Things you've done to others


pshyco christian gave me a car and wanted to be my friend. i live in a very small town, its so easy to get around, so i use my bike. after i get the car he starts being an asshole. holding me back from months worth of research, destroying my plants with his prayers, sending bullshit for months to my home. i never called the dude after he gave me the car because of some of the stuff he said" im not assesing how christian you are" " im not giving you a car for a a monetary upgrade from god". this dude lives threw cancer and becomes a pussy and tells me its more god like to have nothing in life, meanwhile he has 10,000 grand in cash but his wife is forced to work. she used to own her own reality company and made bank in florida. after months of running threw what he said and hitting more problems than it solved i told him to fuck off. he treated me like his kid. i live in a town where no one is positive or wants to do anything or go anywhere in life. after i told him to fuck off i took off the plate from the car and put the keys up. refuse to drive the thing. its in fantastic condition.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
pshyco christian gave me a car and wanted to be my friend. i live in a very small town, its so easy to get around, so i use my bike. after i get the car he starts being an asshole. holding me back from months worth of research, destroying my plants with his prayers, sending bullshit for months to my home. i never called the dude after he gave me the car because of some of the stuff he said" im not assesing how christian you are" " im not giving you a car for a a monetary upgrade from god". this dude lives threw cancer and becomes a pussy and tells me its more god like to have nothing in life, meanwhile he has 10,000 grand in cash but his wife is forced to work. she used to own her own reality company and made bank in florida. after months of running threw what he said and hitting more problems than it solved i told him to fuck off. he treated me like his kid. i live in a town where no one is positive or wants to do anything or go anywhere in life. after i told him to fuck off i took off the plate from the car and put the keys up. refuse to drive the thing. its in fantastic condition.
So that's the reason there are some great old cars running around down here. Sometimes I think I'm in Cuba.


Well-Known Member
before we purchased our house back in 2008 we had a similar situation with a landlord

We were moving on sept 1... paid in Aug for all of Aug and Sept along with a letter explaining we had purchased a house and were paying Aug and Sept rent.. even thou we were moving on the 1st we still wanted a bit of time to clean up the rental + wanted to make sure landlord was not left outta the loop.. by not having rent for a mo

the day we were moving he shows up and is asking us WTH..are we just up and moving.. we explained what we did and he said he had not checked out the mail in awhile (B.S since the check cleared) anyhow he says a neighbor called him and we were high tailing it outta the house.

Mo's passed after this and we never heard about our security deposit (per ca law they have x amount of time to inform you on your deposit) he didn't comply so we took them to court.. after making several attempts to have him return our calls..

He counter sued for about 2.5k (ours dept was 1.5k) he claimed we left 4 tons of crap on site destroyed tree's shrubs etc.. (our rental agreement which was signed by both parties) showed tree's and shrubs = ZERO meaning there were no tree's or shrubs on site.. what he did was redo the roof the yard added a fence to the yard made a bunch of improvements to the house and then claimed it was all our mess

we had pictures and other proof but the land lord was a ("icon" in the community-- His words exactly) and honestly he has some clout here.. and he won.. a judgement of about 600$ which will never get paid..

legal system it works for those with cash.


Well-Known Member
Funny thing was when we were in court.. I told the judge how much I hated to do this.. our landlord was really good to us and we had no issues other then when we moved..

Told the judge..

Look I hate to be here.. We like our Landlord very much..

this took the landlord by surprise and he even thanked me for saying we thought he was a decent man..

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Funny thing was when we were in court.. I told the judge how much I hated to do this.. our landlord was really good to us and we had no issues other then when we moved..

Told the judge..

Look I hate to be here.. We like our Landlord very much..

this took the landlord by surprise and he even thanked me for saying we thought he was a decent man..
Maybe the reason he didn't try to collect. He didn't did he?


Well-Known Member
Like the drug testing law for welfare that the governor at the time owned or co-owned the lab that was going to be performing the urine analysis. No conflict of interest there.
but that is how the US politicians make their real money.. stop hating.. If a president or someone wants to go attack another country to make a few shekels.. who are we to say they should not be able to profit from it..


Well-Known Member
I disagree. It doesn't "have" to turn them into pricks. I'm sure their perception of humanity evolves over time and they can get jaded, calloused, apathetic, whatever. That does not make them a prick, it just makes them human. How would you like to go to work every day knowing your would in all probability be dealing with some serious assholes?

I know a lot of cops and have three in my family and they are people just like you and me. The ones that end up pricks were pricks to begin with and probably got into the profession for some macho power thing. There are others that get into LE because they care and want to make a difference and it is an honorable profession. It would be great to live in a society where laws, rules, and regulations were not needed. But we as a species proved a long time ago that does not work. Too many pricks among us.

Anyway I have always been treated in a just manner by any LE I have had dealings with.

That's the thing that really sucks about many current MJ laws. It makes all of us think of ourselves as criminals because that's how the law categorizes us. Then we begin to think that way.
Don't misunderstand, I am a prick already, but put the thankless job, the power position, the litany of garbage, and its' easy to see how that process goes. I think MJ has made criminal minds where there would not have been because we got used to breaking the law and risk. I have been treated poorly and with respect by police and I know a few that are friends of the family. I understand what you mean.


Well-Known Member
Cops develop, if they don't already have it, an "us versus them" mentality. Go read some of the cop forums. Remember when Kandahar brought them here by going and joining there? Some of the best reading ever. They really don't like the constitution and personal rights. Last time I spoke with one he was tapping his gun with his wedding ring. Must have been my keys on the dash and the baby seat in the back of the car making him nervous.


Well-Known Member
I once blended salmon eggs and milk and let it rot in the sun for a week. I poured it into a van that belonged to the owner of a dog that attacked me on the street. I told this person what happened and was accused of provoking the loose German Shepherd.


Well-Known Member
I'm no longer inclined to do this, and the USPS has taken steps to prevent it.... But I once got ripped off by a local business. So I changed his address, forwarding all his mail to Oklahoma. Back then all you had to do was fill out a card at the PO and drop it in the box. Three months of hilarity would ensue.

But this still works for moderate annoyance and practical jokes, on craigslist, heavily advertise an estate sale starting at an insanely early hour with the instructions "Ring Doorbell a lot, it can be touchy." make sure to mention a lot of collectibles.


Well-Known Member
I'm no longer inclined to do this, and the USPS has taken steps to prevent it.... But I once got ripped off by a local business. So I changed his address, forwarding all his mail to Oklahoma. Back then all you had to do was fill out a card at the PO and drop it in the box. Three months of hilarity would ensue.

But this still works for moderate annoyance and practical jokes, on craigslist, heavily advertise an estate sale starting at an insanely early hour with the instructions "Ring Doorbell a lot, it can be touchy." make sure to mention a lot of collectibles.
Edit/ when I was about 14 years old, some older teen in an old 1972 Vista Cruiser tried to run me over on the road several times while i was on my bike. No reason, I didn't know the guy at all. Just teenage jerkery. But it went way too far and continued for several blocks with him coming at me half a dozen times. The funny thing about it was that I knew his car - rode my bike past it every day on the way home from school. So despite the fact that it took place a couple miles from his home, the whole time it was happening I'm thinking "I know where you live asshole." So late that very night I selected a very nice golf club and showed him what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass.


Well-Known Member
I shot a man & killed him. Actually more than 1, but that 1 sticks with me because I looked him right in the eye and watched him die........Vietnam 1969.......