christof Heyns, U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.
Poor Yemen, unclear that others' sovereignty does not matter to the US, voiced a feeble protest: "Yemen cannot consent to violations of the right to life of people in its territory," he added." Good luck with non-consenting.
However, it was the UN that surprised onlookers with one of the harshest condemnations of what is essentially unaccountable murder by an American remote-control plane, controlled from thousands of miles away:

Juan Mendez, U.N. special rapporteur on torture, voiced concern about the legitimacy of the airstrikes. Each state was obliged to undertake due investigation into the reported incidents, including their effect on civilians, he said.

"A deadly attack on illegitimate targets amounts to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment if, as in this case, it results in serious physical or mental pain and suffering for the innocent victims," Mendez said.

Reuters has the full story:
another tear soaked story of the evils of the US, based not on facts but rather how you FEEL about the facts.

in wars (like yemen's long running battle with mohammedan fundamentalist extremists which was NOT caused by the CIA) sometimes the innocent are not spared the thunderbolt. they dont give a shit about the wedding parties the AQAP have machinegunned, blown up or otherwise assaulted, all that matters is the UNFAIRNESS of drones.

it doesnt matter to the stiffs if they got blowed up by a drone, a cruise missile, a dumb bomb dropped from an aircraft, or a truckbomb driven by a dipshit who thinks he is gonna win 72 virgins and 28 smooth young boys, they are just as dead, but it sure as fuck matters to the press.

if we stopped using drones and started sending ground troops, that would be so much more FAIR, since the hajis could shoot back (though they still prefer bombs, and have an even greater preference for defenseless victims).

claiming it's TORTURE is just another idiotic whimpering attempt to distract from the truth which remains:

Half of yemen is in the hands of militant fundamentalists in AQAP
Yemen cant stop their attacks on yemen, or the rest of the world.
Yemen WANTS the US to smoke their nest of vipers for them
Yemen cannot do this themselves, and they have almost no intel on the ground
If the poor innocent civilians in AQAP territory dont wanna get blowed up, perhaps they should invite AQAP to leave.


New Member
another tear soaked story of the evils of the US, based not on facts but rather how you FEEL about the facts.

in wars (like yemen's long running battle with mohammedan fundamentalist extremists which was NOT caused by the CIA) sometimes the innocent are not spared the thunderbolt. they dont give a shit about the wedding parties the AQAP have machinegunned, blown up or otherwise assaulted, all that matters is the UNFAIRNESS of drones.

it doesnt matter to the stiffs if they got blowed up by a drone, a cruise missile, a dumb bomb dropped from an aircraft, or a truckbomb driven by a dipshit who thinks he is gonna win 72 virgins and 28 smooth young boys, they are just as dead, but it sure as fuck matters to the press.

if we stopped using drones and started sending ground troops, that would be so much more FAIR, since the hajis could shoot back (though they still prefer bombs, and have an even greater preference for defenseless victims).

claiming it's TORTURE is just another idiotic whimpering attempt to distract from the truth which remains:

Half of yemen is in the hands of militant fundamentalists in AQAP
Yemen cant stop their attacks on yemen, or the rest of the world.
Yemen WANTS the US to smoke their nest of vipers for them
Yemen cannot do this themselves, and they have almost no intel on the ground
If the poor innocent civilians in AQAP territory dont wanna get blowed up, perhaps they should invite AQAP to leave.
That's another long winded rant about your feelings... Try facts next time.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
That's another long winded rant about your feelings... Try facts next time.
argue against the facts or STFU.

yemen isnt complaining over US strikes on their nest of vipers, and the innocent casualties from drone strikes are far lower than is they mobilized their "army" and tried to shoot it out with AQAP, and definitely lower than is the US has to come in there and stop out their insurgency since a whole lot more hajis who are sitting on the fence now, would grab their Roadside Bombs for Dummies books and set about striking against "The Great Satan"


Well-Known Member
Yemen..isn't this a place where you are advised to not travel to?

Enemy combatants receive no pity whether military or civilian.


Well-Known Member
Enemy combatants receive no pity whether military or civilian.
Just think of the 4 people killed by the drunk 16 year old as "enemy civilian combat casualties" and it all seems better now doesn't it?

Move along, nothing to see here except 15 dead people going to a wedding.


Well-Known Member
Just think of the 4 people killed by the drunk 16 year old as "enemy civilian combat casualties" and it all seems better now doesn't it?

Move along, nothing to see here except 15 dead people going to a wedding.
Your response is canned and cheesy at best.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many people have joined up against the US because of these types of attacks. How has our government not learned that our ridiculous foreign policy only results in more blowback, more hatred for our country? Do our citizens really want this? Could the average US citizen even point Yemen out on a fucking map?

How long can we justify our global policing and imperialism? I think I want out...


Well-Known Member
No offense intended and that would bring us back to..enemy combatant aka war is hell?

I seem to recall a little strike party on September 11, 2001..
Oh yes, of course, all the Yemese people that were on the Hijacked planes that crashed into the twin towers, how stupid of me not to know this.

That and the war in Yemen.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, of course, all the Yemese people that were on the Hijacked planes that crashed into the twin towers, how stupid of me not to know this.

That and the war in Yemen.
It would have been awesome if they were, would of saved us the trouble.


New Member
another tear soaked story of the evils of the US, based not on facts but rather how you FEEL about the facts.

in wars (like yemen's long running battle with mohammedan fundamentalist extremists which was NOT caused by the CIA) sometimes the innocent are not spared the thunderbolt. they dont give a shit about the wedding parties the AQAP have machinegunned, blown up or otherwise assaulted, all that matters is the UNFAIRNESS of drones.

it doesnt matter to the stiffs if they got blowed up by a drone, a cruise missile, a dumb bomb dropped from an aircraft, or a truckbomb driven by a dipshit who thinks he is gonna win 72 virgins and 28 smooth young boys, they are just as dead, but it sure as fuck matters to the press.

if we stopped using drones and started sending ground troops, that would be so much more FAIR, since the hajis could shoot back (though they still prefer bombs, and have an even greater preference for defenseless victims).

claiming it's TORTURE is just another idiotic whimpering attempt to distract from the truth which remains:

Half of yemen is in the hands of militant fundamentalists in AQAP citation required
Yemen cant stop their attacks on yemen, or the rest of the world.
Yemen WANTS the US to smoke their nest of vipers for them citation required
Yemen cannot do this themselves, and they have almost no intel on the ground - citation required re: intel on ground
If the poor innocent civilians in AQAP territory dont wanna get blowed up, perhaps they should invite AQAP to leave.
The US should not be employing signature strikes aka crowd killing/terrorist attack disruption strikes on innocent civilians. Please familiarised yourself with how it works because in reading your post I get the impression the justification for these strikes is multi-sourced, target centric intelligence - the FACTS could not be further from the truth.

Drones were employed specifically as the "smart" way to conduct "war" - eliminating collateral damage, mainly innocent civilian casualties. For the most part this seems to not be the case.

argue against the facts or STFU.

yemen isnt complaining over US strikes on their nest of vipers, and the innocent casualties from drone strikes are far lower than is they mobilized their "army" and tried to shoot it out with AQAP, and definitely lower than is the US has to come in there and stop out their insurgency since a whole lot more hajis who are sitting on the fence now, would grab their Roadside Bombs for Dummies books and set about striking against "The Great Satan"
Every time the US kills an innocent they end up creating at least 2 new recruits to jihadist causes. Proof is the kill list which allied countries work off (JPEL) which is ever expanding.


New Member
No offense intended and that would bring us back to..enemy combatant aka war is hell?

I seem to recall a little strike party on September 11, 2001..
When you filled up your cars gas tank over Christmas you were indirectly supporting Saudi terrorism. You know the people that attacked you :dunce:

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I wonder how many people have joined up against the US because of these types of attacks. How has our government not learned that our ridiculous foreign policy only results in more blowback, more hatred for our country? Do our citizens really want this? Could the average US citizen even point Yemen out on a fucking map?

How long can we justify our global policing and imperialism? I think I want out...
Hello Bombur...

I wish we would just bring all of our troops home that are on the ground, and let the Arabs kill each other like they have been doing for ever anyway...We need to elect a president that will end this policing of the world..I think a lot of people are thinking the same thing...So I agree I want out also...


New Member
I wish we would just bring all of our troops home that are on the ground
It is most certainly time... The following article and doco realistically portrays Afghanistan how it is today. This is the true and shocking reality of what we've been fighting for and the culmination of blood, sacrifice, time and money.


‘‘Afghan forces defending Afghan people and enabling the government of this country to serve its citizens. This is victory, this is what winning looks like, and we should not shrink from using these words.’’ General John R. Allen

Afghanistan is lost. There will never be victory.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
It is most certainly time... The following article and doco realistically portrays Afghanistan how it is today. This is the true and shocking reality of what we've been fighting for and the culmination of blood, sacrifice, time and money.


‘‘Afghan forces defending Afghan people and enabling the government of this country to serve its citizens. This is victory, this is what winning looks like, and we should not shrink from using these words.’’ General John R. Allen

Afghanistan is lost. There will never be victory.
I just watched all of part one.. Thats fucked up...Thanks for the link..I will watch the rest later.