
Well-Known Member
Well, she had to wait 364 days for her first Christmas but my daughter did it with grace. And with that past, she is now officially 1 year old. Wow. Nothing truer than, "The older you get, the faster it goes".



Active Member
Well, she had to wait 364 days for her first Christmas but my daughter did it with grace. And with that past, she is now officially 1 year old. Wow. Nothing truer than, "The older you get, the faster it goes".

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Ive got one 24, 18,16 and ,,,,,,5. I really wish they where young again, their screw ups cost much , much less then.
Love that baby up, once she hits about 13 you will be the great satan,,,,until she hits about 16 or 17, nothing personal thats just how they roll.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Well, she had to wait 364 days for her first Christmas but my daughter did it with grace. And with that past, she is now officially 1 year old. Wow. Nothing truer than, "The older you get, the faster it goes".

View attachment 2941156
How time fly's it doesn't seem five minutes since we were all waiting patiently for her to arrive in this world, she was worth waiting for wasn't she bless her. x


Well-Known Member
How time fly's it doesn't seem five minutes since we were all waiting patiently for her to arrive in this world, she was worth waiting for wasn't she bless her. x
I like NEO having a baby a month off from my Grandbaby.. now If I ever forget how old she is.. I can ask Neo how old his lil one is..


Well-Known Member
I like NEO having a baby a month off from my Grandbaby.. now If I ever forget how old she is.. I can ask Neo how old his lil one is..
wonder if he will change his daughters birthday to like a week earlier then my Grandbaby.. that way I will remember to get a gift too..

this asking too much Neo??


Well-Known Member
cougars are solitary animals with an average turf of 50 sq mi......these prints looked to be 4 days old but stayed crisp...a pair for a few days of non stop grinding then they split. I know a lot of people have problems with cats predation...... the cats up here are like ghosts...haven't seen one yet.



Well-Known Member
cougars are solitary animals with an average turf of 50 sq mi......these prints looked to be 4 days old but stayed crisp...a pair for a few days of non stop grinding then they split. I know a lot of people have problems with cats predation...... the cats up here are like ghosts...haven't seen one yet.

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^reminds me of Silver City In Seq Nat park... Only time I did shrooms was up there and we saw a mt lion while we were on the road in a buddies truck.. Cat walked about 20 feet in front of us.. starred at the truck for a few seconds and then jumped up a 15" ft cliff.. we were in awe.. it was a juvenile but still.. was not something I wanted to have to fend off..

oddly after seeing the cat.. we didnt even think about it returning and enjoyed the trip.. best and only shroom exp I had..


Well-Known Member
20 miles downstream this river is dammed up 3 times for hydro generation of electricity, here it's still wild..ran a long exposure to get the silky effect of water.