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  • Can someone help me identify the problem with some coloring leaves
    Yes wats the problem ?
    Make a post, drop a pic. Easier to advise when we can see what you're talking about.
    I will do that
    I'm in need of someone's input on possibly trying to grow with 48×48×80 grow tent in a old grainy( barn) that has a basement in it with 3 windows. Kinda wondering if I can make it happen?
    Somebody help I need to know when is a good time to trim my water base leaves because I'm in 4th week of flowering and was wondering.
    Paul Drake
    Paul Drake
    You do you. Do what you feel is right.
    What's lollipop? I'm in week 5 of the flowering stage and i took if a few fan leaves yesterday. I don't know if I did it right. I possibly took off too many fans. When I go for a walk today I will take a few pictures and upload them. Then maybe you can tell me what you think. Thanks man. Peace
    go go kid
    go go kid
    this is how to lollypop your plants
    My plans are at week 4 flowering and I'm wondering if 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight is plenty enough to finish them?????
    go go kid
    go go kid
    Yes, cannabis only needs five hours of direct sunlight to grow properly
    Looking for some good feed on scragging.
    • Haha
    Reactions: J232
    try searching for S.C.R.O.G. scrog or scrogging. aka screen of green, which is similar to sea of green (S.O.G) except you are training one plant to have an even canopy using a net or "screen" w scrog, and with sog u are just flowering multiple small clones at the same time for a similar effect.
    Is Dr earth flower girl bud &bloom booster good to use?
    Yes, as is their homegrown tomato vegetable and herb fertilizer(literally all I use aside from recharge) I pre-amend my soil with their tomato food and kelp meal at 1.5tbsp/gal soil and 1tbsp/gal for the kelp. Shit works great.
    Ya. Sometimes less is more.
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