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  • Just added some compost tea and a little cal/mag and some great white mycorrhizae and they reacted immediately! I’m starting to learn that this coco coir needs fed ALOT more than soil. This is my first time working with autos and coco, im experimenting with different mediums and mixtures,happy frog is next,any suggestions?
    Yep . . . easy to forget that coco is a hydroponic medium . . . I hand water/feed to runoff every day, seems to keep the girls happy.
    Right? I’m getting the sense that everyday or every other day is the only way to go. I’m experimenting with polymer crystals, it’s what’s in baby diapers to absorb the water. You can buy them for plants and they work!be careful cause they swell up a lot and will spill. I’m using them this year for my outdoors. The L.S.D (bf) I’m using is growing better with ocean Forrest and the polymer. Compared to straight soil.
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