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  • I just read your entry about water absorbing polymers. I wanted to know if the water beads at floral shops are the same as those for agro. use because the florist shop is a lot cheaper than the hydro stores. I'm assuming is just have to find out what type it is
    props to your knowledge man.
    quick question though, where do you buy the copper-hydroxide paint stuff? the only thing i can find is a wholesaler.
    Respect your knowledge greatly. needed help with indoor 4*8 tent, supersoil grow. Using brewed teas and GO "Box to go". Plushberry, Romulan, and Mango/GDP looking good ...but Mr. Niceguy and P. Dawg looking pale green and thin leaves with pink around leafs?? Please help, Ive been reading your posts for years and decided to join finally. Thx.
    Hello, i have been using your neem oil mixture you posted. but you posted about adding Pyrethrum to the mix, but you didnt put how much. How much should be added to the neem mixture? Thanks very much man.
    Hey there, sorry to bug you, but, you seem to know your Uvonair info. i was hoping to use mine in my closet exhaust duct BUT the same duct that pulls air out of my 2 tents also is exhausting the hot air form my portable a/c unit. will the heat form my a/c unit damage the uvonair 5000 that i got? any info would be huge! thanks
    i am thinking of crossbreeding commercial big bud and some type of kush (tbd) do i use a male kush to make the big bud more potent or do i use a big bud male to gain more yield for the kush?? i am looking for a good yield with some kick to it
    yo wats up man i was looking at methods on how to clone mary.j and i saw that u said u got couple of methods and was wonder maybe u cud lend me sum pointers?. jus started to learn how to clone.seems pretty rough. help wud be nice.mahalo!
    hey ive been growin for about two years now and with the last month started my first hydro batch in an eb and flow tray system. My girls are in rockwool and hydroton fills the trays appro. half way up the cubes. I went into bud after a water change about a week ago and i think i was under fertilizing due too a light color in my leafs. Now my resivore is a 30 gal and my ppms are about 1200 using foxfarms bestie bloom powder and liquid tiger bloom. I read a post you wrote to someone about ppms and ec and all that good stuff if i added a compost tea and great white a mycorrhize beneficial bacteria and trichoderma bring my ppms up to mabey 1400 would that be wrong or should i start fresh event though my water is a week old and at 1200.Overall i guess im wondering if i should start with fresh water add my bestie blooms add my tea and go from there or if i can add my new thing and not worrie too much as long as i dont go up into the 15-1600 range.
    Got a quick question for you as you've come up a lot when I've typed in searches regarding different photoperiods... I was running a generator during these huge power outages we've had this winter and somehow my timer got set to 14 light/10 dark. My plants are small and originally I was going to veg them to twenty inches before flipping them. I usually veg under 18 hrs and have done fine with that. Anyhow, at this stage they have been under 14/10 for about 9 days and have started showing small preflowers and smelling a bit more. Will continuing to keep them in 14/10 keep them in a preflower state where they will grow bigger before switching into flower? Or should I go ahead and switch them into 12/12. My goal is to try and get them a few inches bigger then they are now before doing the full 12/12 switch. I'm running a few strains: chemdaw c4, c5, purple diesel, purple mist, skush, and cantelope kush.
    Thanks in advance... Your information on this page has already helped out a lot!.
    i was reading one of your old post about the diy bud dryer i was wondering if you can give me a little advice on how to build mine. some of my questions i have are were to get a heat sink? what keeps the fans from melting ? temp control ? i want to build it into a wall about 6' high 30" wide x 10" deep. i was going to vent into my flower room that has a good size charcoal filter. the other thing is the use of the resistors? does the temp switch shut the heater or the fan off? any help you can give me would be great. i'm about 3 weeks away from harvest and trying to get ahead.
    just curious as to where there is a "compassion club"? im in portland or and have been struggling for months and have yet to hear of these? any help is appreciated....thank you
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