obama /clinton union.


Active Member
If he doesn't select her, the other choice I think that would make a good V.P. is Governor Richardson from New Mexico. Just because he pushed for legalization of medical marijuana. But then again, if he picks Senator Clinton it will be a landslide election like we never seen since Washington's First Presidency.

Obama/Clinton: Min. E.C. Votes: 277 Max. E.C. Votes 336
McCain/Whoever Min. E.C. Votes 261 Max E.C. Votes 202


New Member
Just think! If we get B. Hussein O'Bama as president and Hillary as VP, we would, for the very first time, have the "Right People" in charge, and perhaps this time, socialist fascism will work! Unite Comrades!



Well-Known Member
Personally I don't think that Obama/Clinton is going to happen, there is just too much bad blood between them. Governor Richardson from New Mexico would make a great secretary of state. That man knows foreign policy very well and would be an asset to either party.
For once we would stop insulting the Arab Countries by sending a woman to negotiate with them.... One thing that this current administration didn't take into account is that in Arab Countries is that Women there are considered second class citizens. Although the Qua'ran (Koran) sees it differently.


Well-Known Member
Well, I am now voting Republican. I have been waiting for Billary to swallow her huge ego and start sniffing around for a VP spot. She would rather be the first woman VP than accept defeat. Ugh Clinton AND Obama running the country ?

I am voting Republican and then moving to Australia. Where shrimps and barbies are plentiful and usually in close proximity to one another.
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Well-Known Member
You know I notice how much people focus on his name, it makes me feel like I should be embarrassed to be an American to see how Americans act toward anyone different. I was on the phone with one of the users here yesterday and she asked me who I was planning to vote for. I said Obama and her only response was that she didn't like his name... I told her not to vote.


Well-Known Member
You know I notice how much people focus on his name, it makes me feel like I should be embarrassed to be an American to see how Americans act toward anyone different. I was on the phone with one of the users here yesterday and she asked me who I was planning to vote for. I said Obama and her only response was that she didn't like his name... I told her not to vote.
If Democrats are so uncomfortable with his name they should not nominate him.

Hussein is an Arabic name which is the diminutive of Hasan, meaning "good" or "handsome". It is commonly given as a male given name among Muslims, after Husayn ibn Ali, although the name is so common it is also given to persons of secular backgrounds.
Husayn - Wikipedia

Barak Hussein Obama's Muslim father gave him a Muslim name at birth. Islam is a patrilineal religion. Meaning that if Daddy is a Muslim you are automatically a Muslim, regardless of your middle name. Rejecting Islam is turning away from your birthright. It is called apostasy. Muslims kill apostates, but they love Barry Hussein Obama.

Need I remind you exactly who brought this issue into the spotlight? The candidate who brought it into national prominence? It was Hillary Rodham Clinton. Barry's codename in the Hillary campaign was B.H.O.

The spirit of Democratic 'unity' started and encouraged this whole turd hunt. It's rather disingenuous to cry foul when someone actually finds a turd.
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Well-Known Member
Barak Hussein Obama's Muslim father gave him a Muslim name at birth. Islam is a patrilineal religion. Meaning that if Daddy is a Muslim you are automatically a Muslim, regardless of your middle name. Rejecting Islam is turning away from your birthright. It is called apostasy. Muslims kill apostates, but they love Barry Hussein Obama.

How can you be born with a religion....................................I didn't know it was in there DNA...................................If I adopt an Iraqi newborn is he she automatically a muslim


Well-Known Member
It's rather disingenuous to cry foul when someone actually finds a turd.

What did they find?
Re-read my post. Islam is patrilineal. He was born a Muslim.

As far as Barry being a practicing Muslim, the jury is still out. I don't have enough information to make a determination yet.

Don't be surprised if the truth stinks.


Well-Known Member
Barak Hussein Obama's Muslim father gave him a Muslim name at birth. Islam is a patrilineal religion. Meaning that if Daddy is a Muslim you are automatically a Muslim, regardless of your middle name. Rejecting Islam is turning away from your birthright. It is called apostasy. Muslims kill apostates, but they love Barry Hussein Obama.

How can you be born with a religion....................................I didn't know it was in there DNA...................................If I adopt an Iraqi newborn is he she automatically a muslim
You are arguing with Muslim theology, not me. If her bio-father was a Muslim, she is too.
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Well-Known Member
You are arguing with Muslim theology, not me. If her bio-father was a Muslim, she is too.
There alot I don't believe in Muslim theology.....................I'm guessin theres alot of muslim theology you don't believe in either............why would you accept this muslim idea as true


Well-Known Member
Re-read my post. Islam is patrilineal. He was born a Muslim.

As far as Barry being a practicing Muslim, the jury is still out. I don't have enough information to make a determination yet.

Don't be surprised if the truth stinks.
What more information are you waiting for?........................the Rapture


Well-Known Member
There alot I don't believe in Muslim theology.....................I'm guessin theres alot of muslim theology you don't believe in either............why would you accept this muslim idea as true
Whether you believe it or not is irrelevant. Muslims believe it. Obama knows it. Why deny it?


Well-Known Member
A year ago some analysts thought hillary and Obahma on the same ticket was political suicide. What does anyone think about the combination now?