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  • Hi Avinash
    saw your score of Mysore mango, any kind of guidelines to help me score ,May not be the contact but a guidleline to score mysore mango in mysore would be appreciated
    Hey man. I went through your grow threads. Ocean of information. I am in Bangalore, learning the chops to grow cannabis. I have executed my first grow, Indian Lamdrace Sativa from bagseeds. My Indian Sativa has been completed around 2 months and its a monster. But no signs of flowering. Can you help me understand everything you know about Indian Landrace Flowering Stage?
    How long does it typically take for Landrace Sativa to flower? Are there seasons when it flowers earlier? Can I do anything to get it start flowering earlier? I have seen people with smaller landraces than mine which are already into flower. Mine on the other hand is huge but no signs of pistils. Only beginnings of preflower which tells me it's female.
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